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 Can suicide ever be a rationally considered logical alternative...?
Most people contemplate suicide out of depression or fear or some extreme emotional condition. But what if someone wasn't being emotional, wasn't suffering any clinical or medical condition,...

 I get pleasure out of hurting animals? Is that wrong?

 Is it me or is life really hard.?
im 36 now and unfortunately im divorced and now without my home. I never thought it would be this hard financially, i get days when i feel so scared and alone. I dont have kiddies so im not tied down ...

 I called upon the Lord to save me from my depression, but he hasn't. Why not?
Why won't God help me in my life anymore?
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yes, I know I put this in the wrong section... however depression is ...

 Do you answer the questioners that say they want to kill themselves or shy away?
personally i shy away, even though i want to help i am so afraid anything i say might trip them over the edge, wether positive or negative, it frghtens me that they might take what i say in the wrong ...

 Will smoking weed cause any problems?
i haven't started but what if i just use it mildly/in moderation, don't get into the lifestyle, and stay productive? wouldn't it not cause any problems and actually be a good ...

 I think im depressed but dont want to take meds?
I think im depressed but i dont want to take medications. Ive talked to different doctors and they all said its a stage im going thru but it must be a really long stage because ive been this way ...

 Have I failed at life? (honest answers only)?
Please be honest, have I failed at life? Here's some info about me:
1. I'm extremely shy and have bad social anxiety, it makes it hard to talk to any people at all, order food at ...

 Do You Think About Suicide ?
Do you think about suicide on a daily basis ? Are they Idle thoughts of escape or more ?...

 What's the quickest way to off yourself?
what i have been doing isn't working or is not fast enough. please help me someone quick and easy. i don't own a gun yet....

 What are you addicted to, not necessarily drugs, that you think you can't live without?
For me, it's books. When I run out of books to read I'll read anything. Also, my computer and internet. Just thinking about not having it is terrifying!
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 My best best best friend died. Please read.?
I'm 13. I've been best friends with this girl since I was 8 years old. On March 5th, my best friend died suddenly. She was just 15. How can I move on with my life. Because I know she doesn&#...

 How much longer do i have to live by my parents rules??

 Is cutting yourself really that bad???
ive been doing it for 5 years now...and i dont see the harm in ...

 I have a very strange, kind of sick secret. is this realy a bad thing?
I have been thin all my life. I am very attractive. But then I had kids and put on a lot of wieght. I am fat and unattractive now. But here is the wierd sick thing. I secretly like being fat. sure I ...

 I am ready to kill myself?
i constantly get made fun of. i get called fat i get called ugly and i don't even know what happy really is anymore. people call me fat to my face and i don't know what to say back. my &...

 If you punch an arm or leg hard enough, could it break?
Or would it just leave a bad bruise?...

 What do you miss about your childhood?
I miss all my legos......

 What's the secret of happiness?
Serious answers please - I have suffered on and off with depression all my life, and never seem to able to enjoy my life and be happy with what I've got. How does everyone else manage it?...

 I'm 19 and I still watch Telitubies.What is wrong with me?
I dont have children....

What to do when ur scared a beaten everyday but no one believes u?

Please go to a church near where you live. Go in and see if you can find an older person to talk to. It doesn't matter what kind of church. Tell the person you need help and ask if there is anyone who can listen to your problem. If this doesn't work, then try to find a differnt church and ask again until you have someone who will listen and offer to help you in some way. They may offer more than one way of helping you, but at a church, they will keep what you say secreat and only tell people that you tell them to. This is one way you can trust someone. If you tell a policeman, they will ask the person that is hurting you their side of the story and that may or may not help. The police are not bad, but they have to go by their rules. The people at a church will most likely help you to stay with someone that will help protect you until your problem is fixed. I wish you well.

**Autism's Beautiful Face**
Get out of the place and get help call the police , don't stay there !

I know you have had loads of answers but I just want to share my experience with you.
I was abused almost every day for 16 months. I was too scared to tell anyone even when I had a loaded gun put in my mouth and told that he was going to shoot my children in front of me and then shoot me.
In the end people at work noticed I wasnt myself and asked me about it and I broke down and told them all about it. They were brilliant and helped me get away from him.
The only thing I can think of to help you out is to go to a hostel. tell someone, go to the hospital when they bruise you, go to the police.
Where do you live? If you are near me I might be able to help you but dont think that no one believes you because some one somewhere will believe you, I promise you that.
I hope I have helped you a little bit.

