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 17 days at least 10 pounds...HOW!!?
Right now i weight 127 and im 14 years old. They tell me not to but i want to because i dont feel right about myself. My 8th grade banquet/graduation dance is on may 1st. I have 17 days to loose 10 ...

 how raw eggs are good for you?
are they good at all?...

 what are callanetics exercises?

 When you lose weight at a slower pace is more of the weight lost fat?
I have lost 12 lbs since Feb and am doing it the healthy way by eating right and exercising. I enver really had a huge weight problem to start with. I am 5'5' and hope to get back down to 12...

 in a normal lifetime an average person will eat 200lbs of what?

 If you do cardio 5 days a week and eat 5 small meals a day why are you gaining weight?
My friend is going thru this and they wanna give up but she doesn't know what's wrong, I told her maybe she's gonna gain before she loses, any suggestions?...

 my daughter............?
.....spends alot of her free time doing pull-ups(chin-ups) she can do 134 right now. she's 14 yrs old. is that too much for a 14 yr old??...

 How long does it take to get a ripped six pack?
I gotta get cut for the ladies this summer. I'm in shape but if anyone has diet ideas, or programs that would be great. How long does this program take?...

 how do I determine the distance I walked from a pedometer that counts steps?
I am 5'7". Say I walked 4890 steps. What is the distance?...

 How much water do you drink per day?

 any specific ab excercises that will help me get abs quicker? like by beginning of june?
i have a waistline or whatever u call it of 34"...

 how can I lose weight off my thighs and make them look skinnier?

 Is there a way to trick your body (metabolism)?
Is it possible to trick your body from going into a starvation mode by eating 6 small low calorie meals and getting regular exercise? Meaning, is eating 6 times a day going to signal your body that ...

 what is the best way to loose weight and eat protein free food?

 is omaga3 supplement suitable for baby age 3-6 months?

 the difference between anerobic and aerobic metabolism?

 i want 2 extend the downside of my body whereas leaner the up side.?
what should i do?i do training,but i need more info ...

 What are the SIDE EFFECTS ON NO EXPLODE??? Its a supplement I think.?

 Do weight loss belts work at all?

 How much protein should you eat a day? and what happens if you have too much?

cold heart
am gaining weight, am 25 yrs old?
i gave birth 8months ago am not breast feeding, stoped 3months ago,i was weighing 67kg now am about 70kg, my tummy is getting fatter! no am not pregnant.any advise on how i can at least lose the tummy??

Just concentrating on one area will not always mean you will get the results there. If you want to lose some weight you need to do two things every day. Get active and maintain a sensible diet. If you can't get to a gym with a kids playroom take your baby in the pram and go for a 2 hour walk each day. Work up to it your baby probably sleeps twice in the day. So there are a few golden rules. 1) Always eat 6 meals a day but try to ensure that your carbs are low GI. This will speed up your metabolism. 2) Eat 2 hours before exercise and 1 hour after. This will mean that you are burning fat and weight rather than the actual food. 3) Try to limit your carbs after 4pm. Increase your proteins and vegetables around this time. 4) A good balanced diet would be: a) 7am - cereal w skim milk b) 9am go for a walk (start at 1 hour and build up) c) 11am - apple or 10 walnuts d) 1pm - multigrain salad roll w lean meat e) 3.30pm - low gi yoghurt d) 6pm - lean meats and vege f) 7pm - low cal jelly g) drink 2-3 litres of water no soft drinks or juices I went through this myself and now have two children so I totally understand. It takes about 6 months after you stop breast feeding for all the fat to disappear especially if you have had a girl. I have no answer for that other than all my friends who have had boys are back in shape after 3 months. Those who have had girls take about 1 year. Don't lose hope be persistant and weigh yourself only once per week. Goodluck!

Start eating several small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. Cut out the high calorie foods, and the high carb foods, along with the salty... also drink more water. Start doing a few minutes of exercise a day then move the length of time up to 15 min, etc. The rule I've always heard is 30 minutes of exercise a day keeps you healthy...no weight lost, 45 minutes you lose weight. Oh, and sit-ups, lots of sit-ups! good luck!

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