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 I am fat what should i do should i stop eating or do some running or die what should i do can you help me say?

 What is your most invaluable weight loss tip ever? The more individual the better!?

 What is the right weight for a 15 year old 5"3 girl?

 Am i fat.. thin or somewere inbetween?
im 5 ft 2 in and im 106 lbs.... wat do u think???...

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the only time I can really focus on excercising is around 5;30 am, so how can i get out of bed?

im having a problem staying motivated, any ideas ?...

 I'm soo fat!?
people ...this is not normal...i'm 13 five feet 1 ...and i weigh 80 pounds OMG!! I'm soo fat ..i'm not joking ! I'm going on a trip like in 2 weeks and I dont wanna be the whale ...

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 Is 95 lbs too skinny?!?
Is 95 lbs for a 19 yr old girl too skinny regardless of size frame?
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by the way, im 5'7"...

 Am I fat? Please tell me the truth?
I just need to know becuase my friends call me skinny but all of my siblings and cousins call me fat I am 13 5'5'' and 69 lbs I don't think I am fat but it's just all of the ...

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 What is the right weight for age 15?

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my height is 5'1 and my weight is 101 and i am 15. i have a small frame. is that a good weight for my height?...

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 Am I anorexic?
breakfast a cup of coffe, some times half a cup oy yogurt with 3 table spoon cereal
I don't have lunch at school
when I do have lunch it is at home and it is half a plate of lettuce ...

Proud Tree Hugger!
Am I becoming Anorexic?
My dad always pokes my stumoch and tells me to stick my belly in. He always jokes about me being fat. Problem is I know im not fat, (Im 5ft3 and weigh 105). However his words really hurt my feelings. He is like a big bully to me. Im starting to feel really bad though because I worry that if i ever do become fat my dad wont love me anymore and wont except me. During meal times I have been starting to think anorexic like thoughts and it really freaks me out. I feel scared to eat because i dont want my weight to go any higher. Is this normal? Im just really scared about myself.

It could be the start of an eating disorder...talk to your dad and tell him how his words make you feel. He probably doesn't realize how much they bother you and will stop when you tell him. I have an eating disorder and mine started in a similar way. If you need support you can contact me.

Aww sweetie. I'm so sorry. You are on the road to anorexia, but you can stop it now. Tell your dad how you feel, and how much it hurts. You're not going to get fat. Actually, you gain more weight when you eat only one meal a day then when you eat three. Remember that, and don't listen to your dad. If you still cant stop, talk to someone close to you, so they can help you.

Your dad is completely out of order.

Tell him that. Ask him if he wants you to get an eating disorder.

He's probably just doing it to wind you up - i'm the same weight and height and my brother calls me fat, i've learnt not to let it get to me.

Tell someone how you feel. A doctor or a therapist.

And just work out, eat healthily - DO NOT restrict your food. Like i said talk to someone because you do not want to go down that road....

You are at a perfect weight. Don't let him get to you.

Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 18.6. Here is the chart for where you fit in:

< 20.7 Underweight
20.7 - 27.8 Healthy Weight
27.8 - 31.1 Overweight
31.2 > Obese

You are as of right now considered Underweight. I know many girls wanna be like the models they see.

You arent considered overweight until you hit 155. You're fine.

Tell your dad to quit calling you fat, b/c it's making you self conscios, and maybe he will stop. Don't freak out because of what he says, if other people think you look good then you are fine. don't worry if you gain just a couple of pounds, only worry if you really let yourself go.

Everyone has worries about becoming overweight in their life.. In my opinion, its perfectly normal. And I doubt your dad would stop loving you, and if he is really hurting your feelings then tell him to lighten up with the jokes

You need to tell your Dad about the way he is making you feel. You are at a PERFECT weight and you don't want that to change. Maybe tell your mom about it too. And don't think that he won't love you anymore if you don't lose weight that's totally not true.

delıαииα ♥;
Its totally normal, i always get teased like that by classmates, but im not fat. i just ignore them, or change the subject.. sooner or later, they will stop callin me fat. do the same with your dad.

