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 What is the best way to quit smoking?

 Is snorting Ritalin harmful?

 what is the strongest muscle in the human body?

 What could frequent urination, slight memory loss, tingling from head to back,reduced attention be symptoms of
I am very concerned for a loved one. They alsoo inaddtion to the above mentioned symptoms have a low concentration rate and thinking ability. These have changed over the past 6 years. Her m.ain ...

 Is it possible to improve vision naturally with exercises or other ways?
I've seen books and online programs that claim to improve ...

 How do you get over agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house)?
Any tips would be ...

 how long does it take to become a cardiologist?

 Has anyone torn their ACL and had surgery?
If you have, what are some good exercises to get the range of motion back? My doctor just told me he wants me to get to a certain point in a week, but not really how. I start physical therapy in ...

 what country has the highest demand for nurses?

 what is the way to lose fat% from your stomack.?

 what is mesothelioma?

 how do you know if you suffer from depression?
i'm 25 and i don't have health insurance, so i can't afford a diagnosis, but i need to know if i'm suffering from depression. i think i have some signs, but i'm not sure if ...

 hey whats the best way to relax and relieve stress from work?
ive been working too much at my job with alot of stress and i need to find some way to get rid of some of it. im pretty sure that everyone knows what i mean by stress at ...

 how long does cocaine stay in your system?

 please help me i am so sick!?
my throat hurts really bad is vicks 44 a good medicine and what is something good to drink when all you have are ...

 Are yawns contagious?


 Chapped or Slippery?
My hands are chapped and I have a great lotion for it, but I never want to apply it because then everything I touch gets slippery and it's so annoying. Any ideas?...

 how can i learn to relax more , get less stressed out?

 how many hours of sleep should a 16 year old girl get?

Jesus H. Christ
how to socialize?

If you're uncomfortable socializing, inexperienced, or just lousy at it, I suggest observation, and easing into trial and error. The hardest thing about socializing is doing it, the rest you learn as you go. If you have to learn it as an adult, it can be pretty scary because you notice the mistakes you would have forgotten as a child. Start with smiling. Smile at random people and see how many smile back. Then do something a little more daring like complimenting a stranger. As far as larger groups like bars, parties, hobby groups, make comments, say asinine things, and pay attention to reactions. People will let you know your strengths. But ultimately and most of all, don't care too much about what people think, just use the information as a tool. Be yourself and remember that no matter how much scrutiny you think you're under, most people don't pay that much attention.

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