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 How do i seriously lose 100 pounds as quickly as possible?
i have a lot of stress which makes me gain weight...i say this because i don't eat a lot. mostly on the weekends. but i drink too.
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 Am I fat(with pictures)?
at all.even 1 lb overweight dont try to be nice.be as brutal as possible(but be honest and nice) what do you think?


 If one has eaten lots of junk in a day will it make up for it if this one goes for a long walk?

 Is she fat at all please answer?
my friend is 5''2 and she is 135 pounds and she is 13 years old is she over ...

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 Is buttered popcorn fattening?
I dont like popcorn without butter , so dont tell me that option.
Just these microwave popcorn bags, do they have a lot of fattening calories?...

 5'4'', 126 lbs, size 6. is this fat?
i feel fat, but i dont know if this is fat.
i'm 14, by the way.
please, be honest.
i know bmi calculators say that it's healthy or normal or whatever, but is it fat?...

 What happens if I starve myself?
will i loose any weight
if i starve myself from today ( 7/28 ) until Sunday ( 8/3 )
or for like 3 weeks ?
or what can happen?
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 Am i fat[look in details]?
i weigh 120 somethign puonds
and 5'5
and ppl call me fat
but many call me normal and no ur not fat
i dont have a stomach at all
but i do have thighs
and that pisses ...

 What is the quickest way to lose weight ??

 Should you eat breakfast even if your not hungry?
please only answer if you know!?...

 Im only eating fruits and fat free yogurt for 3 months now?
am i going to be okay?
im 15 in june btw)...

 How can you put on wait when your skinny even if you eat allot?
i eat allot although i just dont put on wait....

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 I didn't work out today and now I feel guilty?
Is this such a bad setback? I didn't have work or anything else to do today and I told myself I was going to workout a lot but I ended up lying in bed all day. I work out at least 3-5 times a ...

 Am I overweight?
I am an 18 year old boy who is 6 foot tall and 16 stones in weight! Am i fat? And if I am how much shall i lose and how?


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 How much should a girl, 18, 5"7" weight? b/c i weigh 123 pounds?

Is it better to join a gym or just walk every- morning?
I just want to lose tbis flab stomach and tone up other areas- please help, thank you

Walking every moring will do the same thing as walking on a tred mill the gym. I say save the money, and walk.

It is best to get vigorous cardio vascular excersise

Tallon P
gym lift wights and run on tred mills is beter for you gyms haye them

T Time
Walking is free!

i use to walk and it did nothing, but annoy me. I started jogging and I lost a lot of weight. But start jogging slowly, or you'll injure yourself.

For me I like going to the Gym. Since I am the one paying the monthly fee, it motivates to get my butt up and use it. I like walking, but I don't like being outdoors. I like indoors where there is air conditioning, and you can do a lot more exercise than just walking or running.

walking is cheaper and you don't feel obligated and feel like you lost money if you don't want to return. I walk to stay toned and fit.

My friend started walking to and from work everyday, one hour in all and an hour walk at weekends. After a year, she was slimmer, healthier looking and even her attitude and frame of mind changed for the better. I'd say walk every morning.

If you take a brisk walk for about an hour every day you will tone your body, but you might have to do additional sit ups or crunches to tone your abs.

Charles T
Any physical activity will help. It depends on the person and what motivates them. I like cycling to keep in shape. What ever activity suits your life style will help you achieve your goals. Some people do better with structured stuff like a gym. Others prefer to work on their own schedule without structure. Both work and you have to find what works for your personality.

exercise alone can lose its appeal quickly...joining a gym makes it more fun...

Walking is cheaper, and it should be a part of your exercise program, but too much cardio will actually burn muscle.

The number one way to lose weight is to lift weights. Muscle burns fat--it's that simple. Every pound of heavy muscle that you add (chest, back, legs) will burn about 60 extra calories a day at rest, every pound of light muscle will burn about 35 extra calories a day at rest. So if you swap 10 pounds of fat for 10 pounds of heavy muscle you will burn and extra 600 calories a day before you even start exercising.

