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 Are you supposed to brush your teeth before you go to the dentist?

 Broken Tooth?
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 Wisdom teeth help!?
I have to have my wisdom teeth cut out and iam scared as i keep hearing different stories! Do they dislocate your jaw? Do you get put to sleep?
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 I am having all 4 wisdom teeth extracted in 2 hours!?
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Bob D
Wisdom Teeth?
The dentist wants to pull out my wisdom teeth. Is this a wise thing to do? What's gonna happen if I leave 'em in, anyway? Any advice?! Past experiences??? Thanks :)

Knit Chick
Everyone does it. Sometimes, if you leave them in, they won't do anything. But for some people, the teeth could cause a lot of discomfort or possibly even rot. Just do it. It's not that terrible.

James A
Take em out if you don't want a funny looking jaw line your face will become like a square lol,Then again it depends if they hurt you or your jaw is hurting then take them out if you've no pain then you have a strong jaw line and it should be ok,Most people take em out though

uuuuum. my aunt had hers pulled out becuz they made the rest of her teeth unalligned. i hope that helps.

If you leave your wisdom teeth in too long, it may create sacs in the back of your mouth that will create infection. It can also make your teeth crooked (especially a problem if you're already suffered through braces) and eventually, it can start hurting.

If you wait too long to pull your wisdom teeth, the chances of losing taste and sensation in your lips goes up the longer you wait. Every wisdom tooth surgery comes with this risk, but the longer you wait the higher the risk.

I suggest just pulling them out. This surgery was one of the most painful of mylife, but I'm glad it's over.

Jessica G
they can make your teeth crooked

I would get them removed they cause more harm than good, though it is gonna hurt really bad. I gotta get mine out too, but almost everyone I know has had them removed, it's just a part of life.

Lara Lou
it just makes your mouth less crowded, and it is not very painful so don't worry... But I hate going to the dentist so... Good luck, I would do it... It's a "wise" decision lol

♥Alumni♠...babies comes june19:)
if u leave them in it's gonna push all ur other teeth forward....my sister says when they grow in its hell too...so its best to get them pulled out...ull be sore 4 a couple of days but thats better than excruciating pain for weeks

Same here. Apparently mine don't have room to grow out so it will put pressure on something. I guess you could get headaches/a sore jaw, but that's a complete guess because I don't know.

Ha, irony. Is this a "wise" thing to do. LOL.

Tiki Tiki
i think they like.. takeover the world.

jd bunnyboy
if you leave your wisdom teeth in, they can squeeze your other teeth together and Begin to give you headaches and make your teeth crooked

Tina W
Get them taken out. I didn't because I had plenty of room for them to come in, and when they started to come in, they were not painfull.. however, now my mouth feels jammed with teeth, and I frequently bite my inner cheek with them. Also, one has broken and caused me a lot of problems.. in any event, if I would've had them removed 7 or 8 years ago, none of this would have happened. Also, if you do not remove them and they start to come in, but there is not sufficient room for them, they can become what is called 'impacted'. This can be terribly painful, and to remove them you must go under anesthesia.. not to mention it costs a heck of a lot more to have it done if they are impacted.

Jack M.
you are probably 11 or 12 right? if your wisdom teeth come out too early and your jaw isn't big enough, it will damage your gums severely for the rest of your lives. I am only 13 but i am a amazing nerd that has many experiences in law, psychology and medics due to my experiences with friends.

Advice: Get them taken out before any more damage is caused. Don't worry they will give you anestetics because its suppose to hurt alot.
They will say "count backwards from 100"
"One hundred, ninety nine"
"ninety eight ninetiiie..."
"*Snores*" Thats how fast the anesthetics are
You'll be out for about an hour but the good thing is that the surgery is over and you didn't feel any pain.

j r
there annoying you should get them pulled out

If your dentist thinks you need to remove your wisdom teeth, you probably should. I had an infection in one of my wisdom teeth and was treating it with anitbiotics until I was able to take time off of work to have them pulled. This morning I had all four pulled. It actually was not so bad. I was put under general anesthesia with and IV. I woke up with gauze in my mouth and feeling a little dizzy. I slept on and off and am taking the painkillers every 3.5 hours. The pain is definetly not as bad as i imagined or read about on these message boards. as long as you take the painkillers it doesnt hurt. My teeth hurt more when they were coming in than they do now. I wouldnt worry i it is definelty "doable". Good luck!

my wisdom teeth came in and were impacted. they started to decay and became very painful. I know people that didnt have this problem, but they can over crowd your jaw for teeth, and in the long run, run your smile! I found a doctor that put me under, and took all four out and i dont remember anything. he was awesome, and i healed quite nice.

afterwards you cant eat anything grainy or hard, and they suggest cold foods (so all the ice cream you want!) and liquid foods for about a week. daily hygiene with mouthwash and proper washing will help speed up the healing process.

i personally gargled warm water with salt (tastes like sea water) but it helps cauterize the wound.

