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 I want to start doing situps/crunches to shed this belly fat and a friend told me I wont loose the belly fat?
I just need some advice on if you all think this is true and what ways I can shed the belly fat if I cant get rid of the belly fat by doing crunches/situps....

 Would it be harmful/dangerous to do a 24 hour fast/not eating?
want to get people to sponsor me to raise money for charity.
This would be a difficult challenge personally ! but its a more orginal idea than sponsored silence or something.

What ...

 Is alcohol(beer,liquor etc.) in any quantity,less or more good for health?
as brandy is taken in winters to keep warm,is it good to take alcohol as beer twice or thrice a week?i have heard that taking liquor in such limited quantities is beneficial for health....

 If 8 glasses a day is the RDA for water what size glasses are they talking about?
How much in litres should I be drinking a day?...

 Is it easy to lose 5lbs in 2 weeks?
I'm dieting, but I'm trying to take it slow and step by step. My goal is to lose 5lbs every two weeks, but I want to just concentrate on those 5lbs every time and not concentrate on the ...

 Am i fat at all?
i am going in 6th grade and i am 115 pounds. i run great my diet is great what's making me so fat? IS this a bad thing that when i am bored i eat? plz i need tips and ideas to loose weight ...

 I am looking for a good diet pill!?!? Help?
I exercise ocasionally but i dont eat that good, i dont eat often but when i do it probably isnt the best food for me to be eating. I have love handles starting to make there way and a bit of a belly ...

 My husband calls me fat all the time. i don't know what to do. Any ideas?
I've tried to lose weight but nothing works. i've had 4 kids and i way 230. Ive never weighted that....

I have no idea what to do... I feel like i am always hungry... I am just a teenage girl, not really active and no mater what, I always feel extremely empty or feel like i am going to explode because I...

 Does wieght have anything to do with height?
ok so im a 14 year old girl thats 5'9" and when i get on the scale it sometimes reads : 140 lb, then 143lb, then 140lb, then 145 lb ....so u get my point ..up down. i once got up to 150 lb, ...

 Any advise on growing taller?
I would like to grow taller. im 5'1 and 14. Every one in my grade is taller than me. I eat alot of protein, vegies, and drink about 2 quarts of milk a day. i exersize and stretch too.
Is ...

 I need fast weight loss tips :)?
hey i'm a 16 year old girl
i'm 175 cm tall and i weigh about 57 kilos
how could i get down to 50 kilos in 2 months
i have already decided to stop snacking, cut out biscuits ...

 Good leg exercises?

 I can't breathe when I jog??! Please help.?
I've always had trouble getting enough air (I'm 13 now.) even when I was on a regular routine of walking my dog an hour every day (fast walking.)
It's so embarrassing-every little ...

 Whats the result of starving myself?
my friend lost weight cuz she starved herself

if that work for her shud i do it too?

i know its stupid but....
ugh idkkk
im deperate and i need to lose weight.......

 EASY 10 points BEST ANSWER !?
Now im 5"10, 80 kilos
I usto be 70 4 months ago before i started to go to the Gym !
3/4 days a week i do:
Cardio 20 min
Workout 1 hour ->
Arms(60 pounds)

 Everbody agree that drinking water is good for health - which one is best - hot ? cold ? normal ?
Happy new Year Wishes for all, just out of curiosity, I had in my mind to find out an answer for this question - Is drinking Hot water ? Cold Water ? Normal Water - good for ...

 Girls which do you prefer?
slim toned bod or muscles im slim but started in ...

 I want somethign sweet but don't want to ruin my diet?
Has anyone got any good recipes for a really nice dessert, but one which won't add on too many calories? And how do other people deal with their sweet tooth when they're trying to lose ...

 I'm 15 years old and I need to lose 50 pounds. Any tips?
I am 5'7 and weigh 205 lbs.
I'm out of control with yo-yo dieting, and I need help.
Any tips are more than appreciated....

I need to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks!!! Is that possible? If so, how?
I've just started this work out plan that includes me working out every day for an hour. I do not eat a lot what so ever, in fact I think I take in appx 1200 calories a day... I want to lose 10 lbs very quickly, what else do I need to do?

