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 My mouth has a bump in it. Is this a sign of Oral Cancer?
The bump is on my lip and over the past few weeks it has been getting bigger and bigger. Also, I have little white and red things on my tong and every time I brush my teeth my tong starts bleeding.<...

 I think my mom smokes!?
i found a pack of cigarettes in her room and i went in her bathroom and found one in the toilet.
and there was 2 in the backyard that my little brother and sister found.

i asked her ...

 How do you feel after smoking a cigarette?
i just want to no cause i thinking about starting.!
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 A question about cancer?
When you go through chemo, your hair falls out, does that mean all of your hair on your body everywhere falls out?...

 Cancer patient would like to know other cancer patients opinions?
I am looking for responses from cancer patients who don't just trust their Dr's automatically. People who are keeping up on advances and researching for themselves. I moved from AZ to CA ...

 Can a cell phone give you brain cancer?
im being very cautious when i use my phone and i want to know if it can....

 How do you know you have lung cancer?

 My mom 's face is gray is that fdrom chemo, and can she died from getting chemo?

 How long can you live with blood cancer?

 Should my mother file for disability since she was diagnosed with breast cancer? She has no health insurance!

 Any advice for me ? I have just been diagnosed with cancer in my left kidney.?
I would like to know what to expect. Will they put me on chemo or just remove the kidney and check to make sur that was enough?...

 Bowel Cancer Post Op Fever of 40.5 HELP ?????
My dad had an operation for bowel cancer 3 weeks ago and although having a temperature he was released from hospital. He was taken back in last week and temperature has risen to 40.5. He is only ...

 My friends mom died of cancer and i dont know what to do to help!?

 I have a abnormal pab smear?
i have a abnormal pab smear. what could in ...

 Is it possible to have a baby while going through Chemo?

 Does cancer come up on a blood test?
im curious if cancer shows up on a blood test. like if i went to the doctors, and they drew 3 things of blood and sent them to the lab. could they tell if you had any type of cancer?...

 What would you write on your "Bucket List" knowing the end was near?

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Seriously...have you NOT watched the movie THE BUCKET LIST?

Great movie...and lots of people are doing ...

 What is the worst type of cancer to get?
There are so many different types of cancers. Cancer could happen anywhere in the body. I heard that some cancers is worse than others. I heard that blood cancer is one of the worst. Which cancer is ...

 What do you do or say to a person who was just diagnosed with cancer?
I know it sounds awful to even ask...
But what do you say right after a person finds out they have cancer? I know hug and cope but don't know what to say......

 I need to tell my son that his grandpa has cancer and needs to have chemo. can anyone help me with this ?

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My son is 10 years old and we live in western ...

My dad just had a colonoscopy, found out he has a tumor..?
I am the daughter.. and am very worried.. My dad will find out next week if its cancerous..either way will have surgery.. The doctor who would perform the surgery has a bad rating on that medical site = ratemds.com.. I don't know what to do, should I ask my dads doctor for a second opinion.?. as not crazy about having this other doctor who got the really bad reviews.. taking care of my dad. i am beside myself, and very upset.. what should I do?

There are a few points here:Foirst, don't panic over the tumor thing. Polyps are very common and are cut out of many people haveing colonoscopies. Polyps are not uncommonly adenomous tumors (I was told this by my consultant when they cut 3 of them out of me). These things are precancerous but once out then you are sorted. Many tumors can be removed by colonoscope but if this was not possible it is still best getting them out the old fashioned way (operation). Done properly laperotomies and colon resections are safe enough but they are major and you should get a good surgeon to do them if needed.

It is not unusual for people in a transition of any kind to feel confused and overwhelmed. Rule 1- Don't let anyone pressure you into something that isn't rational. If you aren't feeling good about the Dr. -do get a second opinion. The person who is the patient feels even more confused than the family so be supportive but don't be dragged along for an irrational ride. Fear causes us to think with our brain stem (fight or flight) instead of our frontal lobe (reasonable decision-making). So ask questions and question the answers. Try to be calm and rational. Your dad may listen to you better if you don't look like you are beside yourself and in a panic. You can make a good decision. Leo I. said that if you have a perfect answer -it is usually to late to answer the question. Give it some thought, talk it over calmly, you will be a lot of help to your dad.

Many people who have colonoscopies find out they have huge polyps and growths in their colon. More often than not, they are benign.
It is a little premature for a 2nd opinion unless a malignancy is confirmed.
Of course, you get to pick the surgeon who does the operation. Ask around especially nurses and find out who the best surgeon in your area is. Depending on where this tumor is will determine how much of his colon will have to be removed. Sometimes it is simple laprascopic surgery.
I understand you are upset, but keep yourself together for now until you get thru this thing.

If you aren't comfortable with the doc, then find another. Look at it this way,your father is going to be in for quite a bit of medical treatment either way,and the surgeon is the manager who coordinates everything. So,if you're not comfortable with him, find someone who you are comfortable with.Maybe he doesn't feel comfortable with you! As for 2nd opinion, I would. Let your dr know, and he will send the other dr copies of tests, lab reports etc to avoid duplicate tests,whch can be expensive,

Now, if it IS cancer, you and your dad might be receptive to an antidepressant. When my wife had cancer, this was one of the first things the surgeon did,and he called my dr and recommended the same for me.

Hang in there. My wife had a rough time,so did I. But then we woke up one morning and thought, "we went through all THAT!"
She just celebrated 5 years and no symptoms.

First thing..RELAX. I'll be thinking of you.

Sure. Everyone gets second opinions. As soon as the pathology report is complete, he can have it sent to Mayo Clinic.

Always remember that your dad and you are the "paying customers". If you don't feel comfortable with the surgeon performing the procedure request another one. Medical records can be transfered to whom ever you choose. You are not stuck with the surgeon the GI doctor has referred, just tell him and maybe he can refer a different one or research and find one ine the area you are comfortable with and ask that your father be refered to him.

My mom had colon cancer and is completely better. It is one of the best cancers to get if it is caught early. They can clear it up very easily with surgery and chemo. She even had a colostomy bag for a while and they reversed it and she no longer has it...is totally normal and healthy for 8 yrs now. If it's not cancer, then they will remove it and keep an eye on him with yearly colonoscopy. Your dad can go to any surgeon that his regular doctor recommends. He is not locked into one. He can take his test results and go to someone else.

Discuss your concerns with your dad and see how he feels about all of this. If he feels a second opinion is warrented then he should get one. Remember that the ratings you read are just peoples ratings and not ratings by professional or other docs.

Lucas V
Go with the results.... if he found something he's going to check with a pathologist about the tumor before he does anything so just be patient and take it by ear. Remember to ask lots of questions however.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to get a second opinion before surgery anyway, especially if you don't trust the doc. But don't put it off; do it right away. Good luck to you and best wishes to your dad!

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