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 How do you get rid of stress?

 Suicide thoughts?
Ever since I was twelve I have thoughts almost everyday of commiting suicide. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Father's Day, but I still have those thoughts. I have a thing against ...

 I'm drunk and feel really depressed?
No words can describe how low i feel right now,i'we been drinking none stop to help me for get my probs,i'm so down right now....

 Do i need help!!!!!?
everytime i have an argument with my boyfriend my anger goes out of control i kick things,hit things,shout,really cry and worse of all harm my boyfriend can someone tell me do i need help and what ...

 I want a fashionable mental illness! Should I go for Asperger's, bipolar or borderline personality disorder?

 Why am I so tired but I cant go to sleep?

 I was raped by my boyfriend when he was drunk should i trust him again since he was drunk?

 I feel empty.?

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Emotionally empty....

 I need help i think I kill my self..?
I'm so sad and depressed I don't know what to do I really need some one to talk ...

 Should I feel stupid for crying to my psychologist in the first visit?
Umm, yeah, I'm really emotional, all she had to do was ask me to describe my mood swings and feelings...and I started crying...should I feel dumb?...

 What is the best way to suicide?

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i'm 14...........................

 Im really ashamed of this but, I self-harm and need help.?
Is there anyway I can cover up the cuts on my body? And it will not wash off in the shower or bath etc. Could I use make-up or would it just wash off? Because people are getting suspicious about ...

 Is a messy house a sign of depression?
i often wonder when i see these programmes about how clean is your house, wether kim and aggie think about the people who are living this way

could they be depressed,

what do ...

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 When you're tired but you know you won't be able to sleep?
You know you wont be able to go to sleep, because too much on your mind. what is your solution?
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i'm sleepy now....

 Has this happened to you?.?
I have had my laptop for five months which i bought to play online bingo and Ebay.Yesterday i got a message popup saying WARNING-You have 624 adult images and URL files in your machine,just to verify,...

 Ever feel like getting in your car and just driving just to see where it will take you.?
was wondering if this is a good way to clear your ...

 I am a depressed teen all the time, i hurt so bad and have noone to talk to and no doctor what do i do?

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Well, my daddy died last year.I have tried sucidie 2 and the only person i trusted told everybody and made fun of ...

 I died 5 minutes ago, how do I get back to life?

 How do i help a crack addict get clean?
he's already been to rehab more times than i can count. I am beginning to think that this friend is lost forever. What do you think?...

I only have four cigarettes left?
what am i suppose to do i wont have any money until tomorrow and four cigarettes wont last that long. im not tired so sleeping wont help. IM FREAKING OUT!!! what do i do

Charles W
Take a PUFF here put it out..........Take a PUFF there and put it out........then HUrry and Jump in the BED until PAY DAY>..........Good Luck...........lol

Happy Day

stop smoking it is bad for you.

smoke all at once then you don't have to worry about rationing them, cuz you won't have any.

I hate when ur down to ur last cig! I just go to sleep or watch tv.

wow! i thank God i didnt grab that bad habit. calculate how much u spend on cigarettes a day times 7 and times 52: u will be surpise on how much u spend a year on something that will give u lung cancer or reduce ur life spam. for ur own good, u better seek help and break that bad habit.im not tryna be mean but i wanna help u

Go steal a pack!

xiao ai.
stop smoking
and try to keep the stupid human race alive.
you're poor because you waste money on cigs.

go see a doctor and then kill yourself

Brazilian Beauty
Quit ! until tomorrow that is....drink lots of water !

give up .

Ummm get a job so you can get some more.

Oh you poor lass.. now is a good time to QUIT. Smoking is a bad disgusting habit. I wish they'd throw every single packet in the whole in the trash.

i dont know sux dont it, i dont know what to say

Go bum some.

wow! that is the least of your problems, trust me!

roll up some bogey durhams

Well you shouldn't be smoking in the first place, just to get that out of the way. Especially if you can't afford the habit.

-You can roll you own out of cigarette butts
-Chew gum, seriously that can help
-Go to the convienance store and buy a pack of the candy ones. They run about 25 cents a pack

♥I know these things♥
quit smoking u dumb hoe bag

Sheesh you don't have a credit card ask someone to loan you money. Otherwise there no way to get cigs without having money...

still learning at 54
stop smoking. it is a filthy habit, makes people more nervous from the additives they put in them (not to mention the other health issues), and is EXPENSIVE
eat some veggies, play some online games, take a nice hot shower or bath, drink some chamomile tea, read a book, take up knitting or crochet, take the dog for a walk even if it is nighttime, do some laundry, answer some yahoo questions, there are lots of things to do besides smoke.

Flush um.


man m
im 14 and can buy cig. just go and smoke them all then smoke butts.

smoke slowly..or take some sleeping pills and go to bed.

call all your friends that smoke and ask to bum. You can always check the couch for change and buy a cheap pack. Last resort would be to roll up your butts. Also keep in mind that nicatine lasts for about four hours, sometimes a bit less. So smoke one every three hours or so to cut the cravings. Try chewing on a straw or pen to cut down the pschological addiction (wich is by far the worst part as the actual addiction to the nicatine only lasts 2 days after you smoke your last one!) The pen or straw will help to satisfy the psychological oral fixation that has developed with your habit. Good luck!

Rohan Fernandes
clone the cigarettes......
smoke the cigarettes into an air-tight container, then later re-use the smoke ........

go to the neighbors and borrow some, if they smoke. or just borrow some cash and pay em back tomorrow

Your f*cked. Muahahaha

My boy due 17 Oct'!
light one and only smoke about half then put it out then later smoke the other half this it will last longer

Sounds like the perfect time to QUIT...before smoking quits you.

calm down...hopefully you have an ashtray...before smoking your last four..smoke all the cigs in your ashtray that still have a little life in them.. if not..take out the tobacco from them and use some bible paper from the empty pages and attempt to roll cigs from the butts in your ashtray.. if you have no butts..you are screwed..

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