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 My daughter, what can i do?
i recently found a bottle of vodka underneath my daughters bed... when i confronted her she said she didnt know where it came from...then i got a call from my sister (my daughter babysits their ...

 Does anyone have any weird phobias?? - mine's balloons!!!?
Party Balloons, Hot Air Balloons, Helium Balloons, any sort even balloons made of condoms!!!!

I don't know what it's called - it's bound to have a medical term for it.......

 I am insane, what are the chances of me going back to sane?

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It's not a trick question it's not in the Games & Recreation section....

 Have you ever considered suicide?
I was told by someone that pretty much everyone considers suicide at least once in a life time.. I was wondering, have you?...

 What scares you the most?
im scared of spiders and antique ...

 WHAT are you afraid of?

 Am i weird?
I videoed myself sneezing with my camera phone beacuse i hadnt seen it before, is that strange?
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No, my eyes didnt ...

 Do you like hamsters?

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In Italy,we really HATE hamsters!!...

 Do you have any phobias?
im afraid of semi-...

 Have you ever felt like you really needed a hug when you were home by yourself and there was no one around?

 My fiancee snores?
my fiancee snores loud at night she keeps me up and get sometimes sleepless nights i wake her up tell pinch her nose etc nothing works what can i do to get a more peacefull night please ...

 Am I going crazy?
Everytime I see people I imagine scissors or sharp things going into their eyes. Even people that I like! What's happening???? Am I crazy? What should I do?
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 Do i need help to stop cutting?
my friends are mad at me because i cutt myself. i want to get help butt i dont want to get sent away, or tell my mom.ive tried to tell my sister but she takes it out of porportion. if i tell my mom ...

 Does anybody think it's weird that I have imaginary friends?
I have four imaginary friends. I have a lot more real friends, but I prefer my imaginary ones. My mom hates them because I talk to them more than I talk to her. Is this weird??? I'm actually ...

 What could this be???
I'm 13. I get bored really easily, and I get depressed even easier. I've cut myself several times out of being depressed, and even more odd, I drank the blood. I can't stand smiling in ...

 No friends, never had relationship, anti-social, heavy depression, and miserable. 21 years old?
i have a major issue. i'm 21 and i have NO friends, and i've never even had a relationship with a woman. as you can imagine, my days are BORING as crap. i usually stay online for unhealthy ...

 Christians (or anyone who won't diss my religion) - please help me - I am suicidal.?
okay so i will give you a little background.

i have depression, anxiety, especially of social situations, and i am a self harmer.
this week i went to soul survivor, a christian camp ...

 How to ask the doctor if i have a depression issue? Im kinda nervous and embarresed what do ya think?

 What's your phobia?
I have a fear of hospitals, anything clinical, needles you name it.
Also sirens and ambulaces.
What's your phobia?...

 How can I relieve stress?

Chrizzy Boo
Im soooo deppressed!!! i cut myself and dont know wat to do!!!?
im seriously depressed im on the larger side of things and im 13 !!!! people make fun of me! plz help b 4 i do sumtin i regret!

PLEASE SWEETIE, don't cut your self! How does cutting yourself help in any way? All you do is hurt yourself to get rid of something that you can't probably change. This is what you need to do:

1. Admit to your parent(s) that you are cutting yourself and tell them your issues and tell them how you feel.
*It's best to tell them because they are the people that know you the most. And if you don't think they'll listen pull them aside to somewhere you can talk without being interrupted.

2. Talk to your school counselor.
*She or he is a trained professional and probably deals with issue like this all the time. He or she will tell you what to do and how to deal with it.

3. Talk to the teacher you trust the most.
*Tell him or her what's going on and tell him or her to talk to the people who are talking about you.

4. Tell the principal and/or Dean of Students.
*They are sure to deal with the problem immediately, and will probably have a meeting with the bully's parent(s)

Please, Please don't cut yourself anymore, I hope this works hun!

I always get made fun of but you see the only reason they do that is because they don't know me and find one thing I'm bad at or something that is strange and start gossiping but i don't cut myself all i do is to talk to my friends or a parent i can trust.
So don't cut yourself all you have to do is relive that in the future you will be a successful person and they will be fat and poor. =) so be happy =)

The very first thing you should do is stop. Completely stop everything you have in your hands. Shut off everything. Go in your room. Stop. Just blank out your mind completely. After you have calmed your mind, talk. Talk to me, talk your parents, talk to a friend, a grandparents. Anyone. Just vent. Even talk to your dog. Talk to yourself. A diary. Then, take a shower. Or sleep. Or draw. Just distract yourself. It is nighttime anyways. Tomorrow will come soon. Just wait and see. Remember, "Just to endure is a triumph". Tomorrow, focus on talking. Tomorrow, focus on you. Focus on your well being. Just focus. Hope I helped.

dont cut yourself anymore okay.
and best idea talk to a school consler

Kyle B
quit taking everything people say seriously, no one really means what they say, they just have fun saying ****, so dont pay attention to people, dont be so dramatic and just suround yourself with people you like, and definitly dont cut yourslef

whats to be depressed about you're living in a free country!

Ayato Kamina
talk to someone asap that you trust that'll hear you and understand you.