Always skip a day between workouts. Three days a week is really enough--Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Start slow and if you are not an experienced weight lifter then get at least a session or two with a trainer to get you started. If you stick with it, this has to be a lifestyle change not a short term fad move, then your body will begin slowly steadily changing for the better and you will feel better than ever in your life..

Obviously it is necessary to quit eating the junk that helped you get the extra weight, and I'm sure you know which foods are junk. Drink plenty of water, you don't need to force 8 glasses a day, just don't wait until you are thirsty. Keep a glass or bottle of water handy all the time.

Take your vitamins and nutrients. Go to http://www.knowledgeofhealth.com and you can learn about nutritional support for your health.

I found it helpful to set a policy for myself of "No Whining Allowed," with regard to going to the gym. There will always be days that you just don't want to get started (no matter what type of exercise you decide to do.) So when I have one of those days, I just remind myself of the "policy." Amazing enough it works.

Walking is good but l find that the gym gets boring after a while if you go on your own, the best and most fun way two get fit an toned is two do a Marshal art which one is up two you but l find Maui tai kickboxing a great way two keep fit but it can be very full on

whichever suits you, ones you started one ,may be continued.

live forever
i would join a gym, because your body is more likely to get toned faster than walking. becasue at a gym you can do everything for the body like weights. For me when i went to the gym i found the weights helped me to getter better results on my thighs, stomach, and butt. were walking will not do the same.

depends on the free time you have or how early you want to wake up.
Walking is cheaper !

it really doesn't matter as long as you do excercise every day. I have that goal also - to flatten my abs, so I bought a gym ball and sit-up bench and excercise twice a day 20 minutes AT HOME. I have been doing it for a month now and believe me - it feels wonderful! The hardest for me was to push myself to do it every single day, but now I'm used to it. My favorite music is my motivation! Good luck!!!
p.s. I'll be really glad to hear after from u! Write to me.

My Big Bear Ron
which would you be more apt to do on a regular basis?

Walking is a great and simple excercise but not a complete one. If you are looking to simply get your heart rate going then I would suggest coupling it with bike riding too.
But if you are wanting to get in shape, tone and trim your physique, then a gym is the best way to go. There you will have teh ability to use the weight apparatus, free weights, and cardio equipment. Free advice and generally a good game plan can be put together with the pros that know what you need.
I decided to use the money I would pay in dues, and build my own gym at home. The nice thing about that is... I can use it when ever I like, with no waiting in line, and in just my underwear if I choose.

Better take a walk n t morning

You should walk in the am and join a gym for the toning.

Harold T
cheapr 2 walk

My opinion is join a gym. Walking is wonderful, but I joined a gym because I'm paying money to go there, so that motivates me to keep going. Also, if you want to get tone, gyms have all the weight machines and such. You can do simple toning at home or on your walk, but I think if you are at home, you find excuses not to do the exercises. At the gym, you are already there.

financially walk

yes I agree it it cheaper to walk...if you join a gym it is boku-bucks! And if you don't go everyday or on a regural basis you are just waisting your money. I once signed up for a gym and they give you a great deal for the first month or so and then they hike up the price. But if you are looking into going to fitness classes or lifting weights and things of that natue and going on a regular basis then yeah spend the extra money. Plus you might want to check with your local gym about how much it cost just to use there facility on a one day basis...I know the gym near my home for $10.00 you can use it all day and don't have to sign up to be a member so it might be cheaper to go that route if you only plan on going to the gym once or twice a month. Hopefully that helps!

Big B
Yabba Dabba Doo!

It a an individual preference. As for me, joining a gym was the best thing for me and to get to the target areas and to keep me motivated. Just walking every morning is great but you may want to add some wieghts to your routine and eat less. Good Luck!

Aaron M
It may be more expensive to join a gym but it is better than walking every morning.

you are trying to "spot reduce" - training one area of your body in an attempt to lose fat on that one spot.



