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 Q about AIDS /STDs - Can I call the clinic myself?
I was wondering about AIDS and STDs- I am wondering if its possible for me to find out for sure if an Ex has anything- Am I able to call the clinic to ask them if he was diagnosed with anything?? ...

 How long does it take for a yeast infection to go away using the cream?

 Heptatis B Vaccine problem?
how far am safe from getting Hep. B, knowing that I received only 2 Heptatis B vaccine shots so far (out of the 3 designated shots which gives total immunization). the other day I shared a mouth ...

 went from hsil to lsil?
i had a pap smear a couple years ago and it showed i had hsil. a few months ago i took another pap smear when i was pregnant and it showed i had lsil. what does this mean?...

 to the ones who answered my question.. it doesnt smell and i am married so we both need to get checked?
what if it itches but doesnt hurt or anything and not like all the time itch?...

 can i catch hiv if a really tiny drop of blood went in my eye?
could i catch hiv from tiny bite blood going in my ...

 where did aids start?
what country did it start in and ...

 Any chlamydia jokes/insults?
Basically my friend just got chlamydia and i need some insults... anyone got any? I know bit about Chlamydia anyway. Its Chlamydophila abortus, the one that causes women to go barren. i just wanted ...

 Hiv ,can i get hiv by barber shop?
I had cut my hair by one barber in his shop and may be he had use used blade ,may be blade was used 2 to 3 minutes before by someone ,can i get hiv by this way?How long virus live after come in ...

 i have a friend that has HPV?
i have a friend that just found out she got HPV. is there any way to prevent the spreading of the virus like there is valtrex for herpes? also will she be able to have kids without spreading it to ...

 can bacteria vaginosis come back and why?
if you had bacteria vaginsis can it just come back ,what if you see white blood cells in your urine ,does that mean you still have it??...

 Does hiv/aids cause lmpyh nodes to swell and stay swollen?
Will this virus cause the lyph nodes to swell and stay swollen? or do they swell for a few months then go back down the swell again?...

 i have this burning sensation that causes rashes on my skin.When im excited or if im anxious.please help me?
i really need answers its destroying my social life. By the way i went to an endocrinologist and im going to see an alergist in about a month.The endocrine doctor said he couldnt find anything and ...

 can someone please help me with these symptoms?
ive been bloated for about 5 months then all of these symptoms came on stomach bloating no appetite / get full really fast constipation (get consipated for about 2 days) diarrhea tiredness ...

 Will a blood test determine if you have had the h1n1 virus?

 I am so scared. Could I have an STD or am I just freaking over nothing?
For the past week ive been feeling weird. This is a little embarrassing but the internet is giving confusing answers.. My lower stomach where my overies are has been painful. Ive been more tired then ...

 what does it mean when u have symptoms for things but u dnt have one of them?
ive been noticing that ive been going to the bathroom lot More than usual.during thanksgiving break i ate like a pig... i would eat all day and sit on the couch... i weighed 145 before break and ...

 Can you get herpes from this?
You see my friend from Iowa was at school and told me that a kid at school with herpes just flinged a piece of his scab at her but she didn't know if it hit her or not. Is it possible that you ...

 if you start with one bacteria how many bacterias will there be in 24 hours?

 Possible STD? Please Help!!?
okay, so I noticed symptoms a couple days ago. There is a touch-sensitive red bump on my scrotum, with a dark dot in the center. When I first noticed it, it was red, and painful. Today, it's ...

i was just told i have the HPV virus and to check back with my gyn in 6mnths. what do i do just sit and wait.?

Most low grade cell changes will regress in a year or so. You may want to do some life style changes that may help your body fight the virus...eating a balanced diet..include 5 to 7 servings of fruits and veggies, get good sleep...7 to 8 hours...our body's cells repair in stage four sleep...reduce stress...exercise...limit alcohol...and use condoms...even if you are in a committed relationships...condoms have been shown to help the virus regress...and condoms aid in the healing of the cervix...condoms are not of benefit for long term committed relationships. A multi-vitiamin may help...but studies have shown where our body benefit more from the vitimin and nutrient in our food that taking lots of supplements. If you are in a committed relationship you and your partner will not ping pong the virus back and forth. Doctor's usually want to wait to see if your body fights the virus... in 6 months lots of good can happen...give your body this time...and give it a little help in the fight. I wish you well.

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