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 working of 8 bit ring counter?
how the 8 bit ring counter ...

 How to heal a big gouge in my thumb?
This is a bit of a specialist question but any answers or help are welcome!! I'm desperate. I was using a mandolin to slice onions and well . . . yeah. There's about a 1cm gouge missing :/ ...

 I just got angel bites 3 days ago are they still supposed to be sore?
they look normal I wash with mouth wash every time I eat, and wash the outside with dial soap which is what I was told im just wondering if there still supposed too be a little sore?...

 What causes slow healing skin?
My skin takes forever to heal, even while applying topical creams etc, how can I improve the healing time of my skin? I already drink plenty of water (I've had small bites on my arm which ...

 My friend just spiked me with LSD. How can I get it out of my system?
I've never taken it before, I don't know what to expect. Should I make myself sick? Can I dilute it with water? It happened about 10 minutes ago and I don't feel high. What should I do?...

 Is there anything worse than ring sting?

 public health training in Ireland?

 Eye muscle hurts from looking up?
i looked up and then my eye muscle started hurting in the top area, this happened last night!! am i going to be okay?...

 Burned my inner arm with steam at work today?
I have a red mark now. is it too late to apply anything so this mark will fade quicker? It happened a few wks months ago on my other arm and I am still scarred....

 What first-aid should be kept in a car at all-times?

 i have a bite just above my elbow and its red and it hurts to touch what could it be?
i woke up this morning and i felt a sharp pain on my arm, and i looked in the mirror at my elbow and there was a bite, i wasn't quite sure what it was, its very red and it hurts so much, its not ...

 Head And Ear Pains!?!?!!?
Ok well im 15 years old. I woke up this morning with a huge pain in the back of my head on the right side. It comes every 5-10 minutes and its really bad i don't remember hitting my head ...

 How would we maintain our long term good health.?

 i feel down the stairs on saterday and badley hurt my back im in real agony any suggestions?

 why am i always tiered even though i get good sleep eat well and keep fit.i just feel tiered all the time?

 Why are Doctors "practising" medicine in hospitals. Do they not learn how to do it at University?
If i was ever in hospital, I wouldn't want a Doctor who was "practising". I'd want one who knew what the fcuk he was doing. Let's see who answers this one ...

 can my lungs burst if i hold my breath when i sneeze?

 I have pain in the right upper abdomen after my gall bladder operation 3months back.What is this pain?
I had gall stones. I got my gall bladder removed through LAP surgery but I can feel a pull & pain in my right upper abdomen. I feel it more at lying down or breathing hard or when I try streching....

 What is this medication: phonetically it is 'mef-a-nemic' acid...?

 Would vitamin e oil help burst blood vessels?
I have alot of burst blood vessels on my chest and neck line.Would vitamin e oil help them heal and go ...

Tony T
Respiration Rate i need a medical professional to answer this please?
im going to be doing an exam and my teacher is the devil incarnate, she has no patients to tech and she failed 4 of us on principle last time. what is the best way to takes some ones Respiration Rate (especially if they have an irregular pules and also if they have a normal pulse) i saw this on a website is this a correct way or is there a better way: Best way is to hold the wrist with their arm against their chest so you can feel the rise and fall of the chest. Take the pulse for the first 15-30 seconds (or whatever your school/facility protocol is) then count the rise and fall for the next 15-30 seconds.

Ian Kelly
Hi. That is correct.However I recommend that you count the respiration's and pulse for 60secs. You should be able to count the resps and the pulse at the same time. One of the reasons that it is not done separately is because when you say to the person "I am just going to check your breathing rate" they may breathe deeper or slower, making it an incorrect estimation.

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