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 What would you do?
what would you do if you found out that you had an STD that wasn't deadly, but you couldn't get rid of....

 I have AIDS, can i still donate blood?

 How can we stop the spread of AIDS in India?
India has the highest population of HIV+ People.According to a report, India had 5.7 million cases of HIV by the end of 2005, against 5.5 million in South Africa....

 My doctor said i have crabs?
what are crabs??? ?-)...

 How can my boyfriend get the herpes virus from me if he does not come inside of me?

 Is it OK not to tell my wife a female lover I dated on and off in 1984 - 1985 got HIV? I tested HIV negative.

Additional Details
To clarify:
1) My girl friend never made love to me after finding out she was HIV positive in 1985.
2) ...

 How do I tell my boyfriend....?
I have been with my boyfriend for 5 months, before I was with him the condom split with a man I was with and I caught an std, I have only just found out, so have probably passed it on to my new ...

 Can you catch an STD from an animal?

 Can u have a baby if u have an std?
MY friend has an std and he told me if he could still have a baby with his wife but I did not know what to tell him so if you know please help him out by answering thank ...

 Do your eyes turn yellow from hiv?

 Is it safe to use my toothbrush after someone cleaned their razor with it?

 Can you get STDs from kissing, if they've 69'd someone who has them?
Cuz I just realized I might get STDs just from kissing! And Im not gonna get someone tested before kissing them!...

 How can my partner have gential warts if he has just been with me for the last 7 years?

 Which is the best STD to have?

 How do I get rid of crabs?

 Aids / HIV Can it be transmitted?
By open mouthed kissing when saliva is swapped?
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Ty Zeggy.

To all you who say get common sence/ dont be ...

 Can you get hiv from sharing drinks?

 How to know if some one got STDs diseases???
do u people know how you can know if you have STDs and how long it takes to feel it actully?...

 Do the AIDS "germs" die in the air?
I am working at a nursing home part time and 3 of the residents have AIDS. They can't tell you that when you get hired because of HIPPA and what not, but they also have no information about it ...

 If you HAD to have one STD, what would it be and why?

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Sorry to offend anyone who had or has an STD! I was talking over this subject with my 19 year old niece and ...

Can a straight male get STD's?

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I know women can get it but how do straight guys get it

awoke with new eyes
YEP sure can!

Steve B
Another graduate of the abstinence education generation.

Of course... you get it from a female.

Are you a complete idiot or are you just working on it yet?

Yes STD and AIDS do not discriminate.

Yah - and if you use a condom - you'll never get a girl pregnant either! LOL! To say that a condom will protect you against HIV, syphillis, gonorhea, veneral warts and other VD and to say - you can't get a girl pregnant is like saying "Hey - I'm at the top of this 10 story building. I've got my hard hat on - my protection - I'll be just fine jumping off! Bye bye!"

Of course!

yes, Henry the 8th had syphilis when he died, so did Al Capone have it. you can get syphilis, gonorrhea and herpes , to name a few. These diseases were around long before AIDS. and one of the additional benefits of advanced syphilis is insanity.


of course a straight male can as well as a gay male or a bi male STD's do not adhere to types they are available to all

yeah ,

but try telling them that !

Yes. From their female mate. One STD can actually be caused by different type of infections by either persons .. and lots of people are not aware of this.

You are kidding me about this question aren't you? Do you know what an STD is, no it is not a phone call. Sorry of course a straight male can get an STD if you or your spouse sleeps around.

of course from an infected girl (absolutely)


Yep, that is why you need protection.

Anyone can get a std dude


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