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 What is the best thing to do to lose wieght.?

 People keep saying i am fat what should i do?

 Do u think i weigh to much?
im 13 and im 4 feet 11 and i weigh 88 pounds im to fat right? i mean my legs are big and i think im fat do u?
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im 13 years ...

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by the way, im 5'7"...

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 What is the right weight for age 15?

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my height is 5'1 and my weight is 101 and i am 15. i have a small frame. is that a good weight for my height?...

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Mia B
I am 11 years old and i weigh 111 pounds. i am five foot three(tall) and i want to know if this is over weght?
i am generaly healthy, i want to know if anyone has thigh and lower abb exercises to keep me in shape and if anyone has any workout schedules i can use. the quicker the results the better. also meal plans would be good


i am 5'4" and 112 lbs and wear clothes size 4, i am borderline underweight so judging by you being one inch shorter than me and same weight i would say your fine. i love my weight and height.

*Beach Babe*
No ur not ovr weight i weighed that much wen i was 11

Uh ,you're 11. Your body is just starting to develope and fill out. It's going to keep growing till you're about twenty. Stop worrying about your weight and just enjoy being a kid.

well if both are you parents are tall then you sound about just right

ummm...no offense or anything, but...yes you are overweight, but there are things you can do about it! ask your gym teacher or other adult what you can do! (i would ask my parents, but thats me.) Try eating less. i know its hard to do, but it worked for me when i was 7 pounds overweight when i was twelve.
just remember: everyone is different and special, and even if you are not with the 'super-skinny' trend, you are fine if you are fine with it! Be happy with your body!

Irish Girlie..!!

Im 11 too and I weigh 115, im not fat. You are definitely not fat, your perfect and beautiful. Accept who you are and embrace your beauty!

good luck with life

of course not!!! your tall! be happy with the way you look, and dont let anyone say what your not!><>

Dang. I'm 12 and im 80 pounds and I'm 5'3!! Im not trying to make fun of you or anything, because you sound like a nice person.
Ok meals: Salads, and things of that sort. You should watch food network Healthy Appitite with Ellie Krieger. She makes health foods. You can go to www.foodnetwork.com and look for the show Healthy Appitite and look at some of her meals. And for workouts try Fit Tv. They have workouts every morning (( also on weekends)) . Some of the workouts are dances, so it would be fun for a kid to do. More involving rather than lifting weights. You should try some of these!
Happy Easter too!
Hope these ideas helped you tons!

♥!~beotch going GREEN~!♥
ok so u are totally perfect.
u me
11 13
5'3 5'5
111lbs 118lbs
perfect perfect
I think u r the perfect weight. not that u should be worrying about it anyway but i understand how u want to look good. I worry about my wight too so i have no room to talk i guess. I read some other people answers and dont listen to the people who r my age and weigh friggin 80 lbs they are anorexics who need to gain like 30 lbs or somethin like that. Just keep excersicing and eating like you are now and you should be fine!! You could walk like a half a mile a day to keep in shape, that is what I do. Also you could do situp to keep you stomach muscles tight and legs lifts to keep your butt muscles tight cuz you know us girls, we want nice butts, lol. Also you can go to http://www.kidshealth.com if you want to calcutlate your BMI or whatever all you have to do is type in your info to figure it out!! Good luck hun!! Lotsa luv to ya!! :D

In the eye's of my Angel<
no actually you are at the bottom of your weight class. You would probably be heathier if you gained a couple lbs and worked out. Men don't like to see bones. I am the same heigth and my doctor doesn't want me to go under 120lbs. He said you will get sicker more often,

No honey you are the perfect weight! :)

Hey, look your too young to be stressing over weight. And no you don;t need to keep in shape either, you don;t need to work out you don;t need to watch what you eat. I didn't and I;m not liek huge or anything. I hate it when kids stress over things that they really don;t need to be stressing about.

Eat a balnaced diet, including junk, because eating junks is what being a kid is all about! I didn't start stressing over weight until I was 13 and then I just stopped eating and needed professional help, I eat now, but yeah, I physically can't eat as much as I should or woudl like. Like I said your too young and no your not overweight!

Alyson S
it's very healthy and ur
11 dont worry about ur weight!

Emkee D
Work out your BMI (Body Mass Index) by the formula: weight/(height times 2 in meters) and compare it to a chart in your age group.
Please don't worry about this! I am also tall and have a normal weight. If you're ever worried about your height it's just part of being a teen, the worry goes away quickly when you're older.
Just enjoy your life and being who you are!!

morgan m
stay with low fat meats like chicken , turkey, and fish the also have protein and you need it ,drink lots of water at least 128 oz a day and get good sleep 8 hrs a day a just stay happy your a young person enjoy life

You are underweight! Your BMI is 19.7 and you have to be 20.0 to be average.

