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 Would you date someone with an std?
If you really liked someone, would them having herpies effect the way you see them? I mean, if you respect them wouldnt you stick it out or would you run for the hills.......

 My "cat" can catch a cold?
I has sum green stuff coming out my privates and my friendgirl Jamie says it must has a cold... this right...do i needs to see a docta for it
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aussie you had dis befo I ...

 Can a person die from cervical cancer or HPV?

 Should the most promiscuous people be treated first of STDs?

 Is it normal if your right inner lip on your Virgina is bigger then your left?
is it normal to have your right one bigger then your left...?...

 Can a pap smear detect STD's?

 Can someone please tell me what can be the cause of UTI's that occur every couple of months or so?

 Its true that if a man toches the bubbies they get bigger??

 Hpv question can u help?
i have hpv and i heard that u can get cervical cancer, but how long does it take for you to get it???? and can u die from hpv if u dont get cervical cancer?...

 My Brother Fingered his girlfriend, and he freaked out.?
My brother fingered his girlfriend, and well, he's scared he might have an STD or something, he refuses to go to the doctor, because "my mom will find out about it". I told him "I ...

 Does one single act of sodomy many years ago mean that I can never be a blood donor?

 HOW did "aids" ORIGINATE on earth?
WHY cant we ERADICATE it?...

 Cold sores OR HERPES??
My roommate seems to think she DOESNT have herpes.. she has COLD SORES..

I was taught that there are two simplexes of herpes and cold sores is type A


 Where can I find a place to get tested for STD's without an appointment?
Do you know where I can find a clinic or center to go to in los angeles possibly where you can be easily tested for std's without an appointment or a hassle. It seems difficult to find a place ...

 If you think you might have contracted HIV by blood on blood contact, is there a pill you can take right after
A little bit like the pill to prevent pregnancy....

 Can someone get infected with HIV by saliva.?
Today I was in an internet cafe. I sit on a computer, and I ordered a coffie. In the internet room there were only two other persons, wich looked pretty normal. I went to the WC for a while, and left ...

 First high?
im getting high for the first time later. what are the chances i'll throw up or pass out?...

 HPV? and depressed?
Today I went to the doctors to get examined. I’ve had this issue for a long time almost 10 years but was too embrassed. Initially I thought this was a hemmoriod but recently been getting other ...

 Is Trichinosis considered a STD? If not, how do you catch it?

 Do you know which of the Osbourne family has HIV?
Apparently Kelly Osbourne revealed a relative has been diagnosed with the HIV virus when she was at a charity do last night. She then burst into tears and walked off stage. Can't find any else ...

How long does it take for herpes to show up on a test?
Asking for my daughter because she thinks her boyfriend may have gotten it when he cheated on her.

Jamie Z
Many doctors mistakenly diagnose herpes as thrush because herpes can only be detected on a swab very early on and as the patient normally does not have to time to go to the doctors imeadiately (when all they have is an itch) all the doctor sees is a sore with no trace of infection. He wants to say something good so he does not want to alarm the patient with talk of herpes. I know one girl that was being treated for thrush for over ten years before she moved and had to see a different doctor. I also know of two other cases of this happening and have been told of others.

i'm not sure when it will show up, but if she has any symptoms at all, you need to get her to a doc because there is no cure for it yet and it is highly contagious.

Doris G
There is a blood test that can be done which will reveal the outcome,however,the herpes virus can remain dormant in the system for many years before there is an actual outbreak.

There is only one lab, which i think is in canada that can do a blood test for herpes. Other than that, a sample is usually taken from a fresh sore to test for it. So basically without a breakout, you can't be tested for it. Sadly, you can have herpes for a long time without any break outs.

she can break out 2 to 21 days, and if she dont have a break out then I dont think she got them. If she has a sore then the lab can find out in a day or so.

If your daughter has symptoms, then its important for her to get them checked out by a doc.

There are swabs a doc can do on the sores, if she has them, but they are sort of time sensitive. The earlier she gets them looked at, the better. If they have started to heal, its harder to get a good sample from them.

There are also blood tests available. Ask for a type specific IgG blood test. It can take up to 4 months to show up on a blood test, but most people will develop the antibodies by 6 weeks, so if you have insurance, I would go ahead and test now.

She should also test for other stds if she is concerned her bf cheated on her.

I believe its anywhere between 1 to 2 weeks when your daughter get tested at a clinic. You should take her to a county clinic where it is usually free. If she happens to have it then I'm sorry because there is no cure for herpes right now. The sooner she get checked out the better because if she did get it and doesn't know it she could get a uterus infection, ovary infection, and worse; not able to have children if untreated for a very long time.

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