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 I can't just let them die alone... Can I?
I found out a few days ago that my adoptive mother has leukemia and it's not looking well. I'm married now, and live several hours away. I want to visit her so badly, but my husband doesn�...

 My mom has cancer/shouldn't her dr.be more aggressive?
My Mom has a malignant spot on her lung.She hasn't smoked for nearly 15yrs./no one else smokes around her.She's had x-rays since for colds in the past.They found it after she had pneaumonia ...

 I am a chain smoker. I wanted to stop by now but don't know how?

 Should Bloodwork show cancer?
Would cancer show in bloodwork ??? Would something come back abnormal if you have cancer?...

 any cancer survival stories?????
I want to here the thrilling stories!!...

 why do people get cancer??
how come certain people get cancer and some people dont?...

 Can a 12 year old female get breast cancer?

 is it wrong to just give up after years of being sick?
I have been seriously ill for the past few years nothing has gotten better just progressively worse, and I keep ending up in the hospital I know my body can not handle being sick as I am much longer, ...

 Why is breast cancer so widespread?
It just seems like an abnormally high amount of women get it. Do you think the environment and what we ingest causes it? Or is it just a freak thing that happens to random people?...

 Is this girl faking breast cancer ?!?
She's 13-14, and "stage 5" breast cancer. She was diagnosed april 27, 2009, and says the next few days or week will be her last She said that chemo did absolutely nothing to help, and ...

 Does Weed Give You Cancer???
Hey, what does weed to to you if u keep smokig it,? Ciggys give u cacncer right, But why doesnt Weed?

And how many does it take for ciggys give u cacner roughly?...

 could it be breast cancer?
im only 13 and have been having pain in my left breast for a couple of days. i noticed that it feels really lumpy and hard almost like theres a ball in there compared my other breast. my period still ...

 if you had cancer would you give up any animal &chicken,fish please give me a good answer!!!!?

 Any Chances for Last stage of Cancer?
My wife age 24yrs suffering from breast cancer. Treatment was being done at CMC Vellore, after 6th cycle of chemo they wanted to do surgery but i took her to Kolkata Apollo to Dr.Saikat Gupta and he ...

 What's a logical reason for not receiving treatment for cancer?
I'm supposed to be writing a one-act for my theatre class for our finals and he said he'd give extra points if we made it about cancer and submitted it to this contest thingy. I've got ...

 Should I tell?????????
My friend thats older than me smokes hookah, do you think I should tell them that its really bad for them?...

 cancer cancer cancer!!!im so sad?
my aunty who is just like a mum to me has had a double mastectomy over the last few years now has bone cancer and it nw in her liver ! she is on chemotherapy and today all her hair fell in clumps , i ...

 My Sister Has Brain Cancer Is there any cure story's?
she has Glioblastoma multiforme in its in stage 3 in its on top of the blood veles of talking in ...

 Brain aneurysms?? My maternal grandfather died of one and my mother survived one. How concerned should I be?
Moms doctor told me and my siblings to get MRA's (MRI). Im not sure i want to know if i have a time bomb in my head. Mom survived surgery after hers ruptured, but died several months later from ...

 Can you please pray for my aunt?
She was diagnosed with leukemia a couple months ago. It's just getting worse, the gave her kemo treatment but it ended up giving her an infection and is now just taking over her body. They gave ...

Uh Huh
I'm 18... do I have cancer?
Lately I've been feeling very worn down, having no energy to do much at all. My stool is different all of the time and after every meal I feel bloated. My throat is a bit sore and my body tends to somewhat ache in different places when I wake up.

I've had a check up 3 months ago for an annual check, I was feeling great at the time. My doctor told me that I am above the average (for the good) of all of the regular tests (blood pressure, pulse, weight and height.. etc) and that my body is that of a conditioned athlete. I also asked for some blood work because my late grandpa had chronic leukemia and I was worried. All the biopsy tests came back normal.

I read up about cancer a last night and have been thinking about if I might have it. Is it possible I might have some sort of type even with the blood work coming back normal?

ed b
I don't think you need to worry about having cancer. If you a had a check up and blood work done and every thing was ok then you don't have cancer. They would have been able to detect it with the blood work that was done. You may be lacking vitamins in your system. Quit reading about cancer. Have a great summer.

If all of your tests have come back normal its highly unlikely that you will have it. You are probably run down with a virus or just stressed with life/school/work.

Get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Worrying and thinking about things like cancer will make you feel worse and will often heighten the symptoms.

Feel better soon

Don't read anything about cancer on the internet, it will only make you worry. Cancer has a lot of symptoms, that assimilates with other diseases. Go see your doctor.

Blue Haired Old Lady
Highly unlikely. Leukemia definitely would have shown up on standard blood work. Quit worrying. It is a waste of your life.

i think you are paranoid but go to the doctor now when youre not feeling well. alot can change in six months. you might have something else wrong with you

no,i `dont have cancer because my life its healthy so for my look im not yanki ******

Jen B
You need to see a doctor for an answer to this question. It could be a lot of things. But since early detection with anything is key. I would recommend just going to a doctor. Peace of mind if it is nothing, and a great fighting chance if it is something.

Good luck.

you probably don't, but if you are worried, you can get it checked by a doctor to help you feel better, but dont worry, your probably fine! :)

Go to the doctor.

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