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Ok Tobacco help!!!!?
So i am not of age to smoke tobacco, but I smoke out of a tobacco pipe, I also play soccer (and soccer is a rough sport on your respiratory system) I perform strenuous exercise daily and I mean strenuous. So do you thing smoking every couple of days is gonna come back to haunt me?

Bill B
YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!! Quit while you can! And yes that will REALLY *** you up later! if you start now, you will have NO chance at any sport career, you will lose thousands of dollars, and you will die an early painful death. AND I MEAN PAINFUL!!!

just me
Yes! Please stop smoking! My boyfriend has been smoking since the age of 15, and he is now 31, and he has estimated that he has spent $20,000 in cigarettes.

Not just the money, not the money at all, it's your health, smoking is SO bad for you. I have asthma and it's really hard on me when my boyfriend smokes in the house, and it's not even me that's smoking, imagine what that is doing to you first hand!

Please stop!

Justin M
Without a doubt!!!

tobacco of any kind can cause illnesses, not just cancer and asthma, you can have heart attacks, mouth cancer and an array of many health issues. There is no set amount of tobacco abuse to limit your self to. Some people get cancer just from second hand smoke where as other people can smoke for 80 years and never have a problem. Are you willing to take that chance? put down the pipe. My dance teacher got emphysema and no one was more active then her. tobacco, stunts your growth, makes your mouth and hair stink, and it even comes through the poors of your skin. Wouldn't you rather be kissing someone instead of sticking a pipe in your mouth?

Sec Educashun
Pipe is even worse. It's unfiltered. All tobacco is bad.

No, you will be fine. You are active and pipe smoking is not supposed to be inhaled. I say keep smoking a pipe. How do you get your pipe tobacco? From your dad?

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