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 How do u get abs?
im 14 and i have a pretty good bikini bod except for that u can only see my abs if i flex. i rly want those abs u see in victorias secret models. is there any excersize that will help me get those ...

 Am I becoming Anorexic?
My dad always pokes my stumoch and tells me to stick my belly in. He always jokes about me being fat. Problem is I know im not fat, (Im 5ft3 and weigh 105). However his words really hurt my feelings. ...

 How much weight can you lose if you don't eat for about a week?
I don't think i'm gonna do it, but i can't find out anywhere how much u could lose. So how much could you lose if you don't eat for a whole week, but you still drink stuff(mainly ...

 How Do You Like Your Eggs???

 How to get fat?
ok so i know this is odd, but i want to gain weight! i just want to be a little bit bigger all over, im 5'4 and weigh around 100 sometimes it gets to 104 or 105 but then comes bak to 100 again.....

 How can I lose ten pounds in 7 days?
How can I lose ten lbs. in 7 days without much exercise? I have recently started dating a guy and his sister is getting married in a week. I havent' had time to prepare, nor do i have time to ...

 Please tell me something horrible about soda! I want to stop drinking it.?
I am addicted to Coke (the drink, not the drug, haha) and Dr. Pepper, but I'm pretty sure they aren't good for me. Try to convince me to stop....

 What is the best thing to do to lose wieght.?

 People keep saying i am fat what should i do?

 Do u think i weigh to much?
im 13 and im 4 feet 11 and i weigh 88 pounds im to fat right? i mean my legs are big and i think im fat do u?
Additional Details
im 13 years ...

 Would I loose weight doing this:?
Eating a piece of marmite and butter toast for breakfast (I have to have breakfast because of school)
Eating soup and a tinnyyyy bit of bread for lunch
skiping super, but having fruit when I...

 What will happen if i eat salad and water only and workout for 5 hours a day?
will i lose 6 pounds by august 31 please i need to know thats when school starts!!!!!!...

 I am fat what should i do should i stop eating or do some running or die what should i do can you help me say?

 What is your most invaluable weight loss tip ever? The more individual the better!?

 What is the right weight for a 15 year old 5"3 girl?

 Am i fat.. thin or somewere inbetween?
im 5 ft 2 in and im 106 lbs.... wat do u think???...

 Is taking speed dangerous?
im 16 years old and i want to lose some weight fast i heard taking speed helps to lose weight but what are the affects of the drug?would any1 suss that i was taking it?...

 How can i stay motivated to lose weight?
the only time I can really focus on excercising is around 5;30 am, so how can i get out of bed?

im having a problem staying motivated, any ideas ?...

 I'm soo fat!?
people ...this is not normal...i'm 13 five feet 1 ...and i weigh 80 pounds OMG!! I'm soo fat ..i'm not joking ! I'm going on a trip like in 2 weeks and I dont wanna be the whale ...

 What is the best way to lose 30lbs in 2 months? Serious answers please!!?
I work 10-12 hour days, so workout time is limited... and the starvation diet isn't realistic, so any serious suggestions would be great!!...

Tiffany F
If i go biking for an hour everyday will i lose weight?
even if i do eat a bit of junk food

carmen b
yes you can

of course you will, anything that makes you move will~ but will take a while.. running will be faster.

If you keep your diet the same and add an hour of biking, you will certainly lose weight.

possible, you will burn calories. try not to sit when riding.

Millerain J
of course yes, it can lose weight because one hour biking exceeds allowable maintenance to get healty body(half hour), try to increase your time on biking, make it 1.5 hours but u shld eat junk food moderatetly bec those foods are rich in sodium and can gain fat.

probably : )

depending on how you ride(fast, slow, uphill, down)you just might. eating a reasonable amnt. of junk food is fine. just dont over do it! good luck:)

Yes you will..

Biking is considered cardiovascular exercise because your working out your cardivascular system, its the same as being on a treadmill. You should also watch your calorie intake so that you wont be wasting time biking when you eat all those high fatty foods. The best way to lose weight healthy is to do cardio exercise and diet.

fire sign
actually it depends on your metabolism but any exercise is good for the body and great for your heart

Callie W
Say you eat a pack of 6 Oreos which equals 270 calories, and you burn 270 calories biking, you will cancel out the snack. But, if you sit on your butt the rest of the day and eat more junk food than you burn, you will not lose weight.

Here's a calorie calculator that will tell you how many calories you can burn for different activities. Type in your weight, and 60 minutes if that's how long you plan on biking, and scroll down til you find bicycling at it will tell you how many calories you'll burn. http://www.primusweb.com/fitnesspartner/jumpsite/calculat.htm

most likely not. cuz u just use ur legs and you're siting down. u will lose weight if you go on the tredmill or climb stairs at the gym

Depends on your definition of "a bit" and how you bike. If you have a Snickers bar and go for a nice leisurely pedal, say bye-bye to your calorie loss due to biking.
If you crank up the bike for the whole hour then you'll get some fat burn benefits and muscle and the Snickers bar won't hurt much. Still, I'd watch the calorie and fat content of "the bit" of junk food you have.

