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 How the hell can Coca Cola cause Cancer?
How the hell can a soft drink cause Cancer?...

 Wooden cutting board may cause cancer?
I heard from my friend that using wooden board for cutting vegetable may cause cancer as small wooden pieces comes out and they are not digested. Is it true?...

 Breast cancer? please genuine answers only.Any other answers will be reported instantly.?
my mum has D.C.I.S,an early form of breast cancer,she is in hospital at the moment,she had a lumpectomy yesterday morning,she seemed fine in herself when we visited,she had a drain wound fitted,which ...

 How can a woman who has smoked since age 16 (she's 74 now and still puffin a pack a day) not have cancer?
or other issues? My mother in law has smoked since she was 16 and she is 74 and smokes almost 2 packs a day. I know cause we buy them for her daily. (not with our money, she too feable to go in the ...

 Suggestions of a great gift basket? its for my y grandpa who is on kemo for prostate cancer...?
My grandpa is on kemo for prostate cancer. He's not nauseous and still has his appetite, but is diabetic- so sending sweets is out. He is so weak and tired- I live in NY and he's in Idaho- I...

 My dad just had a colonoscopy, found out he has a tumor..?
I am the daughter.. and am very worried.. My dad will find out next week if its cancerous..either way will have surgery.. The doctor who would perform the surgery has a bad rating on that medical ...

 What age did you start getting mammograms?
My mom was diagnosed with stage IV at the age of 60 (she died over a week ago at the age of 64) and I was wondering if I should get a mammogram. I am in my early thirties, so I don't even know ...

 How long did your loved one live after they found out they had breast cancer?
my mom recently passed away from it. Was just curious....

 I have stage 3 colon cancer and want to know how many years will I live after chemo?

 My mom has lung &liver; cancer 3 YRS no bowl movement for3 weeks alot of pain what can be done lots of laxative

 My dog has leucemia and some cancer?Isthere anything that ican do the doctors say she will only last for only?

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a couple of weeks!!...

 What to do and eat to prevent cancer?

 Has anybody had a bone scan,wot is involved please?

 Please help! 4 yr old nephew has the following symtoms..?
My nephew has lost alot of weight, eyes are sunk in, will not eat hardly at all. My neice took him to the doctor and the urine test showed an abnormally high wbc in his urine. He is thirsty and will ...

 Treating Cancer with Vitamin C Mega Dose 10Grams?
I have Prostate cancer spreading to Spine. I am on Calutide 50, 3 tablets a day.
One Nobel Laureate Doctor suggests that we take
Vitamin C 10Grams Mega dose to fight cancer.
Is it ...

 Not sure if this has been discuss,but what would you do?
I was watching one of those 24hr news channels, and they had brought up the hpv shot. would you let your daughter get it or not. please explain....

 My mouth has a bump in it. Is this a sign of Oral Cancer?
The bump is on my lip and over the past few weeks it has been getting bigger and bigger. Also, I have little white and red things on my tong and every time I brush my teeth my tong starts bleeding.<...

 I think my mom smokes!?
i found a pack of cigarettes in her room and i went in her bathroom and found one in the toilet.
and there was 2 in the backyard that my little brother and sister found.

i asked her ...

 How do you feel after smoking a cigarette?
i just want to no cause i thinking about starting.!
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 A question about cancer?
When you go through chemo, your hair falls out, does that mean all of your hair on your body everywhere falls out?...

What are your suggestions for healing cancer?
For you are a part of my God!

Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine
In Forgive Affirmed Spirit
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I am glad you came back to look what I wrote! You all get a prize, a heartfelt "Thankyou". So many care and that is what we need now.

Firstly - I would keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House because her socialized medicine plan would put an end to the majority of disease research.

Otherwise, doctors would say: take two Aspirin...............

I believe that cancer is linked to unresolved guilt and anger. There is somebody or something that you need to forgive. Keeping feelings like that inside of you creates all kinds of health problems.

Love and Light

Cosmic Angel

♥Luscious Lips Schlongetta♥

Natalie Portmans Shaved Head
eek! I got some Holy Spirit on me, eew. These people are worse than PETA when they throw red paint on people wearing fur coats.

Answer Fairy
If I had the cure for cancer, I'd be a billionaire....

But, if your so into God, then the best way is to support your health with God's bounty (nutrition). Juice Plus is a good start www.juiceplus.com

Folic acid can help prevent cancer. God wouldn't put cancer on this earth if he didn't have a "cure" for it.

