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 It is known that anorexia/bulimia sufferers have bad teeth - but do they also have poor nails & hair?
If so, Is the damage irreversible?...

 I had a filling in my tooth yesturday and i still can't eat on the side of my mouth i had the filling.?
Is this normal? My tooth did not hurt before i had the filling....

 Has anyone had a tooth break while eating coleslaw?

 Im sooo scared!Im getting braces!Do they hurt?

 Hate how dentist makes small talk while I'm on the chair.?
Okay, I am going to the dentist in about an hour and I had to have this particular one because the man I prefer is booked out. This dentist however makes a lot of small talk, asking me about college ...

 How do i get whiter teeth in 1 month??

 I have bad & crooked teeth, who do I see first?
Should I see the orthodontist first or the dentist first?
My teeth are in bad condition and they're also crooked, havent seen a dentist in 10years
I thought I'll confront my ...

 I know that eating too much toothpaste can be fatal, but how much is too much?

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I don't have an obsession with toothpaste, I have a perfectly normal relationship with toothpaste. I do, ...

Does anyone the average cost of braces???...

 Omg braces!!!!?
I will be getting braces soon and im totally affraid. I mean yea i want them because my teeth are a mess but i hate pain. I just hate pain. Can someone tell me the process of getting braces and also ...

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 A painful white sore below my gum in my mouth?
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 Scared about Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Friday and I'm very scared. But more importantly, my boyfriend's father's retirement party is on Saturday and I really want to go. Will I be ...

 Is getting your wisdom teeth pulled as bad as I think it is? I will survive right? lol?
Im 25 and my wisdom teeth are KILLING ME! They weren't really bothering me until this year and now the whole left side of my mouth is swollen and infected! Im just such a baby when it comes to ...

 Pls answer I am worried?
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 I`m getting braces in 2 weeks.. Does it hurt alot?
what should I do to prepare myself and what should I expect
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how long do you think im going to have them on...I only ...

` ashaunaaa
Okay so I went to the orthodontist on Saturday and he applied a chain to my 4 front teeth, IT KILLS. Please is there anything I can do to stop the pain. My gap is closing but it hurts so bad i feel like yanking it out. HELP.

painkillers & bonjela
stick with it though..it's worth it in the end!

Ibprofen helps a lot, but its mostly just time that'll help. After a week it shouldnt be as painful.

kaljah a
I know what you mean. They hurt like crazy. To stop the pain you need to eat or drink something really cold. Like your favorite ice cream, milk shake, smoothie, cold ice water, and any other cold things you can put in your mouth... The pain will go away.

it will soon go away but be careful about wut u eat

Pain medications are really the only answer, know what you are talking about. Just hang in there, take something for the pain.

hah.... ohhhhh yes, i remember my braces. youre going to be VERY sore for the first two weeks. i know its terrible pain to eat anything at all, so try to just live on soft foods (milkshakes, jello, chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes, pudding, things like that). honestly youll probably be hungry more than usual just bc those foods arent much, but i know it hurts too bad to eat anything else. just try to stick it out.

and you can take pain killers like ibuprofen or tylonel. they wont take the pain completely away, but it'll help a little bit.
drinking alot of ice water will help also.

its really just the first 2 weeks that are almost unbarable, but it definately gets better. eventually every time you go for a new wire or new chain, you won't have problems at all :]

gl. go lay down, take a nap. try to forget about it.

I just got that last week. It hurt to eat or chew anything for 3-4 days. After that, it didn't seem like it was there anymore!!! Good luck though...

Caroline S
I had the exact same problem but you just need to suffer through it sorry. I think you should take some alive or a non-prescription pain killer. I hope you feel better.

Go get a plastic rubber type strip to chew on. It's changing bone it's gonna hurt but the chewing will help it along.

take a pain reliever and eat soft foods. The best thing to do is let it run it's course, your teeth will stop hurting after a little bit don't worry. Hang in there!

take an advil or ibuprofen drink a lot of liquid stuff like jamba juice, soup, ice cream, etc.

and sleep because every time you wake up it feels a little bit better.
i go through this like every month.
it will go away in 3-4 days you'll be fine!!

good luck your pearly whites looking good will be worth it

Take paracetemol to help relieve the pain, and call your orthodontist, he may release the tension a little. Rest assured that this pain does begin to ease off as your teeth start to realign - it happens reasonably quickly each time. Poor you - it will be worth it in the end.

just hyold on it only hurts for about 3 -4 days .. just be resiliant....................... trust me i know u wanna cry like a big baby, i did to ! try to get distracted , watch a scary move or flirt with a guy/girl , just keep ur mind off the pain for a while

Audrey C
oh wow I had braces for four years.
When I got them off I never wore my
retainer, so now i have to get them
again for about two years!


[sorry I had to say that first before I
answered your question]

When I did have braces though I had
the same problem. My teeth and gums
were very sinsative so you can go to
a drug store or something and pick up
something that makes it all numb!
WOO! It takes a while to work though
just be careful when you use it and don't
get it on your tounge, i did and i bit my
tounge so hard it started to bleed and
when the numbing stuff wore off it hurt
like crap! So yeah, i don't really know
what its called but I know its out there!
Oh and you can also try Wal-Mart they
are sure to have some there.

use tylonol. other than that, you just have to wait until the pain goes away. sorry. if it hurts then you know it is working! :)

i put in my braces about 4 weeks ago and they hurt a lot, all u can do is take paracetamol or ibuprofen

Lobster M
it will eventually go away. Start off by not eating whole apples or any whole foods. Try cutting them into smaller peices. It will hurt regardless though. Take some painkillers.

Paracetamol or similar painkillers help a lot. My orthodontist actually advised me to take children's Calpol at night if it helped! Also used a soft baby toothbrush for the first few days, your gums will be a bit sore as well. Use warm water. A salt-water mouthwash will taste disgusting but again may help. Other than that, trust me the pain will go away soon!

Full of Opinions
chew some. eat food, the more you chew the less it will hurt. I got mine on monday and they're fine. It takes 2 or three days so be patient. the more you chew the less soar it will be trust me. also take some advil or tylenol if your parents say it's okay to ease the pain.

Emo Love
Motrin will help. Or Tylenol. You could also apply Orajel to your gums. Wax will keep them from cutting you.

Sry I have that chain to, just get some pain reliever and it should pass in a few days but trust me it is soooo worth it!

Haylie;; is [dying]
awwwe. I know how you feel. I had to get that to when I had braces. I know it hurts a bunch, but seriously it goes away in max 5-4 days. Until then, use wax or pain medication.

I've been there! Try softly biting down ON your mouthgaurd for a while, or drinking something warm. Other than that, your just gonna have to wait it out. It should be bearable in a few days. If it gets really bad, take some nightime Tylenol and sleep through it ( just don't OD or anything). Hang in there! It'll get better!

I know how you feel, mine were like that to, very painful.
This might sound odd, but you know what helped me was eating, or chewing on something, I know you aren't "supposed" to chew gum, but it helped me a lot.

i got that like 4 months ago, i didnt hurt me that bad, but when i got my braces on i cried, if i put my face on a pillow i screamed, i was like how did my brother survive 6 years with braces...? take motrin, i am scared of using medicine allot but i used it when that happened, but it didnt work on the amount of pain i was in. call orthodontics, tell them it doesnt work. try sleeping...? i could fall asllep though...maybe youll have better luck....

just know that the gap is closing and your teeth will be straight so just deal with it.

Chelsee is Stellar
well there is no way to stop the pain sorry but u jus have to sit there and take it!

Take Ibuprofin and drink a slurpie!

i used to eat cold yoghurt and take pain killers over-night!

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