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 Tips on how to stop food cravings?? help!!?
do you have any tips for me because i say like "okay today im dieting" but within 2 hours im craving crisps,sweets,biscuits!!
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Cheryl D
I am not a water drinker. How can i start acquiring a taste for water?

Just start drinking it. It's in our genes to like water.

I never use to be either. Once I started to force myself to drink water I not only felt better but my actual body started to crave it! You have to get use to it...its soooo good for you.

Gyasi M
I understand 100%, And personally i don't think I'll ever LOVE water. So only drink it when you are thirsty. And drink NOTHING else. Water is good when your thirsty. And you will be thirsty enough for you 8 cups a day if you don't drink anything else.

add lemon or crystal light packets and even cuccumber!!!

Nitin R
To start drinking start by adding sugar in the water and start drinking it everyday.Day by day go on decreasing the amount of sugar and u will start to drinkl it without sugar.

Pete The GRADUATED Cylinder...
just hold your nose and swallow.

start with flavoured water or add crystal lite to the water. I find having the water icy cold makes me want it more

Check out the kool-aid section of the grocery store. They have very wonderful flavor mixes to add to water bottles, Crystal Light has some and Wal-mart has it's own brand. It's a small box about 3"x4"x2" deep, they have like 10-12 individual drink packets in them. Flavors I've seen are, lemon aid, tea, peach tea, green tea, fruit punch, raspberry tea, and I'm sure there are others. They add great flavor to the water bottle, but no sugar, I think they are 1 to 5 cal's and make it really easy to drink a few bottles a day.

Force it down. Water doesn't have a taste.

Try "Fruit 2 O" brand flavored water. Just like regular water it has no calories, no vitamins, nothing to it but it has terrific flavor. My favorites are grape and tropical. It's definitely worth a try. I love the stuff.

Try purchasing flavored water. You can different fruit flavored bottled water at your local grocer. Or add Crystal Light or a squeeze of citrus to a glass of water. Quench your thirst when you workout with water rather than fitness drinks.

Get those little juice powder pouches. I think their made by crystal clear... they just add flavour to your water. Or buy flavoured water.

Just drink a little at a time untill you aqurire a taste for it. They also have some flavored water that you can drink. And some little packets to put in the water to flavor it.

just start drinking it... it doesn't really have a taste. you'll generally feel a lot better if you stay hydrated.

Try flavored water...I drink at least one bottle of aquafina's raspberry water a day - between Aquafina and Dasani there are several flavors available. Also, water is more tolerable if it is ice cold as opposed to room temp.

I don't know about you but, I prefer bottled water it comes in different flavors now. My favorite is the lemon. When my girls were babies they didn't like water. So, I would put a little bit of sugar in the water and would drink it. Remember water is very important because you get dehydrated. Gatorade is also good for you. That's is how acquired my taste for water. I'm addicted to Diet Coke. Had enough bladder infections so know I drink plenty of water. Hope this helps.

I hear ya!
Due to an illness a couple of years ago I was required to drink at least one gallon of water per day. This was almost impossible for me. In the past I don't think I drank an 8oz glass a day, now a GALLON?????
I tried downing glassfuls until my stomach would (seriously) slosh around like a bucket of water LOL.
So after about a week of almost puking because of the water I started doing this:
Fill a gallon jug full of water- I use bottled dispensed water.
Keep the water at the temperature that is most pleasing to you--I like mine at room temperature.
During the day every two hours fill a small water or soda bottle with your water from the gallon- you must drink all of the water over the two hour period.
Keep doing this until the gallon jug is emptied.
I did this for two weeks, now it is second nature for me to drink at least 20 ounces of water every two hours.
Sometimes I will put lemon wedges in the water--quite tasty.
By the way, not only is my skin and hair much better but I have lost almost 25 pounds. My doctor is thrilled.
Also because your body is hydrated your need for beverages is diminished---it will help you cut down on soft drinks which are not very good for you. I don't think I've had a soda for almost a year and I used to be a diet coke addict.
Good luck!

Nichole D
I have the same issue, I hate drinking water, although it's the best possible thing for almost any issue !

I started by drinking sugar free Kool-Aid or Crystal Lite. They only have 5 calories per serving and taste better than water! Then I made myself drink at least 8oz of regular water per hour. Over the course of the work day I was drinking a ton of water. And if you give yourself an hour to drink 8 little ounces you won't feel like your drinking too much!

I also added lemon to my water. I tried the flavored water and did not like it at all, but adding real lemon to it wasn't bad!

I wasn't a water drinker either. I had only 2-3 glasses a day. I started having a glass every hour. Then I went on filling a one-litre jug, which I kept at hand, and sipped water every now and then, at times more, at others less, and refilling the jug. Then I reached a point where I was craving for water and now I am having 5 litres daily without forcing. I am feeling much better and have even lost some kilos.

bonsai bobby
Discipline yourself to drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces every day. 200 lb man or woman would need 100 ounces.

After a few weeks or so,your body will start craving water. Often times, our bodies are craving water and we mistake the "signal" as meaning food or sugary drinks.

The best water to drink is reverse osmosis and distilled, with a ph of 9 or greater. examples of bottled water: "Evamor or
Essensia" (if you do not own a water ionizer)

you should try a few different brands of water, because, although they all are just water...some do taste a little different. Keep the water really cold as it always seems to taste better that way.

then maybe try by adding a slice of lemon or lime to the water. that adds a little flavor.

You can also buy some of those little packets that you add to the water like Crystal Light. You can start by adding the whole thing, then slowly reduce the amount you put in until you are just drinking the water plain.

I used to hate to drink water too. I was a complete Pepsi-holic. A few years back I got rid of all the soda in the house and I basically just forced myself to drink water only for few weeks. Its amazing how quickly it starts to taste good. Now I would take a bottle of water over a soda anyday.

Good Luck!


Drink it cold and after a nice run...water tastes really good after that. Different bottled waters taste differently, so play the field and see which one is least unpleasent (I go for Evian, Volvic, San Pellegrino, but I always prefer the clean tap water). You just have to drink it regularly, and you will acquire the taste.

First off, I never drink tap water. Yuck! I don't like my water to taste like anything unless it's flavored. A good idea would be to buy a Brita or Pur water filter. They're great! If you still can't stomach water after that, start off using Crystal Light or something like that to give the water a nice flavor. An 8 oz glass of Crystal Light is only 5 calories, I believe.

Good luck!

Try flavored selzers - not the sweetened "flavored waters," but selzer with a little lime or raspberry flavor added.

Domino's Mom
squeeze lemon in the water it helps.

Stop drinking everything else. Go with water with a little lemon slice in it or lime slice. Carbonated water is fine too for a while with a little lemon or lime. Pellegrino is terrific.

I don't really understand how people can not like the taste of water - it doesn't have much of a taste. But maybe that's your problem? Perhaps you could try different bottled waters until you get the taste for it? Or add a slice of lemon or lime to tap water.

propel water

add some lemon to it and have a glass or water container close by and just sip on it throughout the day. once you get in the habit of drinking it you body will crave it

Lemon or lime juice...whichever you like better. Add a little to your water. Lemon helps quench your thirst also. And it is a natural diuretic which prevents water retention.

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