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 Why can't they cure cancer yet?
Why is it when someone has terminal cancer they have all the drugs in the world to make dying easier on you, but they can't get drugs that will actually make you better?...

 Which country has the highest rate of cancer?

 Can you give a brief explanation about thyroid gland? What is its function? defeciency of thyroid affect how?

 I want to ask a serious quesiton here as I am not getting the answers in another section?
I want to know if there is cancer or any abnormality will the specialist at the hospital want you back in to see him within 2 weeks at his clinic? I had a phone call today from the hospital from the ...

 Why is the federal government (US) spending 7x more on breast cancer research than prostate cancer, despite...
...the fact that about 9 percent more men in the US develop prostate cancer than women develop breast cancer.

$550 million v. $80 million


 I have severe neuropathy in both feet following chemo treatment for colon cancer. How long will it last?

 What type of cancer is this?
- It was diagnosed in a 16 or 17-year old girl.

- She went on chemotherapy and all her hair fell out.

- The doctors said it was nothing to worry about, but she later found out ...

 What would you say to someone that you've never met before, that has recently found out they have cancer?

 How do i deal w/my grandfather dying from cancer?
my grandfather has cancer & it is spreaing FAST. he is dying and its killing me. over the past few weeeks ive been tlkn to him more. but he is only going to live 4 a few more months how to cope?...

 Are there any suggestions for relief of cancer treatment radiation burns?

 Please, could you share with me the signs/symptoms of breast cancer?.....i am very worried, thank you !!?

Additional Details
i am not going to go into the details, but you have helped so much. my partner and i were "spending time together" and i notices what looked similar to a &...

 Blood test?
if i have had alot of blood test done..does blood test give doctors a hint if anything is wrong even if its not wat they are looking for..like skin cancer,tumors and ect.......

 What could cause water in the lungs and around the heart?
Anything other than cancer?...

 What can i do to console a person that suffer from leukemia?

 My leukemia is back?
I'm 15 right now.
I had my bone marrow when I was 9 and I relapsed again a year ago, and I had my bone marrow in July last year, and I've taken blood tests regularly and I just found ...

 I have fairly advanced stage 4 esophagus cancer metastezied into the liver. Can I eat ice cream?
I am on chemo for a year now. I understand that sugar feeds cancer cells. My blood sugar hovers around 100. Can I still eat ice cream in small amounts? The doctor says yes. They want to keep my ...

 What can happen if epidural misses your spine?

 What does it mean when the Dr says your bone marrow looks milky?

 About dry month after radiation treatment, can anyone help me?

 Severe depression?
this xmas was pretty bad...i think it will be the last time i see my family. i have been mentally abused and manipulated by them for 35 years...my husband stood up to them when they were treating me ...

john d
Treatment of bladder cancer while pregnant?
need to know if you can carry a baby if you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer and been surgecally treated

Mad Roy
Read Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Pat Quillen and How To Prevent And Treat Cancer With Natural Medicine by Mike Murray.
They are a goldmine of good info and advice. They also list a ton of resources to check for more info.
Good luck and God bless!

as the first person said--you need to talk to a doctor about this. But it seems like you are asking 2 different questions. Do you want to know if you can have a baby after having bladder cancer? That may be possible (depending on what treatments were used) but a woman should not try to get pregnant until she gets the doctor's okay. But you originally asked about treatment of bladder cancer while pregnant. Again this needs a doctor's knowledge. The cancer would be treated while trying to not harm the baby--it's a very delicate balance. Someone who is undergoing treatment should be extrememly careful to avoid getting pregnant because the treatments can harm the developing baby.

Sharon H
PLEASE talk to the doctor. A physician is a person who practices biological medicine. These are people (trained professionals) with 7+ years of college. They are trained in special areas. Don't ask important questions like that here! Please!

This is such a difficult situation. Please get the best MEDICAL advice that you can find ... not "natural" remedies or "God."

Bladder cancer is a very serious ailment, and whatever the decision is, it needs to be very carefully thought out ... and aggressive action should be taken very soon.

Good luck!

Bladder Cancer is as it is very serious cancer and added to this pregnancy. The usual treatments for this cancer also are - Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation. It is also to be decided by the Oncologist (Surgical) as to how to operate in case of pregnant lady. It all depends on the stage and grade of the disease and the age of pregnancy.

Please consult a best oncologist of your area and leave it to his decision. Though I am also connected to Oncology I am unable to tell anything without seeing the parties and conducting the test. I have known cases that surgeons after opening for surgery had to abandon it due to advance stage of disease or pregnancy. Without any further delay consult the doctor and leave everything to GOD. He will say the patient.

The general treatment methods for Bladder cancer are -

A combination of radiation and chemotherapy can also be used to treat invasive disease, and, in many cases, it is not yet known which is the better treatment - radiotherapy or radical ablative surgery.

The treatment of bladder cancer depends on how deep the tumor invades into the bladder wall. Superficial tumors (those not entering the muscle layer) can be "shaved off" using an electrocautery device attached to a cystoscope. Immunotherapy in the form of BCG instillation is also used to treat and prevent the recurrance of superficial tumors. BCG immunotherapy is effective in up to 2/3 of the cases at this stage. Instillations of chemotherapy into the bladder can also be used to treat superficial disease.

Untreated, superficial tumors may gradually begin to infiltrate the muscular wall of the bladder. Tumors that infiltrate the bladder require more radical surgery where part or all of the bladder is removed (a cystectomy) and the urinary stream is diverted. In some cases, skilled surgeons can create a substitute bladder (a neobladder) from a segment of intestinal tissue, but this largely depends upon patient preference, renal function, and the site of the disease.


My aunt actually had uteran cancer while she was pregnant with the baby
Granted its a different type of cancer than bladder
Itll depend on if and what type of treatment you get but my aunt had chemo while she was pregnant and when she had her baby it wasnt fully developed and he had alot of problems
You should ask your doctor what affects the chemo will have on the baby and all though, could be different in different cases

Fall Down Laughing
Please ask your doctor. This issue is too important to look for opinions here.

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