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 What to do and eat to prevent cancer?

 Has anybody had a bone scan,wot is involved please?

 Please help! 4 yr old nephew has the following symtoms..?
My nephew has lost alot of weight, eyes are sunk in, will not eat hardly at all. My neice took him to the doctor and the urine test showed an abnormally high wbc in his urine. He is thirsty and will ...

 Treating Cancer with Vitamin C Mega Dose 10Grams?
I have Prostate cancer spreading to Spine. I am on Calutide 50, 3 tablets a day.
One Nobel Laureate Doctor suggests that we take
Vitamin C 10Grams Mega dose to fight cancer.
Is it ...

 Not sure if this has been discuss,but what would you do?
I was watching one of those 24hr news channels, and they had brought up the hpv shot. would you let your daughter get it or not. please explain....

 My mouth has a bump in it. Is this a sign of Oral Cancer?
The bump is on my lip and over the past few weeks it has been getting bigger and bigger. Also, I have little white and red things on my tong and every time I brush my teeth my tong starts bleeding.<...

 I think my mom smokes!?
i found a pack of cigarettes in her room and i went in her bathroom and found one in the toilet.
and there was 2 in the backyard that my little brother and sister found.

i asked her ...

 How do you feel after smoking a cigarette?
i just want to no cause i thinking about starting.!
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 A question about cancer?
When you go through chemo, your hair falls out, does that mean all of your hair on your body everywhere falls out?...

 Cancer patient would like to know other cancer patients opinions?
I am looking for responses from cancer patients who don't just trust their Dr's automatically. People who are keeping up on advances and researching for themselves. I moved from AZ to CA ...

 Can a cell phone give you brain cancer?
im being very cautious when i use my phone and i want to know if it can....

 How do you know you have lung cancer?

 My mom 's face is gray is that fdrom chemo, and can she died from getting chemo?

 How long can you live with blood cancer?

 Should my mother file for disability since she was diagnosed with breast cancer? She has no health insurance!

 Any advice for me ? I have just been diagnosed with cancer in my left kidney.?
I would like to know what to expect. Will they put me on chemo or just remove the kidney and check to make sur that was enough?...

 Bowel Cancer Post Op Fever of 40.5 HELP ?????
My dad had an operation for bowel cancer 3 weeks ago and although having a temperature he was released from hospital. He was taken back in last week and temperature has risen to 40.5. He is only ...

 My friends mom died of cancer and i dont know what to do to help!?

 I have a abnormal pab smear?
i have a abnormal pab smear. what could in ...

 Is it possible to have a baby while going through Chemo?

Jack D
How the hell can Coca Cola cause Cancer?
How the hell can a soft drink cause Cancer?

As Constance said, it does not cause cancer.

Where did you hear that Coca Cola causes cancer?

Lauren F
It seems that everything these days causes cancer: diet sodas, regular sodas, drinking alcohol, eating white bread, eating butter, eating margarine, etc.
All I know is, I really try to limit foods and drinks that are definitely unhealthy (fried foods and sodas to name 2). Moderation in all things people! I suppose that's all anyone can do!

One day,a can of coca cola fell on the white marble floor of my mum's balcony and the white got whiter....since that day I didn't drink coca cola anymore.
I do not know if it cause cancer.......but I know it is not healthy to drink.

I have always been told that Coca Cola will eat the rust off a car. And, in fact, I saw this happen. The rust bubbles under the drink and can be wiped off. But, I haven't heard this one. Still, it makes you wonder what the drink can do to your body.

dont know about the cancer statement but have you seen what it does to a coin, put one in and leave for a few hours and see, if it does that to a coin what does it do to your insides??

If it is diet it will have Aspartme in it, which is a artificial sweetener. They have done studies in Aspartme and it is believed to be cancer causing.

Constance B
Coco Cola does not cause cancer, and with the Aspartame(NutraSweet) debate, if you read research on whether it causes cancer, in order for it to do any type of damage, we would have to be lab rats and ingest thousands of times the actual amount and basically be fed nothing but Nutra Sweet to reach toxic levels...Doctors, dieticians and hospitals recommend and give out thousands of soft drinks containing Aspartame every day.

In my sources, One on the "Myths of the internet" the other the FDA websites page on Aspartame.

Angela D
Because it's full of chemicals....try reading the label of things you put inside your body.

full gospel shirley
This is a great question, tho you didnt need to sware. Not judging you, just hoping you get the point.
But yes, cola can cause cancer.
First off , it is very acidic and will make your system so off course with the ph system , and the acid in your stomach will begin to eat away at your stomach and go on to destroy other intestines as well. cola is very acidic. Most foods are acidic. We cant totally avoid them, but we are to balance this off with eating more alkaline foods that will help restore the natural balance of the ph system. Cola is very bad for you for so many reasons, and I learned the hard way. IT almost destoyed my entire health, and literally my stomach was in such bad shape, that they thought I was full of cancer, but was not, only acid. Thank God for the warning.
Also , there is sugar in cola, which also makes you fatter, but isnt good for you, and it is also acidic.
If you use any of the fake sweetners, read up on them, they will destroy you after ahilwe. The only sugar subsitute that is safe is a natural herb called stevia.
There are many things you can do to make yourself more alkaline and less acidic. Read up on the net about it, its awesome, and life changing. I also learned to drink whole leaf aloe vera juice, like an oz in the morning and an oz at night. Havent had to take any tums or anything since then. Those products only make you more acidic in the long run, the over the counter antacids. Bad stuff. THe docs know it and ther herbaologists, natural docs know it. bad stuff. Cola, sugar substitues all of it are like asking for cancer. We can only learn this info for ourselves and then apply it to our lives and watch our lives change.
Did you know adding lemon to your water also helps make you more alklaine? So many things we can do to improve our health.
God provided a natural balanced diet for us, but few eat that way anymore. WHen you learn the truths of fruits and veggies, you will see, that they arent just good for you and full of vitamins, they keep your system in order and running right. Make sure you get enough fiber to avoid cancer as well. for overall good health. I think the best one to add in is benefiber. I dont work for that company, but I know its lifechanging to me.
Great question. Glad you asked it. You wont learn this much if at all from regular docs. They make too much on rx drugs and mainstream meds to ever tell us about the truths of eating right, going alkaline, and uses or herbs and minerals to be healthy.
Most of cancer and so many other diseases would be gone, if ppl ate this way. I even developed ulcers at one point from so much acid, and other digestive issues> But, God wanred me in time. No more cola, sugar substitutes, over the counter antacids, and removing as many acidic things as I can from my diet, and adding in alkaline. Mix that with the benefiber, and the aloe vera juice, and I am a whole new lady.
Thank God for the natural things He provided, so we dont have to take all those dangerous rx drugs.
God bless ya.

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