Awww sweetie :( You're not fat at all. Maybe you should just tell your Dad how much it hurts your feelings next time he does that, or whenever you can sit down and talk to him. Dads like to tease. I am about the same as you and my Dad teases me about " eating like a bird" and being a " skinny minnie ". And I eat alot and I'm a normal weight :)

girl i know exactlyyy how you feel im 5'4" and weigh 102.. my dad used to be a personal trainer and he used to always tell me that i need to exercise and i need to lose weight.. so i thought about it and asked my nurse.. she said i was underweight for my height.. and age.. so i just ignored him.. i know you feel bad.. but talk to your dad about it.. thats what i did .. i told him straight up that i didnt like it when he told me those stuff and he even made me cry sometimes.. so now he tells me that he loves me no matter what and that im the perfect size.. i think your dad will understant and NO YOUR NOT FAT.. i think your the perfect weight for your height actually.. you could model :]

What does your Mom say about this? I think it is a strange comment for your Dad to be making considering how very small you obviously are!
Also, the part about him being a big bully caused warning bells to go off! You need to talk to someone about this other than just us. Please take my advice and seek some help from another adult that you trust. This could be very important!

Is there anyway you can talk to your dad and tell him how you feel about he way he treats you. Or try telling your mom so she'll talk to him for you.

i feel really bad for you because you are not fat but you are not anorexic eitherr, you are perfect they way you are..just eat normally like not too much junk but like don't undereat and don't overeat..and don't worry im sure ur dad will ove u no matter what...he probaly doesn't mean it in a bad way, but rather in a good way, its just how ur taking it

Jennifer S
FIrst of all, I think you should be proud of yourself for recognizing the dangers of not eating, starving yourself etc. and acknowledge that there might be an issue. It seems to me though that the issue is that your dad is affecting your self esteem and that needs to be addressed!

Jenn Smith

its normal, just dont let it happen. it wont answer any of your problems. i once was in your position with my dad, and i confronted him about it and told him it made me really upset, and he stopped. so you should talk to your dad and tell him how you feel.

ps. he will love you NO matter what :)

Your managers favorite manager!
you need to slap your dad and tell him to kiss you skinny a$$. Tell him how it makes you feel and that he needs to consider what it is doing to you. You also have to realize that what he says or does should not dictate your thoughts. Be your own person.

well u have to eat sometime if ur 5ft3 and weigh 105 that isnt fat at all but if ur scared you'll get fat if u can eat try eating lightly still three meals a day but healthy foods and about the dad making fat jokes about u problem u should talk to him and tell him that his words really hurts ur feelings u should tell him how u feel

p.s. hope everything works out

ok, well first off i think you need to tell him about how u feel. i know that sounds all Oprah like but seriously, uless he will physically harm u, tell him. if you get fat (which i doubt u will) and he doesnt love u, he is NOT a good father at all. chances are though, hes just teasing. my dad teases me all the time about being a heartbreaker and how i have like 18 boyfriends and im practically a player, and that kinda hurts my feelings (i know that doesn really make sense, but if u knew me it would). so if all else fails, just blow him off. ignore whatever he says. but i will say this. when you said h was a bully, that made me start to wonder if he is abusive. if he is verbally or physically abusive. tell someone right away. dont ask us

rich cutii♥♥♥
no thats normal i am like that too!

It sounds like your dad is making you that way...Talk to him and tell him how you feel.... It isn't right the way he is acting and I hope with you talking to him he will realize that.... Take care and no you are not fat.....

A parent tends to do that especially a dad. Let him know how it makes you feel when he makes his 'little comments' & even though it may seem funny to him or he's 'just joking' it doesn't feel like a joke to you. Jokes are meant to make people luagh & obviously you're not.

That's not normal. Of course most girls have at least some issues with weight, but it's not often that the dad is the one making you feel that way, especially if he's making you feel like he won't love you if you gain weight. I don't know how comfortable you are with your dad, but you need to talk to him about the way his "jokes" make you feel, because I don't think your dad would be ok with himself if he knew he was causing you to have those kind of thoughts. You're pretty much the perfect size- most girls would give a lot to weigh 105! If you're really worried about it though, you know starving yourself is not the way to lose! Like I said before, talk to your dad. That's the first step in getting your feelings worked out.

