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 The show Mystery Diagnosis.?
I am wondering if you can watch the shows online? what is the website? Is there an episode where someone gets/has Lupus? Has FASD? I have tried youtube but i could not find a certain one i ...

 What is a micro valve relapse?
What is a micro valve relapse?Should I be worried?...

 Heart rate changing several times in a minute?
My heart rate varies a lot in a short amount of time with no precipitating activity. For instance, in the last couple of minutes, my heart rate has gone from around 80 to 60 to 100 to 70. And I am ...

 How is hematology related to the cardiovascular system?
(biotech drugs treat hematological indications, and I don't know its relation to the cardiovascular system....

 what brand is a good choice for a blood pressure monitor?
yeah my grandpa needs a blood pressure monitor to check his bp at home. i bought a cvs brand one earlier but i dont know it seems kind of iffy. i was wondering if there is a reliable name brand and ...

 Blood clot question. PLEASE HELP, picture included?
ast night i went out for my birthday went dancing, and just ome girl fun. Well when i woke up today and the side of my left calf really hurts! im parnoid of blood clots, but i did the homans test, ...

 Multiple Choice Question about Heart Arrythmia?
In bradycardia: a. The P-wave is present, there is a large QRS complex, and the T-wave is present and there is a distinguishable T-P interval b. The P-wave is absent, there is a large QRS ...

 I have no pulse!? Heart is slowing down, wtf is going on?!?
I was trying to sleep just a minute ago and my neck felt funny and my heart stopped beating. All my pulses, like in my neck and on my wrist were gone, but I felt fine! I now have a very faint, ...

 Is this a health problem?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is. Occasionally, on my upper left chest, i get a severe 5 second pain as if somethings compressing everything inside. I usually either take a very ...

 has anyone had the essure done?

 left arm pain for weeks?
arm feels heavy all the time....

 Whenever i lay my head down i get really dizzy and cant breath what is it?

 Congestive heart failure with a 90% ejection fraction? how is this possible?
How can a person be diagnosed with chf if they have on ef measurement of 90% that just doesn't make since to me....

 Fatal Dose of Metoprolol?
I am on .25mg of metoprolol daily. I am just wondering what a fatal or dangerous dosage would be because I tend to get paranoid that I will forget I took my medicine and take it twice by mistake....

 Is it okay to drink alcohol while I am taking Atenolol.?
I am taking 25 mg of Atenolol a day as prescribed by my doctor. However I want to know if it's okay to drink while I'm on this medication and by drinking I probably mean getting drunk....

I have had a bad head ache in my right temple area for just about 17 hours now. but along with this head ache i and getting very breathless. after walking up the stairs i have to sit because i am ...

 what is the best predictor for risk of a stroke?
A. blood pressure B. LDL cholesterol C. HDL cholesterol D. trans-fatty acid ...

 Common medications used in the athletic training room?

 Is blood pressure 140 over 90 high for a 15 year old? What should it be?
Is blood pressure 140 over 90 high for a 15 year old? What should it be?...

 My angiogram report says: CVS:S1S2 (+), P/A Soft, RS:BAE (+) CNS:NFND, Rrr 22 / mt?
What do these terms and values mean? Is there any abnormality in any of them? The final diagnosis says: Normal coronary arteries. Kindly clarify....

 Latest posts Results: 61-90 of 9297
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Mr. Happy
Is it common to still have a heart murmur after aortic valve replacement surgery?
Thank you... Read More


Calling all Cardiologists! or anyone else that knows about them!?
Okay, So I have thirteen years old and I've been wanting to be a doctor ever since I was five. I just found out that I really want to become a Cardiologist. And I have a few questions that I woul... Read More


My heart is beating through my chest.?
I'm 11 years old, and i was making a milkshake earlier and when i was cleaning up i washed my hands thinking i was done. Then with my hands slightly damp i unplugged the milkshake thing. I then f... Read More


kumar d
what is total doctors in america?
... Read More


medications at winco?
Are there over the counter medications at winco foods... Read More


Is my Grandmas Dog Having a Seizure Stroke Or Heart Attack?
I wasn't inside when it happened but my Grandpa was..He came outside and said Gizmo their Shih tzu might be having a Heart Attack..And My Grandpa Thought he was dead.. He said Gizmo their 6 year ... Read More


Could these be signs of a heart attack in a woman in her 50s?
Feeling of tightness in the chest and fatigue, both over a period of a few days.
What do ye think?