You will definitely feel a difference in the way you feel. You might see a difference at first, but if you excercise the same way every day you will probably hit a plateau. Limit your junk food, but certainly don't give it up all together. Excercising in itself is always good. So, keep up the good work.

Yes as long as U only eat a bit of junk food & the rest of your food plan is healthy

you have to stop eating a lot of junk food have like one bag of chips or something like that every day. dont wipe the sweat off your body and it matters how your metabolism works. dont buy or use a scale it will only stress you out.

yeah you can just put off of the junk food

Dunki Swann
This would be a great start. When it comes to loosing weight you need to do 2 different kinds of exercise. Aerobic (riding your bike) and weight training. The bike riding will help you trim the fat and problem areas. While light weight training will help you tone back the areas where you lost the weight. (IE: tighten up the skin, and prevent sagging) Start small with your riding if your just getting back into exercise. Maybe 15 min a day, 25, 45, a full hour. Could take a month till your comfortable with an hour pace.

if your eating habits don't change

Actually if you are referring to the scale numbers going down...no you won't. You will be gaining muscle which weighs more than fat.

A good way to loose weight is to use a calorie counter watch

Keep to a 1,200 food intake

Add 1,200 plus 3,500 (equals one pound of fat) ...and that is the total amount of calories you need to burn each day. Its actually really easy once you start watching the numbers and it doesn't seem like work or exercise. Its just a matter of changing the way you think about loosing weight.

I use this method when i gain some pounds. The first time I did this I went from 168 to 127

valerie h
You could but it depends how hard you work yourself with the bike in that hour.
Plus you should try to bring little snacks with you that is both healthy and like the food your used to right now.
You can't just ride slow and sit slouched riding a bike. You actually have to work harder than the bike like pedal up hills or even when your bike is moving without you pedaling, still do it anyway.
Also at home try adding some fruits and veggies to your diet but don't change it fully and just experience your taste with other things besides just junk food.

Most likely

If you bike for an hour everyday then you should. If you burn more calories then you consume then you will lose weight.

I think it depends on how much you work out within that hour. The harder you push and the tougher the terrain the more weight and calories you will burn.

"Not" if your biking to junk food.
You would have to bike for five hours to burn off just the "fry's"
Get real, and get serious.
You would look pretty in two ways:
Pretty fat, and pretty apt, to stay that way.
Don't tell your friends, someone on Q&A, said it's OK. :-})

as long as its not a really slow biking, and you do kind of a good diet, yes. you should erally check ur calories u eat in the day and the ones u burn, use a metabolic calculator, if u go intensive biking for an hour each day ud probably lose some weight.

yeah, as long as you don't come home and sack out for the rest of the evening eating a bit of junk food. (What do you do ? Bicycle to the store for the junk food ?)

if everything else stays the same, and you start riding a bike, you will not lose weight; however, you won't gain weight as fast as if you weren't biking. maybe you should bike, and try to tone down on the junk foods to lose weight.

April W
It depends on what else you're doing. Try to substitute the junk food with healthy food. For example, dump the chips and get a fruit salad or instead of a chocolate bar, eat a lite yoghurt. Whenever you want to "diet", you should look at it as more of a lifestyle change--trying to be healthier. Of course, bike riding is going to help you in so many ways, so why not do it? Try exploring the area's bike trails--the ones around here are really nice! :)

Well you'll definitely burn more calories, so it will either slow weight gain or help weight loss, unless the number of extra calories you eat exceeds the amount of calories you burn from biking.

Yes, the biking will burn fat and build muscle (which uses energy) so definately yes.

try and lay off the junk food, not only will it not help you in your attempt to lose weight, but it's just plain bad for you. try eating yogurt or organic granola bars when you want a snack. I'm not a biker, I'm a runner, but i know it takes a long time for me to lose weight. i play soccer 2 times a day and eat like a pig, so i lose none, but if you eat healthy and take an intense bike ride, then you could be on your way to burning calories! just make sure you really push yourself while riding a bike. you could get a better workout riding hard for 10min than riding easy for an hour. try to increase your distance ever few days or so. also, be consistent. you can lose most of your strength by just taking 3 or 4 days off of exercise, so keep it up!

^^^that was basic motivation. to know if you are losing weight, it will take time and a scale unless you want to calculate exactly how many calories you are taking in every day with how many you are burning on your daily bike ride and blahhh bla bla. however you choose to do it, hope the links below help.

also, it matters how much you weigh now and how fast your metabolism is. if you are of a normal weight if not skinnier, than i suggest making sure if you REALLY want to lose weight. if you do, it will be more difficult. if you are slightly overweight or coming upon obese, then it will be easier in some ways to lose weight and harder in others.

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