Boone T
Buy a Gazelle at Wal-mart. I just bought one for $94 and I love it. It is easy to use and you can work on it as long as you want to, you can make it as hard as you want it or as easy as you need to. It has a digital screen that tells you how fast your going, how many calories you've burned, how many miles you've been and how long you've worked out. It is easy to put together and it works all of your major muscles. I weighed 160 lbs. and I started taking Xenadrine NRG, you can buy it at Walmart or Kmart and it is pretty inexpensive. I lost 20 lbs. in one month on it. Then I bought the Gazelle to tone down the rest. I feel great! But, if you are going to take the Xenadrine, make sure you ask your doctor first.

A weight loss of anything more than 1 or 2 pounds a week is very unhealthy. You are doing everything right, just be patient and you will lose the weight eventually. Dont give into fad or crash diets, in the end you will only end up gaining the weight back plus some more.

Drink a laxative.

Drink a lot of water, squeeze fresh lemon in your water, eat cooked cabbage as much as you want. You will lose the weight I tried it before and I lost 16lbs in 2 weeks. It's not a diet that you can use permanently because eventually you will get tired of eating cabbage and start craving chocolate cake.
If you want to lose weight and keep it off I suggest a complete change to healthy eating habits combined with exercise. The cabbage diet is just an honest answer to your question one that uses a healthy food and you don't have to starve yourself.
Good luck!

Is it poundage or size you're worried about? Remember, if you are exercising and adding muscle, it weighs more than fat. You may add weight while trimming down. If it's size, just keep up the good work, eat healthy, and exercise.

Unless it's an emergency and you might die of being overweight soon, don't go so fast. Take it slow, and take baby steps, with healthy foods and at least 20 min. of exercise every day.

hollywood diet trimspa

How can I print the 3 day diet?

One Food a Day... Believe Me It Works, but just try it for this two weeks...

Guitar Dood Number 1
there is a way to do it, it is not very healthy and you will gain the wieght right back the next time you eat, but there is this thing called the 48 hour hollywood mirical diet. you buy this special juice and you don't eat for two days, all you do is drink this juice and you lose ten pounds in 48 hours however it is not very healthy and i don't know how much it costs but i doubt it's cheap

Usually the first 10 pounds is water weight and should come off easily in one week. After that, you will lose body fat which is harder to get rid of.

Evil J.Twin
you could try the cabbage soup diet, that is supposed to be good. But losing 10lb in 2 weeks can be dangerous. Best if you take it slowly.

The 3 Day Diet!!! I have done it and it totaly works!! Here is a copy and some extra info on it.

The 3 Day Diet is chemically and enzyme balanced. If the diet is followed exactly, it is possible to lose up to 5-10 pounds in 3 days. This is not a starvation diet. In fact, you will be eating normal meals at normal times. The 3 Day Diet consists of ordinary foods found in your kitchen. No special expensive recipes or ingredients are required. No frozen diet meals to buy. In order for complete success, please do not vary or substitute any of the foods. Salt and pepper is fine but add no other seasonings. Where no quantity is given, no restrictions other than common sense. This diet is to be used for 3 days at a time. After 3 days of dieting, you can eat your normal foods but do not overeat. After 4 days of normal eating, start back on the 3 day diet. You can lose 10-40 pounds in a month if you stick to this diet. It is 100% safe. Remember, do not cheat between meals!

First Day
½ Grapefruit, 1 slice of toast, two tablespoons of peanut butter.

½ cup of tuna fish, 1 slice of toast, coffee or tea

2 slices of any type of meat (3 oz), 1 cup of beets, 1 cup of green beans, 1 small apple, one cup of vanilla ice cream

Second Day:
1 egg, 1 slice of toast, ½ banana

1 cup of cottage cheese, 5 saltine crackers

2 Hot Dogs, 1 cup of broccoli (fresh), ½ cup of carrots (fresh), ½ banana, ½ cup of vanilla ice cream.

Third Day:
1 hard boiled egg, one slice toast

5 Saltine crackers, 1 slice of cheddar cheese (1 oz.) 1 small apple

1 cup of Tuna, 1 cup of beets, 1 cup of cauliflower (fresh), ½ half cantaloupe, ½ cup of vanilla ice cream.