Thanks guys :)... Read More


1. An individual calls the office stating he is experiencing periods of rapid heartbeat and palpitations, inso?
... Read More


Can heart problems develop from abusing amphetamines?
and anti depressants? I asked before but got no answers

To put it shortly, I used to abuse pills frequently along with drinking and smoking, all between 15 and 16. (Don't comment on my age I d... Read More


Does serrapeptase have any positive effect on plaque inthe cardo vascular system? Perhaps even remove some pl?
Does serrapeptase have any positive effect on plaque inthe cardo vascular system? Perhaps even remove some plaque?... Read More


How do thin thighs point to a weak heart?
Scientists say that people with a thigh measurement of less than 60cm have a much higher risk of heart related problems? But how do legs have anything at all to do with your heart health?... Read More


important components of cardiovascular system?
HELP... Read More


What do cardiac muscle fibers do?
-support the body
-make bones move
-release heat to maintain body temp
-contract the heart

Im thinking contract the heart...can anyone confirm??

Also, is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dio... Read More


How serious is a left ventricle level of 3?
A stint was placed in the main left artery in December of 2009. It was blocked 100%. In March of this year he was having trouble with alot of gas and at first he thought it was indigestion or maybe ... Read More


Uhm, what should I do now?
I went to the ER for these strange attacks I've been having for around 10 months now, the pain spreads throughout my back, into my jaw, and my side/under ribs. RARELY chest pain..almost never che... Read More


charles j
my heart dr. wants me to have a loop implant put in?
my heart dr. wants me to have a loop implant put in. what does it do ? how does it work? will it somehow help my heart problems? i have high and low b.p. and atrial fiberlation? help please!!... Read More


can you have to much calcium in your blood?
... Read More


When you eat alote of sea urchins does it cause high cholesteroll, high blood pressure?
... Read More


Treatments for Valve Disorder?
Thanks... Read More


three bypass surgeries? what is the severity?
My grandma had a heart attack this weekend and has to get three bypass surgeries because 3 of her 7 coronary arteries are completely blocked. I am not really familiar with medical terms but i know wha... Read More


Lovess June
are these normal: vent.rate 68bpm pr interval 146ms qrs duration 96ms qt/qtc 408/433ms p-r-t axes 83-96-84?
-... Read More


Ms. Umali
House episode about heart diseases?
House episode... Read More


how many nodes does an average healthy heart have?
... Read More


How long can a heart have an increased rate before damage is done to the muscle?
I went to the emergency a few days ago with an increased heart rate. It was ranging from 95-115 bpm. It has slowed a bit from then but it is still about 80-85 bpm. My normal heart rate is 60. I go in ... Read More


Irregular Heartbeat? (Poeple who have it?)?
Is there any risks with an irregular heartbeat? And is there any way to tell for sure if you have it?... Read More


what it means when your heart skip a beat and when your chests hurts too?
like when i do heavey work my heart skip and hurt too why thatt???... Read More


미사 리
What is the ICD-9-CM codes for?
1.unstable angina secondary to coronary artery disease.
2.Atherosclerotic heart disease with new-onset angina.
3.Spontaneous epistaxis secondary to uncontrolled hypertension.
4.Femoral-popliteal oc... Read More


is my blood pressure normal?? please answer?
im a 13 year old girl. and my blood pressure is always 90/44. is that ok??? please answer
im dizzy when i stand up. and i have been feeling sick latley. and loosing weight. i go to the doctor. and the... Read More


Is 150 mg of blood pressure medication a lot?
... Read More


5 Downings
how do you know if kawasaki disease is still in a child?
My son was dignose for kawasiki disease. there was only one test taking. But only after he was giving pinicicline and had an reaction and could not break a fever.... Read More

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