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 How Do You Like Your Eggs???

 How to get fat?
ok so i know this is odd, but i want to gain weight! i just want to be a little bit bigger all over, im 5'4 and weigh around 100 sometimes it gets to 104 or 105 but then comes bak to 100 again.....

 How can I lose ten pounds in 7 days?
How can I lose ten lbs. in 7 days without much exercise? I have recently started dating a guy and his sister is getting married in a week. I havent' had time to prepare, nor do i have time to ...

 Please tell me something horrible about soda! I want to stop drinking it.?
I am addicted to Coke (the drink, not the drug, haha) and Dr. Pepper, but I'm pretty sure they aren't good for me. Try to convince me to stop....

 What is the best thing to do to lose wieght.?

 People keep saying i am fat what should i do?

 Do u think i weigh to much?
im 13 and im 4 feet 11 and i weigh 88 pounds im to fat right? i mean my legs are big and i think im fat do u?
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im 13 years ...

 Would I loose weight doing this:?
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skiping super, but having fruit when I...

 What will happen if i eat salad and water only and workout for 5 hours a day?
will i lose 6 pounds by august 31 please i need to know thats when school starts!!!!!!...

 I am fat what should i do should i stop eating or do some running or die what should i do can you help me say?

 What is your most invaluable weight loss tip ever? The more individual the better!?

 What is the right weight for a 15 year old 5"3 girl?

 Am i fat.. thin or somewere inbetween?
im 5 ft 2 in and im 106 lbs.... wat do u think???...

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 How can i stay motivated to lose weight?
the only time I can really focus on excercising is around 5;30 am, so how can i get out of bed?

im having a problem staying motivated, any ideas ?...

 I'm soo fat!?
people ...this is not normal...i'm 13 five feet 1 ...and i weigh 80 pounds OMG!! I'm soo fat ..i'm not joking ! I'm going on a trip like in 2 weeks and I dont wanna be the whale ...

 What is the best way to lose 30lbs in 2 months? Serious answers please!!?
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 Is 95 lbs too skinny?!?
Is 95 lbs for a 19 yr old girl too skinny regardless of size frame?
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by the way, im 5'7"...

cali chic
Am i overweight? please answer seriously!?
im 14 5'8" and i weigh 104lbs. how much should i lose to be at a healthy weight? and what is a healthy weight for my age and height? please answer seriously!

Thats healthy. Your very tall so you can weigh more and still look very small.

Q cubed
for your height, you should not weigh more than 80 lbs.

DUDE YOUR FINE...trust me... i seem worst..and if your 14 at 104 thats skinny..i think 5'8 is kinda tall

Gracie Lynn
I would say your wait is perfect considering your height. You are no where near close to being over weight. You might be a couple pounds underweight.

I don't think you're overweight at all. In fact, you might be underweight. But check your BMI (body mass index) first to make sure: http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/dnpabmi/Calculator.aspx

gain some, not lose some. if you think thats considered overweight, you might think im obese!? (and i dont think i am...i workout 4-6xs a week and eat right -_-')

I weigh more than you and iam only 5ft 4 in.

Your BMI is 15.5
If your BMI is less than 18.4 you are underweight for your height. Are you eating enough calories every day? People who are underweight may be at risk from health problems, including loss of bone density, malnutrition and irregular periods (women).

However, you may be naturally slim and will not need to change your eating habits. The best way to ensure that your weight is healthy for your height is to speak with your GP.

Top tip
Try to get up to your ideal weight if you can. You can up your calorie intake but make sure you're eating a healthy, well-balanced diet. Some types of exercise burn more calories than others so make sure you're eating more calories than you're using.

You are just fine. Maybe even under weight. But don't worry about your weight, your body is going through changes. Just eat healthy and keep active. You are perfect just the way you are.

storys of are champion
go to dennys or ihop and eat girly EAT!

Come on girl get real! You are way under weight. As an example a professional jockey shorter than you would wiegh in at your weight or above. Do you want guys to look at you and back away! YOU NEED TO ADD WIEGHT IN A HEALTHY MANNER!

you are extremely underweight. Your BMI is 15.8. The minumum BMI is 18.5 for a healthy weight. Even at 120 pounds, your BMI would still be 18.2!

your not overweight
your average if not skinny for your age and height

you are probably underweight but weight is not something that you should look at, it is fat percentage that you want to concern yourself with. A person can be really low in weight but their percentage of fat can be rediculous or they could weigh alot and have a low fat percentage. it's the amount of fat you carry that is going to determine your health risks. Hollywood has really done a bad service of making young people worry about if they are thin enough...the big thing is are you healthy....do you have a good image of yourself etc. you haven't stopped growing either but based on what I can visualize 104lbs to be I would say you don't need to lose weight but you might want to put on muscle to tone

Giovanni C
u kiddin me...
ur beautiful the way u r.
just accept urself the way u r.
dont let nebod tell u otherwise.

Okay, you seriously need to add some weight. For your height, that is underweight. I'm saying this from a health point of view, so don't think about losing weight! It would be highly unhealthy if you did!

You're underweight.


no you are not over weight. Your body still has plenty of time to grow and even out. Dont worry!

Ulrina A
No you're dangerously underweight. I would seriously recomend gaining weight since being so small at your age really will be doing your body irreversable damage. You may not want to hear that but I promise you you will regret it when you're older if you don't maintain a healthy weight now.

You are REALLY underweight. You should way no less than 119lbs.


oneika h
actually its not a bout weight, its about inches...around. but from the sounds of it, ur really underweight

Heck no you are not overweight. There are sights that you can go on to get your healthy weight, try a Yahoo search for some sights. They will ask your height etc and then give you the healthy weight answer.

peachie <3
You are severely underweight.

♥TwiiiStEd ELeGaNcE♥
dude what's up with girls who looks like a damn pencil always thinking they are fat?? You are SKINNY ok

Caitlin H
no not at all!!

You are 5'8" and only a 104lbs, you are seriously underweight. You should be more like 140lbs.

um no!...ur way underweight!

r u serious...how about adding some weight

Lord no girl you need to gain weight.

your actually a little underweight for your age and height. I suggest you go eat some twinkies!

try this ideal weight calculator, based on age, gender and height. It gives you the per cent of people heavier than you, too. And shows you how you compare to others:


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