Hope this helps.

If someone poked my stomach all the time and told me I was getting fat, I would be very upset. One good thing, you recognize that you may be heading for a problem. You need to see a doctor right away, or find someone that you can talk to you about this before it gets out of hand. You certinaly are not fat, and it sure is a shame that your father is constantly bullying you like that. I think your father needs help - I never heard of a father treating his daughter like that. Anyway, I hope that you will get to someone that can help you before it is to late. Sounds to me like you have already taken the first step by knowing that you are heading into the danger zone. So don't delay, talk to someone, and I wish you the best. God bless you.

talk to your mother and dad tell him how you feel. you wont get fat if you join a sport you will be fit.

Answer Fairy
It's normal. My mom and I call them FFU days. FFU stands for Feeling Fat and Ugly. IT's usually around your period that these feeling rear their ugly head. It's when you are the most sensitive.

Talk to your dad. Say, it really makes me feel uncomfortable and hurts my feelings when you poke my stomach and call me fat. Tell him that with the media and the vicious comments from the girls at school, joking about a teenage girls weight is just not funny. Teenagers kill themselves all the time. Anorexia is just another way of killing yourself.

If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that his comments hurt your feelings and that makes you angry. Your anger causes thoughts about hurting yourself to get back at him. If you were anorexic, then you would be so skinny that he couldn't joke about you being fat and hurt your feelings any more. Right?

Part of growing up is learning how to deal. You need to stand up to your dad and tell him how you feel. It's hard. My dad is huge and pretty scary. He is macho and thinks men should be butch and tough. He had five daughters.... HA!!! The universe got him good. Anyways, all my sisters are cowed. They are afraid of him because he is mean and says things that are hurtful. Two of my sisters are drug addicts, another is anorexic (big time) and the other one joined the military so she could be tough. Me? I'm the little on. The loudmouth. I do research. Then I smack him in the face with it. All the time. He was giving me crap about getting fat when I was bloated from PMS.... so I researched eating disorders, suicide, teenage problems, and peer pressure. I told him he needs to be a better exampl for me and dumped a ream of papers on his lap about my research. He's never commented on my weight again....

u r becoming anorexic, i dont want to be mean but it is true. ur dad is probobly just joking. and he wont get made at u if u gain weight. in fact he would probobly be made if u say started skipping meals.

honestly, it doesnt seem as though you're anorexic at the moment but you do need to be careful with those thoughts of yours.

anorexia nervosa is definitely not the answer for weight loss. especially because for some individuals, it doesnt even work like they would want it to. for others, it may cause you to be skinny, but, there's HORRIBLE things that it will do to your body. [like losing hair, making your skin ashy & nasty, etc.] i suggest staying active and keeping a good diet.

however, with your dad...just talk to him. if you dont do it now, it probably will continue and you'll probably blame him as you grow up. i'm sure he'll understand!

Elizabeth L
Hmmmmmmm. Your dad thinks he's funny, obviously. Maybe you are just out of shape. Your stomach shouldn't stick out, no matter how much you weigh. Eat! And exercise to flatten your tummy. Did you know that your abdominal muscles help keep your back from having problems later in life. And tell him to lay off.

I don't think you're becoming anorexic, but you're right to be concerned. It sounds like your father is very immature and has some problems himself (no offense). I'd talk to your mom or another adult about this. Do not let your father change you into an unhealthy person. You know that you're not fat. If you start to do unhealthy things, see a doctor immediately.

I think you need two all beef patties , special sauce , onions , lettuce , cheese , on a seseme seed bun - along with that , FRIES & wash it down gallon of coke . Then go near Dad and have him poke your gut . Then give him the freshest McBurp Papa has ever scene . Then bring out the scale and ask him to compare notes (each of you get on ) . When he weighs in at 280 lbs , ask him if he is in line for a heart attack .

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