Losing weight is not magical. There is nothing complicated or intricate about it. You will lose weight by consuming fewer calories than you take in. But, the goal should be to lose fat - you do not want to lose muscle. In fact, you should be trying to gain muscle because the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn - even while you are sleeping. More muscle = higher metabolism.

The best, most effective way of lossing fat while gaining/preserving muscle is by combining diet, cardio, and weight-training.

yes, women should weight-train. I don't mean just going through the motion, i mean progressive weight-training. You should train every muscle group, not just one or two specific areas.

Simply cutting your calories may not help. If you do not eat enough food, your body will start tearing down muscle for energy. Your body will think that you are starving and your metabolism will slow down - making it more difficult to burn fat.

I would suggest highering a personal trainer and a nutritionist.

If you can't do that, find someone at the gym who knows what he/she is doing and see if you can train with him/her.

Stay away from the people who do only cardio classes or use the 'beach ball" a lot. Those are more gimmicks. You should find a lean, muscular person to train with - same thing goes with trainers. If the trainer knows what he/she is doing, they will not be fat and weak.

You dont have to go to the gym but you can walk and use weight at home...
In order to tighten up flab you have to use weight resistance training.

Cool ways to burn calories without going to the gym!!!!

1.Wake-up Workout - When your eyes open, sit up slwoly w/out using ur hands. W/ legs straight out, lean forward until u feel a gentle stretch in ur back & hamstrings. Hold. Then, Using ur abs, lower urself flat. Rest & repeat 2 more times. BURNS 10

2. Balance Booster - While u brush ur teeth, alternate standing on 1 leg as u switch mouth quadrants(every 30 seconds). BURNS 10

3.Be a Ballerina - As ur coffee drips, stand sideways, put 1 hand on the counter, and lift the outside leg straigh out in front of u, keeping it extended. With upper body straight, hold for a few sec.s and move it to the side: hold and extend it behind u. Do 5x on each leg. BURNS 10

4. Talk It UP - Every time u grab the phone, stand up & pace around. BURNS 50

5. Carry Some Weight - When ur grocery Shopping/ running erands, wear a backpack with 5-10 lbs bag of sugar inside to increase resistance & burn more calories. Add purchases to ur load as it becomes easier. BURNS 20 (FOR AN HOUR OF ERRANDS)

6.Pump at the Pump - While ur getting gas, With 1 hand on ur car, Stand on the balls of ur feet & slowly rise up & down for as long as it takes to fill ur tank. BURNS 10

7. Shop till the Pounds Drop - at the mall try on at least 10 outfits- pants and shirts.BURNS 60

8. Jog for Junk Mail - For every piece of junk mail u get each day, do 1 lap around ur house/ building, / up & down a flight of stairs. BURNS 35-140

9. Play Footsie - After Dinner, while u are sitting at the table, extend your right leg out & slowly bend it up & down, squeezing & holding in the up position for at least 5 sec.s. Repeat 5x for each leg. BURNS 10

10.Ease into Evening - sitting with feet uncrossed, grab ur wrists & raise ur hands above ur head to lengthen the spine. Take a deep breath in as u reach & hold the position, breathing slowly in & out for 20 sec.s, taking longer on the exhale. BURNS 5

11. Sing a Song - Spend sunday morning belting it out in the church choir. BURNS 70 PER SERVICE

12. Catch This! -
Spend 30 min tossing a ball or a frisbee with ur kid/dog BURNS 90

13. Make Whoopee - Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack, have a robust tussle with your spouse. BURNS 300

Good Luck!!

it is cheaper to walk, and i think it is better if you walk outside instead of on the treadmill because you can meditate at the same time when you're walking.

however, the advantages of going to a gym is that a trainer can help you out with targeting a specific part of your body that you want toned. it's costly of course... but there are people who don't want to go to the gym because they feel insecure or are shy. if you are the shy type, usually they prefer to workout alone or with a buddy.

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