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 How have you controlled your high cholesterol naturally?
My doctor wants me to take medication - however, I had such a bad reaction to lovenstatin that I am still experiencing bad cramping in my torso three years later. So I want to avoid the statins. I ...

 What is the effect of adrenaline of the heart? Where is it produced?

 if a person freaks out can this cause a heart attack for someone else?
there is a guy on tv who becomes irate, the tone of his voice,the look in his eye,he throws things and yells etc. What are % of this causing a heart attack if a person has coronary artery disease?...

 Blood flow: Mean Pulmonary Pressure (MAP) vs. Mean Systemic Pressure?
Why is that mean pulmonary pressure is 5x less than mean systemic pressure? How does the equation for flow, pressure, and resistance relate to this? (Flow = Pressure/Resistance)...

 Is it true untill menopause women don't start to get build up of arteries or get Atherosclerosis?

 What does it mean when your heart beats 160 beats per minute?
I was in the hospital with 160 beats per minute that finally went down no one seems to know why. The nurse said to calm down well I was not so hyper and upset of course I was concerned about my heart ...

 How to reduce high blood cholesterol? PLEASE HELP!!! ?
What are some ways to reduce high blood cholesterol? Thanx!!! <3 OH and provide LINKS. This is a MUST!!!...

 Framingham Heart Study?
I'm doing a project where I need the History of heart disease. Could you tell me if there's any site with really extensive info on the Framingham heart study, or something similar, that ...

 How long does it take for the 'setup' of a stroke to develop?

 new cure for pulmonary hypertension. what do you think of this?
I came across on the internet that scientists are about to make a breakthrough on the cure and reverse of the condition pulmonay hypertension.please see this links: http://www.ivanhoe.com/c...

 Why does my heart feel so heavy?
Is like i watched this show and i finsihed watching the entire series but is like i wan to watching again again and again and my heart feels heavy WHY??? adnormally? in me? and is like i LOVED that ...

 Pre Atrial Contractions and Heartburn?
Hi, I am 18 and have been diagnosed with PAC's since last year. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they could cause heartburn. I have had them so bad that they caused me to caugh, but ...

 laboratoristas clinicos, patologos, inmunologos, bacteriologos, drs en general?
Dentro de lo estandar en una biopsia muscular se analizan en microscopio electronico y la inmunohistoquimica solo de las miofibrillas, miositos, o tambien se estudian las inervaciones y los vasos. S...

 Can you will your heart to skip a beat or two?
Like, focus real hard on it until you think you felt it stop beating for a moment? Or maybe some kind or action, besides outside machines or chemicals....

 What list of foods help heighten good cholesterol?
My good cholesterol is low, what's a list of foods that will help?...

 How few of beats per minute can a well-conditioned heart make at rest?

 can a person have two heart blocks?
can a person have both second and first degree av block?...

 Why is it that I am having painful heartbeats?
I am having palpitations this past few days. For 2 consecutive days, I had painful heart beats and it radiates on my right jaw and arm. This lasted for few seconds only. My bp and heart rate is ...

 Cardiac arrest than coma?
1 day 1/2 ago my grandfather went into a coma after cardiac arrest. When he first went into cardiac arrest my cousin was there performing cpr on him but could not find a pulse. according to the ...

 Have you ever had a heart palpitation and chest pain at same time?
When I eat sometimes I have palpitations, because I'm nervous about eating and I breathe and swallow very tensely. Today I had a palpitation while eating with a sharp pain in my chest and pain ...

Who is taking Lipitor for cholesterol and also has anxiety and heart palps or Atrial Fibrillation?
I have been taking Lipitor for 6 years, now during the last three years I have been experiencing Atrial Fibrillation and anxiety, I was admitted into hospital three times for my heart and am seeing a Cardiologist. They all told me that my AF was brought on by alcohol and was my anxiety, I stopped drinking completely now for just over a year but still have had slight heart zaps on a weekly basis, so I just started getting used to it and keep regular doctor visits, now why I''m writing this is because on my last blood test the doctor said my liver enzymes were slightly elevated, I asked him why? and he said it could be the Lipitor so he decided to change me to Crestor, when I got home I thought to myself ""Stuff This Medication"" its now hurting my Liver so I stopped taking it, I didn't care anymore, now the funny thing is within a day of stopping Lipitor I feel better, my body feels better, my atrial fibrillation has stopped, its been two one month now and I haven't had one problem, I feel so much better, now was it the Lipitor that caused my AF? I googled this and apparently statin drugs Can cause heart Problems, remember satins cause muscle weakness its proven, so what is your Heart? its a muscle!!!!

I am an ex Lipitor taker. I will never touch another statin. They are dangerous... and that is an understatement. If you really need to lower your cholesterol take Vitamin C, a Pharmaceutical Grade Molecularly distilled omega-3 DHA supplement and eat more "natural" fats found in food like organic butter from grass-fed cows, "wild caught" salmon, and avocados. Too little natural fat in your body is worse than not enough and the belief that saturated fat leads to coronary artery disease is a total myth. The lipid hypothesis was created to sell statins and margarine. Also avoid eating or drinking anything with trans-fat and high fructose corn syrup.

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