You need help. You have to find somebody to talk to. I know being a teen is tough especially when you are a little bigger. Been there. If your family is available, talk. If not, search out a teacher,guidance counselor, coach, call a mental health hotline-check your phone book. Maybe you need a medical doctor. At thirteen, your body and mind are going through some serious things. Best of luck.

cherry pie
ok, stop and breathe! now, listen to me: everyone goes through their awkward years, especially at 13. come on, youre growing! at 13 i had glasses, braces, and was a little pudgy. now im 18, 5 ft 11, a size 6, and my date last weekend was the prom king. point being: things get better! they always do! you just need to be a little more positive. people used to tease me too, but you know what? that stopped in middle school.
just stop- stop worrying, stop listening, and zone out. relax! just think about yourself, what a good person you are, and what others like about you. think about who you want to become and set some goals. you want to loose weight? fine, but dont hurt yourself in the process. run, eat healthy, and do some jumping jacks in your bedroom if you dont want people to see. but if you want to look different, think about how beautiful you already are and what you want to improve. you DO NOT WANT SCARS ON YOURSELF!
you have only lived a fraction of your life, and you dont want to live the rest of it feeling like you do, with marred skin to constantly remind you.
so right now just sit, close your eyes, and concentrate on why you are special, then set some LONG TERM GOALS! nothing drastic, youre onlly 13 and you have time. and those other people who tease you, they can go screw themselves, and the highlight of their life is probably in middle school, and you have so many brighter things ahead of you than they do

<-Me and My Answer->
You need to talk to someone you trust right away. Everything is going to be fine just get some help ok? my friend had this same issue, she just talked with me and a couple of other good friends and she is fine now. dont listen to other people, they have no right to make fun of you and the only reason they do probably is becasue there jealous. just pleez talk to some1. i know everting will be fine once you do. good luck and do not do anything youll regret later ok?

Dont be depressed because of what people think of u...

its your life not theirs dont let any body take u into making stupid mistakes because its your life and u will have to live with the consequences not them..

Just listen to music and relax call a friend or talk to someone it will help u alot..

=] hope i helped and i know what it feels like ..

look i feel the same way sometimes and i know that cutting helps it makes me not feel so numb and i cant explain it but try hanging with your friends
my friends always help me through things and make me forget all my worries they always make me happy

ok dont worryy babyy. i had like 2 friends that were like that&& with a little of my help. now they arent. okk first. dont listen to them 2nd.. find other wayys to take out your pain. i told my other friends to try writing peoms. && guess what they did. and they are like the best at peoms now. so yeahh. u can just write poems (just write your feeling down on paper instead of your arm). usually also people cut them selves cuz theyy think no one loves them. well dont worryy. i love you (as a friend) ok i care. and dont worry. everythings gonna be ok. if you need to cry, cry. just try not to do that. cuz it worries people that care about u. my friends were 13 also. no worries. everythings gonna be ok. if you need anything else babee. heres my aim kk : curiouseeyore . aim me when ever you need someone to talk 2. ok

be happy♥
everything is gonna be ok♥

Ben K
Talk to an adult you can trust ASAP!

First of all stop cutting yourself. Second you're only 13 and kids you're age can be just so plain evil don't listen to it. Join a club where there are people with similiar interests like you. You need to talk about you're problems and not bottle them up which results in you doing stupid things like cutting yourself or worse.
Other tips: don't listen to depressing music!
maybe write about you're experiences and how it made you feel. Don't get too worked up about it though.

tell some one and stop cutting your self really you need to tell mom or dad!

boy or girl i used to be in the same sit just stop it will help u and jot down all your thought then sort them

Tim J
I am very sorry to hear this....

First, please put the sharp objects away... Please??? :)

Next, you need to talk to your school counseler..... Meaning, there is nothing wrong with your, but you are just going thru a hard time right now and need someone to talk to about it. Once you start talking to the right person, then I promise that everything will be OK....

Good Luck and I Hope this Helps... :)

Kera volk

thats a good web site for struggling. its hard to say the right thing.

Not tryin to sound rude. But to be quiet honest all I have to say is. Seek mental health

» BåbÿĜĩŗł «
you need help
cutting yourself does nothing
Go see a counselor*

I understand. 13 is an awful age, children can be so cruel. But please know that they tease everyone, everyone, not just you. Please learn to stand strong and ignore them, they are stupid. Trust me when I say, this will not last forever. It will get better soon. Just get through the end of the school year, next year things will be different.

jackie l
You are better than that and you will realize that when you are ready to realize it.

y dont u tell ur parents so that they can get you some real professional help.

best of luck.my wishes to ya!

Just remember that it will all get easier, and that time heals all wounds. Although you may think that no one cares, someone does. Talk to a councellor.

I think you need to look at the situation in context to your entire life, what a few people say or do mean absolutely nothing in your future. The conflict will seem trivial(not important). It is important for you to seek professional help and open up with your feelings. Tell someone you trust in confidence, be it a psychologist or a best friend. Also remember not to let other people control you, just ignore them and enjoy your life.

talk to your best friend or a counsler or someone you can trust.
you cant ignore this and you need help

Talk to someone immediately. Someone that you can trust and has the ability to help you. Counselor, your parents, get your parents to take you to a therapist, something, anything. Immediately.

It's excellent that you want help. Don't give up. It is possible to get better, I know that from experience.

I Believe In Harvey Dent

Getting help is the best decision you'll ever make. Parent, guidance counselor, any authority figure you can trust. Tell someone.

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