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 Sore occasionally bleeding thumb and nail?
I've just started working in a pharmacy and during the day I am constantly popping pills out of blister packs. After the first day my thumb was sore and by the second my thumbnail began to fill ...

 Our mailman and wasp?
Our mailman delivered our mail as normal today and a few minutes later my sister in law goes outside cuz she hears screaming, our mailman was stung by a wasp on his neck. could he sue us because he ...

 have you ever had your ankle swell up after practice??
i had gold crown try outs for volleyball. i have injured my right ankle 2 years in a row. my ankle was hurting so i iced it. i made sure it was ok, and it was. when i woke up i was really worried ...

 how do people tear their acl?
I was just wondering how people tear their acl. If anyone has torn it can you tell me how. Im doing a project at school. Can you give me the specifics? Thanks....

 Pulled groin muscle 2 years ago?
i pulled my groin muscle 2 years ago in a soccer dame. I kicked the soccer ball and i feelt a great pain in my upper groin area. I got x-rays and nothing ever came up. I also went to theraphy but it ...

 I received a bad cut and I'm curious...?
Why is the skin around the cut wrinkling? It's about 3 inches long and I draggied it across some sharp chain link fence. It's pretty deep but oh well. I'm just wondering whats ...

 Wats wrong with my ankle?
I stepped on a fish hook that was a cm wide and it went in 2 inches deep. after they removed the fishhook ther is a numb spot in my foot and i wanted to see how numb it is and i punched that area ...

 Had a knee replacement and now dr wants to do a nerve test.?
I am seeing a dr for vaso vagal and he wants to do a nerve study on my knee my knee has not worked in two years and now he wants to do this it swells and hurts constantly should i allow him to do ...

 Does icing injuries help your body?
and if yes, how exactly does it work? I'm specifically talking about bruises and overall body pains and swelling....

 Is it possible to fracture your collar bone without knowing it?
My left collar bone has been hurting for about a month or so. At first I thought it was just a pulled muscle. Now all of a sudden the past couple of days it has gotten worse. I can't lift my ...

 Have i broken my 4th toe?
on thursday i was in the shower and i put the shower head back up on to the shower unit, suddenly it fell down on my toe (by the way the shower head is big and round and it feel on its side) my 4th ...

 What can I do for a pulled/strained hamstring/groin??? .....?
I was playing basketball yesterday evening and did something to my inner-upper thigh groin/hamstring area...It hurts to walk,run,etc...I pushed thru the pain and played on it for over an hour. Its ...

 Anybody just got anxeity a Month ago and has panic attacks and havn't got help for it yet?
just a month ago i had two bad panic attacks and the first one was i took two hits off a joint and freaked out really bad and the day after that i had another one sence then i ben getting panic ...

 my grams dislocated her shoulder. they told her there is fluid around it now. what does that mean?

 what is happening to me?
i was playing soccer awhile ago then i fell and my head hit the ground. till now, i forgot everything that happened during the 1st half.........

 I fell off my bike, and now it hurts to urinate, any remedies?
You see, i fell off my bike, and I my you know what hit the cement, and boy, did it hurt. I am making an appointment monday, but it still hurts to pee. anyway to make peeing less painful?...

 My Knees Dislocate all the time and I want to fix them. What can I do?

 what should i do for a sprained thumb?

 The most failed lumbar spine surgery's one person has ever had ? ?
I know this is a most disstressing question. However, I have had more than a enough of a life time of lumbar surgery's myself over the years . I am so much worse off now than I ever was . Was ...

 My Neck and Shoulder Hurt?
This morning I noticed that when I moved my neck towards the left and raised my hand toward my head it hurt. I also noticed that my left shoulder is higher then my right shoulder. A bone appears to ...

how long can i fall before i i hurt my self?
i need to know (for a play) how long i can fall off of a ledge with out hurting my self. the fall is 110 inches long and i am 66 inches tall i need to know if i will be safe if i "fall off" im not jumping i will be lowering my body out and letting go of the ledge before i become more comfortable with jumping. so any way i need to know if i can make this with out hurting myself.

let's think about it if your 66 inches and the fall is 110 then your height is already covering most of it (unless your falling backwards) either way i suggest a mattress where you'll be falling...or just use a regular mat. I also suggest not falling flat on your back or on your head (likely chance you'll get some kind of injury or pain) other than that you'll be fine:)

I jumped out of my two story house without injury so you'll be fine.

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