Its possible with a low carb diet, but this is not a fun diet, and then later when you get off it, the weight comes back. You can only eat meats and vegetables for the first 2 weeks. If the vegetable is white, you cannot eat it (for example potatoes).

This is not a fun diet because you crave sandwiches, cereal, bagels, cakes, even fruit which you are not supposed to have in the 1st two weeks. But if you can stand it for 14 days, you can lose 8 - 10 lbs.

After 14 days, you can gradually start eating some fruits, 2 oz. cheese, a little bit of nuts. After another 1 or 2 weeks, you can eat low carb breads.

Better details of this diet were on the Adkins website. I don't know if it still exists though.

cut that lump off thats 3feet above your butt your not using it any way.

possible, maybe, but not healthy. i don't believe that you only eat 1200 calories a day, as most (normal) humans need at least 1600 just to survive. starvation diets and sitting in saunas for hours on end would get you close, but it would probably also kill or seriously hurt you. i don't know why you would want to lose that much weight, or that fast, but i really wouldn't recommend it. keep exercising, make sure the things that you eat are healthy, and take some time to relax. i can't guarentee that you'll lose weight, but you'll look and feel better.


Try a more realistic and healthy goal.

That would be to lose between 2 to 4 lbs. within two weeks.

It should be possible
Exercises from 30-40 minutes the moment u wake up
also learn how to control ur appetite
eat more in breakfast than lunch and dinner
eat more in lunch than dinner
and eat less in dinner
also u can cut the amount of food u eat into 5-6 small meals to keep ur metabolism working. (but u still need to remember to eat from more to less as the day goes on and never eat at night)
go to bed no later than 10:00 pm because when ur taking a rest at about 10:30pm ur liver provides a liquid that kills the fat cells

~GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

srry ..but no... tried it ...didint work . but if u cut it down...like try to loose 5 pounds in 2 weeks ..thats possible.
and then u cant stick to the 5 pounds thing and its likely to work for you.

♥ jojo ♥
In order to lose10 pounds in 2 wks you would have to work off 17,500 calories per week. That's 2500 per day. This would be impossible.Unless you weight 400 lbs already. You can only loss water weight this fast. This would be very dangerous. Please don't try it! Be safe, take your time and stay healthy.

You need to have high intensity and increase sessions to 1.5 hours here is a plan I follow.

If you want to do this it is for life so you need to totally change your way of eating and exercising. This is not a diet rather than a healthy eating plan for life. So no more talking diet cause it means time limit.

Here are the golden rules:
Initially cut down to 1200 calories.
Exercise 6 times per week for 1 hours a day. Do three weight sessions and three cardio sessions. No gym involved.
Don't eat carbs after 4pm, never eat carbs within 2 hours of exercise or within 1 hour of exercise.
Drink 3 litres of water per day. You can have a green tea at the end of the day.
Limit your fruit in take to 2 pieces per day.
Never eat dinner after 6pm.
Adopt of low GI eating plan this is sustainable for life!
Make low fat dairy choices

Follow this menu plan as a suggestion:
Breakfast 7am - 1 cup hot water w lemon
20 minutes later have a bowel of oats w water (no honey) OR
fruit salad w low GI soy yogurt
Snack 10am - pear or apple (both low GI)
Lunch 12.30pm - multigrain sandwich w 50g tuna & salad (no butter)
Snack 3pm - low GI yogurt OR skim berry smoothie (no honey or banana) plenty of ice, 1/2 cup skim milk & 1/4 cup yogurt
Dinner 5.30pm - 120g grilled lean meat/fish/prawns/tofu patties (not fried) w spinach salad & mixed vegies (no whites, carbs) OR 3 egg white/soy omlette with ham, cheese and tomato
Snack - 1 scoop of low cal low fat ice cream (if hungry)

Exercise is must be intense. Refer to www.bodybuilding.com for your weights routine. Never do weights two consecutive days have a cardio day in between.

Cardio needs to include running, go hard up stair wells and cycling. You get the most benefits from exercise when your body is totally fatigued and this is when you see changes.

To maintain you can increase calories to 1500 and reduce exercise sessions to 3-4 times per week. If weight creeps up again due to holiday period etc.. go back to 1200 cal and 6 sessions again.

Good luck it worked for me it can work for anyone.

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