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 Can you catch an STD from an animal?

 Can u have a baby if u have an std?
MY friend has an std and he told me if he could still have a baby with his wife but I did not know what to tell him so if you know please help him out by answering thank ...

 Do your eyes turn yellow from hiv?

 Is it safe to use my toothbrush after someone cleaned their razor with it?

 Can you get STDs from kissing, if they've 69'd someone who has them?
Cuz I just realized I might get STDs just from kissing! And Im not gonna get someone tested before kissing them!...

 How can my partner have gential warts if he has just been with me for the last 7 years?

 Which is the best STD to have?

 How do I get rid of crabs?

 Aids / HIV Can it be transmitted?
By open mouthed kissing when saliva is swapped?
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Ty Zeggy.

To all you who say get common sence/ dont be ...

 Can you get hiv from sharing drinks?

 How to know if some one got STDs diseases???
do u people know how you can know if you have STDs and how long it takes to feel it actully?...

 Do the AIDS "germs" die in the air?
I am working at a nursing home part time and 3 of the residents have AIDS. They can't tell you that when you get hired because of HIPPA and what not, but they also have no information about it ...

 If you HAD to have one STD, what would it be and why?

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Sorry to offend anyone who had or has an STD! I was talking over this subject with my 19 year old niece and ...

 Is it possible for gays to get AIDS?

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Nobody ever told me 'bout S.E.X.! I had to take classes at my school to learn all this stuff!...

 Why does it burn when I pee?

 What do people do while they are on the toilet?

 Do I have it?
My p*nis head has some kind of spots and they are white and close together.....do I have std or something like that
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 Im getting drug tested, what will my school do if it comes out positive?
i got drug tested today at school for pot and it is going to ocme out positive, i know that. i am not only scared bout my dad finding out but i am scared about what the school will do...does anyone ...

 What is the safest cigarette?

 I have aids?
i found out yesterday i got aids from my gay boyfriend, what do i do?...

Kissing a girl?
Seriously, I kissed a girl. with passion ;)
Now, is there a chance to get some sort of disease (STD's, etc)
I am not concerned with the common cold or so but about STD's.

Robyn H
All you have to worry about is if she has Kooties!

God is <33
idk but ive kissed a guy! haha<3

no not as i no now of .......

the only STD you can catch from mouth-to-mouth kissing is herpes type 1, which presents itself in cold-sore type wounds around the mouth area. if you kissed her somewhere else, thats a completely differents story...

I would just be concerned with stuff like Mono and worst of all COOTIES!?!?!

probaly not

if she had an open cold sore (which is the same as herpes) then there is a chance otherwise chill be happy and enjoy

ya there is a chance but i woudnt count on it

A small chance to get herpes, even smaller to get any other type of std

I'm pretty sure no unless she has a disease in her mouth.

Some Dude that likes beer & porn
YES, you can get STDs from kissing (although it is unlikely). Oral herpes can be transmitted orally. Gonorrhea and chlamydia both can infect the throat, therefore can be transmitted by kissing......there are many others, such as NGU that exsist but most people are entirely unaware of.

Well it really depends on where you kissed her.....

no, your fine, if she had a cold sore, you might get one...

although, if she had oral herpes, you may have contracted that, but chances are you will live

If she has herpes you can get it fm kissing

Technically, yes...you could get HSV1

Everyone is at risk for oral herpes from HSV-1, including children many of whom are already infected by age three. In fact, studies suggest that by adolescence 62% of Americans are infected with HSV-1 and by the time one is in the 40's, 90% have been infected.

HSV-1 is so common that most Americans get infected with it, although many never have any symptoms. People can catch HSV-1 by kissing a person with a cold sore or sharing a drinking glass or utensils, so it's easy to see why there are so many cold sores around.

How Can I Keep From Getting Cold Sores?
Although HSV-1 isn't a big deal, it's a good idea to try to keep cold sores as far away as possible. If someone you know has a cold sore, don't kiss him or her and don't drink out of the same glass or use the same knife, fork, or spoon. Sharing towels, washcloths, or napkins is off-limits, too, because the virus may survive on the fabric.

This was from this site:

Now...I didn't really think you could get it from drinking from someone's drinking glass. I was told the virus doesn't survive that long once it hits a glass or towl.

Anyone else have more on this to assist me here???

both my sources say the same thing:

HSV1 is transmitted through kissing or sharing drinking utensils

I guess Herpes but its really really unlikely, and you could get the kissing disease...Mono, but you could get that from like drinking fountains and stuff too.

Ella S-class baby
No you can't get STDs from kissing damn it

Maybe a coldsore (herpes virus) but most ppl carry that without even realising. Less worrying, more kissing...

you can get herpes or warts just from kissing. don't believe people when they tell you it's completely safe. with the herpes or warts, odds are, they must be in an outbreak phase, ie you see a leision.

If she had a sore on her lips you might be in danger of getting the virus that causes cold sores (but you would have seen it).....but besides that, I don't know of any STD's you could get from just kissing.....relax...you'll be fine, I promise.

Agent JipST
Do you have any cuts or sores in your lips or mouth? If so, go see a doctor as soon as possible. The diseases in the saliva may go in to the cuts or sores. But if you do not have any cuts or sores in your lips or mouth, I don't think you really need to worry too much.

You should be fine just be careful in the future with further indevers

robert h
cold sores are about the worst you could catch with a local girl.

Jen P
No you can't get a STD from kissing but if the the person has herpes ( cold sore ) that can be passed .

Dr. Semi-Evil
Only if she has herpes-simplex 10 on her mouth, can you get some sort of contagiant. UNLESS, by "kissing" you mean "down low." That's a completely separate issue.

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