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 Which is the best STD to have?

 How do I get rid of crabs?

 Aids / HIV Can it be transmitted?
By open mouthed kissing when saliva is swapped?
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Ty Zeggy.

To all you who say get common sence/ dont be ...

 Can you get hiv from sharing drinks?

 How to know if some one got STDs diseases???
do u people know how you can know if you have STDs and how long it takes to feel it actully?...

 Do the AIDS "germs" die in the air?
I am working at a nursing home part time and 3 of the residents have AIDS. They can't tell you that when you get hired because of HIPPA and what not, but they also have no information about it ...

 If you HAD to have one STD, what would it be and why?

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Sorry to offend anyone who had or has an STD! I was talking over this subject with my 19 year old niece and ...

 Is it possible for gays to get AIDS?

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Nobody ever told me 'bout S.E.X.! I had to take classes at my school to learn all this stuff!...

 Why does it burn when I pee?

 What do people do while they are on the toilet?

 Do I have it?
My p*nis head has some kind of spots and they are white and close together.....do I have std or something like that
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 Im getting drug tested, what will my school do if it comes out positive?
i got drug tested today at school for pot and it is going to ocme out positive, i know that. i am not only scared bout my dad finding out but i am scared about what the school will do...does anyone ...

 What is the safest cigarette?

 I have aids?
i found out yesterday i got aids from my gay boyfriend, what do i do?...

 My best friend just found out he has AIDS and told me.......?
I work @ Cracker Barrel and I was just told by my best friend that he has AIDs.........he only recently found out, he begged me not to say anything to anyone but my conscience is getting the best of ...

 How do you get rid of crabs???

 How do I live with AIDS?
The system and dealing with all the pain, mental and physical.
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I thought I should add that AIDS is not going to &...

 If you found out your partner/spouse was HIV positive and you are not, what would you do?

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having looked at the answers so far, take this scenario, a couple with kids the husband contracts HIV, he does not ...

 Dose second marriage lead to aids,when both partners are free from aids?

 Wait...are cold sores and herpes the same thing?
I'm like so totally confused. Can't cold sores develope on their own? Ohhh goodness. Can someone explain please?...

chichi 1
How can we stop the spread of AIDS in India?
India has the highest population of HIV+ People.According to a report, India had 5.7 million cases of HIV by the end of 2005, against 5.5 million in South Africa.

indians in my opinion are in denial of hiv
they shoudl get more accepting and be cooperative to each other. seemingly only women are gettign involved in the fight against it and most of them dont even have any income

Invest in better health and education facilities. Literacy is still too low. Good health care is still not universally accessible. Uneducated people without access to doctors is why the disease is spreading. In short, it will take lots of investment. $$$

yashraj k
by being aware about it..............

By usage of condoms and educating people about AIDS and letting them know how it spreads..

D. S

simply by taiking openly and spreading more and more information

Let me be curt here: YOU CANT! Infact NO ONE CAN! Its not a social effort, rather an individual effort!

Awareness can create a massive difference, but the real people who need to be made aware of are beyond the reach!

girish ch
let me have a fun of playing of helmets

Educate people

Listen to the WHO who have decades of experience in many countries successes and failures. Most importantly there should be an independent "stop AIDS" body completely out of Government control, under WHO administration.

Its a bit late for this question. We should also start looking for the impact and mitigating it. There will be millions of orphans for example, who will look after them?

Judas Rabbi
Condoms will help

I would like to share to you guys this wonder juice . The BIO ENZYME PLUS . It can prevent and cure sickness like Aids, cancer, diabetes,. We have also cases that someone was cured of Aids by taking this wonder juice but he wants to hide his identity and we respect his decision. Please visit my website for more details. http://www.princenikkotradersite.com/home.html

I hope we can help you . GOD Bless .

King of Hearts
Set up condom booths.

Take the Heroes Project to villages.

Tell everyone to log on to http://www.heroesprojectindia.org

There is no definate answer to your question. but lot of variable plays major roles to answer this question. it isn't just the population crisis or uneducated people or use of condoms. the factor is educated people who limit themselves to educate others. Just to start of something, try to ponder this. how many household have maids and personal drivers.? these days we can start from there. but as one feels that why should they get involved in house chores, making their hands dirty, when they have others helping? if you don't get that metaphor then blame your self for not understanding. i have been trying to volunteer in india for the longest time, but i have yet to find a group of legitimate and educated people, such as doctors, lawyers, successful businessmen, or just medium class family trying to come together and do something with their status. as you all know, for anything to get done, we always have to deal with corruption from bottom up. do good, to be good, and to recieve goodness of people. call me irrational, but start of with crisis in the family of a local policeman. who knows when or where he/she could help you with in the future. one good deed will carry you through. but we have to get our selves involved.

Bollywood is a very influencial source for this kind of projects. we have movies such as swades and rang de basanti. what do the majority of the people learn from it? people learn how to dress and how to look good.
'no nations is perfect, WE have to make it better'. for all of you movie buffs, you know where that came from. well, take that in account rather than how good of an actor shahrukh is. he already knows how good he is because he's getting paid a lot more than most of us can ever imagine. another irrational suggestion. if anyone has a tie in bollywood scene, try to get in touch with someone who can be involved in the society, along with making your self a "movie star'. i visit www.thetimesofindia.com very often, but i have yet to see a news where john abraham,rani mukharjee, amir khan, etc etc advertising for organization such as AIF/NGO/AID for domestic cause. and if you have, please let me know.
if i stand in a pavillion full of people and ask who wants to be a movie star, how many hands, do you think, will go up??? just an example
so my point is, everyone has a voice. it sounds very philosophical and like a "scratched up record". but if everyone became involved at least for twice a month in their community to educate others. us, as a nation can make a vast difference. so lack of education and use of condoms do play a role, but lack of learning and dedication of teaching others and making everyone aware of the epidimic is the key to this lock. and after awareness, the steps to follow is the most important. a BOLLYWOOD example : it's like couple of people plan to rob a bank. the plan is perfect but it's missing the STEPS for escaping the robbery after the loot. such as how will we escape and where will we hide the money ?? those are the most important questions? so the point is, future-planning is what we need as well!!. after the 'revolution' (cause) starts, who will be responsible to carry out?? me, you, sisters, mothers, the prime minister, health aids???
M.Gandhi started a revolution of a peaceful nation and numerous people died for the cause, but look now. all we have is the picutre frames hanging on the walls.

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