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 Aids and some Q just curios my friend sent theses Q to me?
if u can answer these that would be cool
25- Who does it affect?
26- Why did it spread so quickly and widely? (What did it become a pandemic?)
27- Why didn't the government of ...

 My lips are burning and the sides of my lips have tiny cut, have any idea why?What should I do?
First of all I have crohns disease and in the past I had ulcers in my tongue.
A week ago I have been eating Doritos and popcorn like crazy(many movies),after like 3 days my lips start burning a ...

 Been treated for chlamydia and i think i may have had it for 2 - 3 years???
do you think i will b infertile? im worried i may never have children
Additional Details
i feel so sad, ive only had 4 parteners and one of them turned out to be a right @...

 What is the chance of catching STD from toilet seat?

 What are the common symtoms of HPV?

 To wear or not to wear?
im talking bout condom. Why do most men dont like wearing it......

 Can you say AIDS people die suddenly

 Can u get a std from head?
i was just ...

 If you..............?
give someone head what are the chances of getting an std?...

 Am i infected to HIV ?????// plz help !!! im scared !?
ok i made out with a girl at a party about 3-4 weeks ago...i live in Vancouver , Canada and it's been really cold recently...then 3-4 days later i got cold like sweating and chill and a bit pain ...

 Can a cold sore be transmitted through food?

 I don't have AIDS....?
but i sleep with a lot of women. I usually wear magnums, sometimes I go through 2-3 in a night per girl.
What are the chances still that I could contract AIDS or even the HIV?


 OK..how can i ask this...can you sleep with someone and not contract hiv from that person??? help!!!?
i was talking to this man for a while. and i started hearing rumors that he had hiv. i asked him about it and of course he said no.. but, i have heard it from more than one person... i'm going ...

 Does anyone know when a cure for herpes may come or will be expected?

 Is there someone out there who would please shaft me.?
I need a good shafting....

 Is there any possibility that HIV infection can disappear???

 Can a woman with an HPV get pregnant? If yes, normal delivery or cerarian?

 What is...???
what is herpes? IS it deadly, and, like... what is it??!!...

 Have gone 2 years with chlamydia being untreated given me PID, or become severe? How do I know when it's bad?
My husband gave me chlamydia and I just found out so I been infected for about 2 years unknwn to me. How do I know if it has become severe and will 2 years untreated cause me to develope problems?...

 How do i know if i have gential warts? With out going to the doctor?
ive read up on it an its says big bumps all togeather mines not an it says itching mines not also i had a few warts on my hand could masterbation caused them to spread?...

HPV, what is true?
Is it true it goes away or you have it for life? I have done so much research that some people say it goes away(including my own doctor and online) and some say it will stay there forever said some doctors online and other people online. Some have said if you immune system is strong enough it will fight off the virus.That is why women under 30 dont get hpv test when they get a pap smear because it will eventually go away in most cases. What is true? Does it stay forever or can it eventually go away?

There is no concrete evidence. It is a relatively new disease. However, it is sometimes misdiagnosed and can go away. However, if it is really the virus it stays with you for life.

in the tyra banks show.. i also heard that theres a great chance that it will go away with people that have it under the age of 30 years old..
try this website http://www.cdc.gov/std/HPV/STDFact-HPV.htm

Sarah S
It does go away on its own but you should always ask your doctor if you should be tested. It can lead to cancer.

Helen T
About 15 years ago, I was 25, and I was diagnosed with it. A few years later, I had an abnormal pap and had to go through and biopsy and and cryotherapy. However, I have never tested positive again. I always assumed that the positive was wrong, because it was done at Planned Parenthood, not at a Dr.'s office. I was told that it would never go away, but have since heard that it can. So, I don't know for sure.

There are many different strains of HPV, some can cause cervical cancer others cause warts. Depending on the type of strain it can go away on its own, or if it is treated it, you can still have the virus just no symptoms.

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