you are definitely not over weight. do you know what your BMI means? it is your Body Mass Index. you take your weight in kilos divided by your height in meters times your height again in meters. well yours equals 20. between 20 and 24.9 is considered normal. between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, and 30 and above is considered obesity. so compared to the average body your actually at the very bottom! you seem the perfect weight.
Of course none of this matters really in the real world. if you feel over weight then it does not matter what anyone is gonna tell you. So if you are really concerned about it than start with a strict but easy diet plan. trust me, at this age everyone wants to go overboard on diets. listen to advice and know that anything at your age that is too dramatic can be dangerous. for you to already be feeling overweight is not a good sign, but thegood news is that being young has its asvantages and you can make your body perfect if your comitted enough. if i were you i would simply cut out all sugar. no soda and alot of water. you should drink 8 cups a day. if you read on water bottles it says how many ounces. 8oz= 1 cup. so just fill a water bottle up anytime you crave sugars or sodas and force yourself to drink it. i promise that this tiny simple little change has the most effect than anything else you can do. also try cutting out heavy starches and crbs. they are what give you energy so don't cut them out completely but try switching to wheat bread and no potatoes and less pasta. if you have done alot different then this and you follow this well without cheating and without even working out your bound to lose maybe 15 lbs in about two weeks considering your age. now that you have info about diet stuff, if it is not too much to carry on try a bit of working out. if you have a bad will power though like most, if you take on too much at one time within a week, if even, your comittment to it kinda dies away. so starting out slow is good. but if your anything like me, it totally doesn't matter what anyone says, you want to lose it fast. so if you willing just walk an hour if possible a day. haveing a friend helps this SO MUCH! it pushes you, protects you, and helps motivate you. just an hour every day. this alone could lose another 10 lbs in two weeks. its crazy how easy it sounds. if you really do it REALLY works. your problem though seems to be toning. since your weight sound like its ompletely normal maybe its just the toning you need to workd on. This means, don't lift heavy weights just lift alot of little ones. this takes the fat away without building all the muscle. sit ups personally are pure torture for me. i prefer roll ups/ crunches. it takes less strain of the neck and back, they are much easier, and they work just as well if not better. just lay down in a situp position with your arms by your side instead of behind your neck. sit up till your lower back just barely lifts off the ground. do maybe 25-50 of these a day. eventually you can take it up to 100. they are reall easy once you get use to them. you WILL see a notice in your upper abs within two to three weeks. it may be slight but once your past that point it improves faster and more dramatic. im not sure if your a guy or a girl but if your a female, a tough spot is your inner thighs and arm flab. i hate them! pilates is amazing with both. look it up online, you'll find a ton of stuff. google toning inner and outer thighs. you don't need equipment and crap. you and the ground are perfect. half push up help arm flab to. just half push ups, like on your knees. this makes it so you don't gain muscle but tone the fat instead. email me if i can help anymore. Good Luck! <3
and by the way sweetie, some please are saying that you are overweight. they are complete idiots and probably have had some food disorders in their life. or they have no idea how to translate height. your tall and they are dumb. end of story. you wonder why our world today has so many problems. those people are ridiculous!!!!!! plus someone recomended that you should drink like 128 oz a day. they are plotting to kill ya. that would be darn near next to 16 cups a day. try not to exceed 10 at the most which is 80 oz! there is such a thing a water poisoning. its near impossible to get but if you start out at 16 cups a day and maintain that for too long it might do a little damage. believe it or not there is such a thing as too much water

I'd say no. You're a baby still. <3

But, here's a link to a BMI (Body Mass Indicator)

It'll tell you. Much luck loves.

You should check out http://www.howstuffworks.com/bmi1.htm

You are normal according to the BMI chart with age and BMI on one of the pages there. U hav BMI of about 19, and 20 is the meter for "at risk for being overweight" for your age. BTW i don't think u r old enough to use this website.

Dr. Scifi at IrateMDs.com
There are growth charts to answer your question. Your height is also important. At 11 years old, 111 lbs is at the 90 percentile. This means that on average 90 % of 11 years old weigh less than you. But your height is over the 100 % percentile so you really are thin for your height.
Eat well and exercise to be healthy, not to be thin.

Sinead M
You are perfect, i'm a Nurse so i should know!
You have no need to worry, cncentrate on having fun with friends and enjoying your childohood/teenage years. Don't worry about being super skinny, i haven't met a guy yet who wants to be with a twig!!

Hailey A
Perfect weight; be happy.=]

nope your fine

ur not fat, just tall like me. i am 11 to, and i weigh 114, but i am 5'4. Hight matters!!

please please don't worry about your weight at your age.
You have still a lot of growing to do and you will have to put on weight but that is normal part of growing up. Bosoms add quite a few pounds I can tell you!! But you shouldn't worry about what the scales say.
As long as you are active and don't eat too much junk food then you will be fine.
please just be a child, there is plenty of time to be worrying about adult things when you are one.

thatz normal for your height or better

omg your small!

no you are not over weight

Molly X

try this website.

It calculates your bmi and tells you exactly what you have to do.

When I was 11 i was so paranoid about my weight but I never stuck to any plans. If you're seriously worried ask your GP.

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