Purple Girl
I wouldn't have them pulled unless you are having specific problems with them or if the xrays show there could be problems. They might come in handy later on if you need bridgework or dentures. I still have 3 of mine. One of mine was pulled due to a bad cavity. Of the 3 left, one is impacted but asymptomatic.

Baby Poots
There is no scientific evidence that the teeth most people call "wisdom teeth" determine wisdom. There is evidence, however, that one's wisdom teeth cause a great deal of physical pain. These teeth are highly susceptible to infection.

I recommend you folliow your dentist's advice and have your "wisdom teeth" removed.

I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed when I was 16-17 and it wasn't bad at all...i went to an oral surgeon and was put under with anesthesia so i didn't feel a thing...and afterwards I wasn't in much pain at all...if you don't have your teeth pulled depending on how they are growing (some grow sideways) they may mess up your other teeth and their positions (possibly making them crooked) but overall if i had to have mine removed again, i wouldnt dread doing it..

Macgyver with Crosby
If you leave them in they may grow in crooked and hurt the other teeth. Go get them out and have them knock you out. I was asleep and afterwards I just needed pain killers and ice. They put stitches in but they dissolve. You will be glad you got them out. They can cause major problems.

I had them removed by an oral surgeon and it honestly wasn't as bad as everyone said it would be.

I did a 5k the day after my surgery. I'm not saying that everyone's goes as smoothly as mine... but if you just prepare for it, it's not bad.

There's a little bit of bleeding and it's a little bit painful for a few hours, but the pain pills your dentist gives you should take care of that.

Honestly, you should only take them out if they are growing out of line, or they hurt. It isn't necessary to pull them out if they aren't a problem. If anything, your dentist wants to make some money off of a silly situation. Good luck!

Wisdom Tooth extraction is a very common practice, and the surgery is done fairly quickly and painlessly. There is of course, swelling and soreness afterwards, but is is generally worth it :)
A wisdom tooth is extracted to correct an actual problem or to prevent problems that may come up in the future. Wisdom teeth are extracted for two general reasons: either the wisdom teeth have already become impacted, or the wisdom teeth could potentially become problematic if not extracted. Potential problems caused by the presence of properly grown-in wisdom teeth include infections caused by food particles easily trapped in the jaw area behind the wisdom teeth where regular brushing and flossing is difficult and ineffective. Such infections may be frequent, and cause considerable pain and medical danger. Another reason to have a wisdom tooth removed is if the tooth has grown in improperly, causing the tongue to brush up against it. The tongue can tolerate it for a limited time, until it causes a painful sensation, to the point where the sheer pain can numb the tongue affected, and the area around it (part of the lips, and the cheek). The numbness feels similar to the feeling of anesthesia, possibly meaning a nerve can be affected by the wisdom tooth improperly growing in. Also, it is a wise choice to have them removed if undergoing extensive orthodontic work because once the teeth have come in they could inflict some damage on expensive straightening.

The longer you wait and the older you get, there is the potential for more problems to occur. This is because as you get older, the bone surrounding the tooth becomes more dense, making the tooth more difficult to remove. The healing process may also be slower.

So I would say ots worth it, because of the potential (and unfortunately, likely) symptoms and problems you will run into if you opt to keep them in your head.

And when they are removed, you get pampered. ice cream for every meal :P

good luck/

Before I had my wisdom teeth out I was in a lot of pain. So if you don't get them pulled you may be in excruciating pain because of them soon. My best advice to you for when you have them taken out is only get one out at a time because I had all 4 of mine pulled at once and i was in the worst pain ever for a long time I wish i would have just had 1 at a time taken out because it might not have been so painful. I was also put to sleep thank god because I have a small mouth and gag.
Make sure you do get them out because they will cause you pain in the future and it's not plesent. I haven't had any pain since.
Oh yeah and one more thing make sure that you have lots of ice handy because you'll swell out like a chickmunk. No drugs helped with the pain after the only thing that helped just a little was ice.

The dentist only has to pull them out if there's no room for them in your mouth, or else it shouldn't cause any problems. If there isn't enough room in your mouth for your wisdom teeth and you leave them in, your teeth will start to hurt a lot. So, ask your dentist if there is room, if yes then it should be okay to leave them in, if no, take them out.

have your dentist refer you to a surgeon, this way insurance pays for it

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