As someone who has beaten cancer three times, I can attest to the fact that there is something to be said for a nutritious diet of leafy vegetables and good nutrition and exercise.

Give honor to our Lord, and prayer is always the best way. Sometimes with cancer you have to think outside of the box. It has to be a personal decision for the person facing cancer. I choose to do surgery. I had breast cancer and do alternative therapy. I also change my diet. I lost 60 pounds and start exercising. I think there are numerous alternative treatments to help keep cancer in remission. I don't think there's any magic pills to cure cancer. I also believe it is something they are putting in our foods, milk etc that may cause some people to be more acceptable to cancer.

Essaic tea I heard is good for cancer.

It really depends on the type of cancer you have, as different types respond to differently to therapies. Chemo, radiation therapy and surgery are the main options for therapy. The success of treatment will depend on the type of malignancy, the stage at which it was first detected (earlier is easier to treat), and whether or not it has spread (metastasized). You should also keep your body as healthy as possible by exercise and good nutrition, as well as your mind and spirit. Family and friends and a positive outlook go a long way in that regard. Do not waste time, money, and hope on snake oil remedies and false promises, for example Juice Plus mentioned by one of the posters above.

Well cancer is hundreds of diseases, not just one; all respond to different treatments, and there will never be a single magic cure for all cancers.

A number of cancers can be cured these days though, especially if they're caught early.

But there's a long way to go with most cancers; nobody knows what causes them, and there is no cure. Smoking has been linked to lung and some other cancers, and excessive sun exposure to skin cancers, but other than that, we're pretty much in the dark still.

It's a lot less frightening for many people to 'blame the victim' - that is to put cancer down to an individual's lifestyle eg their diet, lack of exercise, anger, stress etc - than it is to recognise cancer for the cruel and random disease it is, one that could strike any of us at any time.I had been vegetarian for most of my life and vegan for 8 years when I was diagnosed. I was eating organic fruit and veg, juicing, avoiding caffeine. I exercised, regularly and I never smoked. None of this stopped me getting grade 3 cancer, none of it cured me and I'm not relying on it to prevent recurrence or metastasis.

You may receive answers recommending 'alternative' medicines - juices, herbs, fruits, apricot seeds, shark cartilage, cottage cheese...None of these has been shown to be effective, and none has been tested and proven in the way conventional cancer treatments have. If they had they would not be alternative medicine, they would just be medicine. some, like apricot seeds, are actually harmful.

My suggestions for healing cancer?

Individually, find out as much as you can about your particular cancer, and take notice of what experienced and trained medical professionals tell you. Ignore people who try to get you to invest money, hope and worst of all time in unproven treatments.

Collectively, put pressure on governments to fund much more research. There is much dedicated hard work going on to try and find cures, but far more funding is needed.

Advances are being made all the time, and new treatments and eventually cures will be found

First you need to change your diet eating more fruits and veggies. Eat more cancer fighting foods like broccoli, cabbage, onions, collard greens, soybeans, garlic, ginger etc. etc. Eliminate caffeine, sugar and white flour. Do some form of exercise daily for 30 mins to an hour. I read four hours of exercise a week can reduce your risk of cancer by 50%. Stop eating and using things that cause cancer like smoking and junk food.

Amazon.com: The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your ...
Book Description In many ways, The pH Miracle is reminiscent of an earlier ... the book are short testimonials of people who were able to reverse cancer, ...

www.amazon.com/pH-Miracle-Balance-Recl... - 259k - Similar pages


Prayer is always good. I say the Psalm 23 almost daily.


Cancer is the viral invasion and the invitation of invasion of a body to a starvation of the body from it's functional living capability. The body is made up of living thread composed of DNA and RNA interceptors which react to the stimuli put upon it. These threads are said to be open tubules that bind together, like rolled threads into string.

So, we have the invaders and the inviters of that invasion. The invaders that try to modify the RNA which allows cell replication...we are growing every minute...can allow orderly replication or disorderly replication depending on how it is instructed. Instructions come from the brain and chemical fluids in the body. Chemical fluids in the body, tubular structures that mix with the RNA and can modify it, can persuade it to replicate in error.

What happens in cancer is the replication instructions are corrupted from changes in body chemistry that the body naturally tries to keep in place, but whose process can be interferred with, if enough pressure is put upon that process.

