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Deal With the Fear of Going to the Dentist

Teeth checkup No one really looks forward to going to the dentist but for many people, it's a terrifying ordeal. Taking care of your teeth is basic to good health. and dental care is essential if you want to keep your teeth as you age. The risks of avoiding dental care go beyond bad breath as problems with your teeth have been linked to heart disease. If you avoid going to the dentist because of fear, here are some tips that can help you cope.

  1. Your Fears are Normal. Fear of dentists is very common. Let's face it -- going to the dentist is not fun; dentists do poke and prod a sensitive area of your body. Often an upsetting childhood dental experience has lasting effects into adulthood. Sometimes people "inherit" fears from parents, whose experiences with dentists may have been traumatic. But dentists are better trained today and have tools and techniques to minimize discomfort.
  2. Finding the right dentist can make all the difference. Find a Good Dentist for You. Finding a dentist who understands that you are anxious and will work with you will increase your comfort. Many dentists offer practices specifically targeted towards fearful people and offer a variety of solutions that may include sedation, hypnosis, and lots of reassurance. Talk to people you know about their dentists to find one who is sympathetic. Schedule an office visit to meet the dentist without doing any dental work. This will give you an opportunity to evaluate the office. Be prepared to pay for the dentist's time. If the office finds this a strange request, move on -- this is not the dentist for you.
  3. Sedation is an Option. The dentist can provide a number of sedation options. They range from giving you a pill that you take an hour before coming to the office to calm you, to general anesthesia. Nitrous oxide ("laughing gas") is one option that can relax you. Avoid it, however, if you are pregnant. While Novocaine will numb your mouth so you cannot feel pain. many people are fearful of the needle. A dentist can use a local anesthetic to numb the area before beginning the injection.
  4. Step by Step You don't have to do it all at once. Schedule an examination so you can meet the dentist. Then come back for a cleaning. A couple of successful, low stress experiences, will help you cope.
  5. For Extreme Fears You may need to turn to a good psychologist or counselor. You may have so much anxiety about the dentist's office you can't even bring yourself to walk into the office. Phobias can be treated using techniques such as desensitization therapy, which is very effective.
  6. Bring something over, like a rubber and keep it in your hand. Squeeze it hard. It will release your stress.
  7. Get a book with you Take a fun book to the dentist or maybe even listen to music while waiting.
  8. Breath slowly, hold your breath a bit and then slowly exhale. If you feel you are having an anxiety attack it helps to breath deeply from your stomach than from your chest.
  9. Bring a friend with you or a family member as well. Make sure this person is comfortable with dentists and not the high-strung sort.
  10. Meditate Envision how you would like your appointment to go and meditate on a positive experience rather than the "what if's". Envision how wonderful it will be to have a beautiful, healthy smile.
  11. Think positive Think positive! Remember--when you get through this, you will prove to yourself you are a strong person, who takes care of your body. This will be over soon--and don't forget to reward yourself!

  • Look for dentists that have slogans like, "We Cater to Cowards" and "Pain-Free Dentistry".
  • Be sure to find a dental hygienist with excellent skills, too. Hopefully, you'll be seeing him or her much more than your dentist!

  • The dental office is a really friendly place and their job is to serve you and maintain the health of your teeth. You will receive countless benefits from going to the dentist, so do not avoid going.

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