Rebecca xxx xx xxx

People will belive you, you just need to find the right ones.
If you r a minor contact child line.
If you are an adult contact womens aid/refuge, they will never contact you or put you at risk but will offer a safe place to talk about your situation and if u are ready they will help you to go somewhere safe and start again. No matter what an abusive person says if you want to get away and stay away, they will not find you and cannot hurt u again, even if they have good job, high up mates etc... the only person they control is you , under this is a weak person who is useing you to feel big.

Even if you are a guy the same services are there for you.

your scared and beaten? RUN

Go to or call the poilce. No matter your age.

Beaten everyday? theres going to be bruises for them to see.

Socom's GOD
same thing happened to me, but it all stoped one day when i told my teacher at school and she called social services. But only call them if your being abused and beaten for no reason. Because if you call and they think that your really getting beat up then they will take your parents away and you'll live with a foster family for the rest of your life. And sometimes the foster family treats you like more of a peice of crap so think about this.

you need to speak to someone you can trust or phone child line,you can get the numbers from your local library or the police or doctors surgery will have leaflets normally that you can pick up without asking

Hidden camera?

bring a video recorder and put it somewhere where it can record u being beaten, and make sure the beater cant see it. then, before he comes in, hit record, and when he leaves, hit record again and it will stop recording. then, show it to the police, and they will arrest the person who is beating you and it will never happen again. u poor thing! i feel so sorry. good luck and hope this helps!

Thanxzz, Will ^_^

Go to a payphone and call a shelter.

You can get the number from Google.

Just goto Google and type "battered shelter" and the city you live in.

They will tell you how to get it to STOP, with the least pain for everyone involved. They will help your loved ones too.

Keep trying until you get help. Have you told the police?

Strawberry Tart
'What to do when ur scared a beaten everyday but no one believes u?' i don't understand do you mean.....

'What to do when ur scared AND beaten everyday but no one believes u? ' you don't have to put up with it what ever you do get help and get out. your GP or a call centre can help you... or you have acess to the internet e-mail the samritians or look on a domestic abuse website. and they will believe you, just promise me you will get out. i don't know who dose'nt believe you... if they are realtives or something but if they won't help you get it from somewhere else. you need to be strong and get out now while you can still walk out.

Call welfare/ the police/ social service. Scream, rant and rave. Don't give up, and don't boil over and don't pay attention to the stupid answers that a lot of people write, screw them.

get a video camera and a taser.

Kevin U
Is this a family member beating you? A bully? What? There is always help available. Meanwhile, I pray you can find a place for help and that you get away from that person as soon as possible.

Jessica M
Take pictures of the bruises.. Call child services..

i was beaten by my partner on a daily basis for 5 years hunny. you have got to try and find a way of getting out of there. if you want to email me i will give you all the places you can get help from if your in the UK. xx

If youre being beat at home call the local police dept or child protective services.. if your city is like mine all those numbers are in the front of the phone book with blue lining around the pages.

Good luck to you.. Ive been there when I was younger I wish you the best!!

Show them your marks. Show them something. Have hard-core evidence.

Me, Too
This is a frightening post. Who is scaring you? Who is beating you? You are a male, I think, so possibly you are being beaten by your father or some older male, or even by bullies.

If that is the case, you should call the police. No one should live in a situation where others are frightening or beating you. You say that no one believes you, so you must have tried to complain about this before. But who did you complain to?

If this is happening, call the police. If you are underage and a parent or guardian is beating you, this is against the law. If you are in school and bullies are terrifying you, they will inform the principal and perhaps something can be done.

dont quite understand the question but if u are being beaten..how about showing people the marks?

Tell your teachers, go to the police, tell your doctor.

when you're scared a beaten? What does that mean?

stick man
leave the abusive person. for encouragement, listen to ttb.org.

Lyndsey R
Remove yourself from the situation

Find someone who will, like the police!

blink green sum 182 day 41
call welfare

Elizabeth L
Call the police and/or social services......................
Or go to your church and ask for refuge

If you are underage, call child protective services. That's what they are there for.

If you are an adult, go to the cops. That's what they are there for.

Asskick M
just cruise around naked. no one likes to mess with a naked person. theyll most likely think your crazy...in turn this will make them never want to mess with you again.

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