Carcinogens, enclosed tissues cut off from oxygen, out of balance PH factors, emotional ill feelings that control the enzymes and hormones released from critical organs, poor dietary intake, abuse, intimidation, even elation at times, triggers the process of corruption.

The body has to feel revitalized every moment or have a capability to move back into that process from time to time after stresses are put upon it. The body is a stimulus absorber.

So the invitation comes from a depleted body nutrition and not feeling loved, or just feeling ignored beyond what it was intended to feel, not cuddling or touching for instance as one tries to pull through the uncertainty in their lifetime.

The invasion comes from radiation and carcinogens and the enzyme attacks from within the body as it's cells attempt to replicate corruptably, forcing those cells to replicate "bad cells", a virus if you will, only cancer is the virus of viruses because slowing it down requires so much special attention.

You can kill cells but chemically killing cells is only a temporary way to slow this down. The fight to live has to include compassion and passion for the person whom is being treated, their addictions detoxified gradually and yet they might not have enough time to do that as they have taken so much time to get there in the first place.

We become addicted to our poor habits of eating fat and sugar and salt, which hypoxiate or starve cells from oxygen to act healthily, and or just not touching leafy greens and wider variety of fruits and fruit skins....and not getting enough attention....emotional for women mostly...some men too.

So when your threads become entangled with toxic threads, the body has to have a way to rid itself of the toxins. A good diet of 5 to 1 leafy green vegetables to one serving of meat is necessary for emotional types, as well as resolving their emotional attention issues which can release the toxic threads from the defective strings in their body and continue to do so througout their lives. It is all intertwined.

Things like antiperspirants placed in high doses near lymph node systems under the arm pit, attacks the lymph node system there too. Air fresheners attack the lungs and pores. Smog attacks the body. Tanning attacks the body. Microwaves and cell phone signals and radio signals....all of which if low enough in power do not reflect anything dangerous, but when they are all combined with a weakenned immune system...it is like blowing a light puff of air against a person who is standing on the edge of a cliff holding on for dear life to keep from falling. That one last puff could do them in.

What many insensitive unaware humans do not realize is that we are being bombarded by attacks from envirmonmental stresses including radiation and atmospheric changes that our bodies have to react to every minute of our lives.

We have to give our bodies the best fighting chance of living by realizing our weaknesses, the weaknesses of our inherited genes, the natural allergic reactions to stimuli and we have to be prepared to defend our body against that which could hurt us. It might not hurt somebody else, but it might hurt us. Each DNA is different, each body is different. Each sensitivity is different. Each stress situation is different....even though we have many things in common.

The metastasisation of cancer from one organ to another, the travelling of the virus from one lymph node system through the body comes from stimulus also. Poor ventilation lineup, accumulating tiny dust particles in the lungs, for instance, can irritate the lung nodes thereby stimulating the cancerous virus to take the lymph node system highway and move in on the new location as well.

Biologically, the most important areas of the body to get in check is the spirit, where thoughts are processed about how we fit or don't fit in our world, the bowels, where waste is processed, the skin, and the lungs.

Assertiveness and Forgive Affirmed Spirit communication involving grief processing through active listenning, empathy, sympathy and affirming can take care of our spirit's concerns improving our own body's release of healthy enzymes and hormones from our own organs.

Diet can take care of the bowels releasing and moving toxins through the body.

Keeping skin clean but not coated with chemicals and avoiding too much sun exposure can help the skin defenses maintain original composure.

Keeping the air you breath as breathable as possible away from allergic and micro powder and fume substances that all of us or your ancestry had to watch is important to maintain healthy lungs and breathing.

Just as with drug addictions, cancer victims are addicted to the way they have been living. It is a tough battle, and most of them don't realize what they are up against. The oncologists pretty much stick to chemo and radiation, because the doctors are partly naive and don't want to offend their patients. The doctors are politicians in the treatment with drug companies and with their patients.

Uncertainty is a stress that has to be dealt with on a daily basis by sensitive people.

You can become insensitive by doing drugs, alcohol and chemicals dependencies that will make your possibilities for a healthy relationships with another human beings impossible and, if it is in your genetics to be able to accept this lifestyle, you may be able to fend off cancer for a while, and you may be just genetically predisposed to being highly resistant to cancerous reactions. Unfortunately, the majority of us are not. That's life.

Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine
In Forgive Affirmed Spirit

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