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 who do i sneeze when i wake up in morning?
yh whenever i wake, i sneeze about 3-4 times and my nose starts running, so i go to bathroom, get ready and if i sneeze again 3-4 times, it ruins my day, i dont know if this is cold or hayfever. what ...

 how much sleep do i need?
im 14 in year 9 im 5'5 and i weigh 135 pounds i was just wodndering typically how much sleep you reccomend i have ???...

 Someone was jokingly choking me?
I am a 9th grader and someone in school jokingly put his hand around my throat i'd estimate about 5 seconds definately with force (not extremely hard though). Soon after, i had a headache (not ...

 Would drinking bleach or chlorine kill you quickly?
could consumption of these chemicals cause quick death, should i seek medical attention if i have consumed either, what could happen if i do consume them?...

 My 2y/o drank day old milk WHAT CAN I DO?!?
She found a lost sippy. I don't know who else to ask! No, as in it was an old sippy she'd been drinking early this morning that got left out in her room....

 what will happen after i smoke..?
im going to for the first time i think im not sure but after i smoke if i chew gum and shower and wash my clothes and put ik perfume on will i still stink like smoke ??? plz i no i shuldnt these r ...

 I fainted a few weeks ago . . .?
A few weeks ago, I fainted for the first time most likely because I had bad diarrhea a few times in one to two hours. I am only 14. Now, my period is almost a week late. Is there something wrong with ...

 how to get thc out of your system fast?
alright, i need to get marijuana out of my system fast...i haven't smmoke in over a month and keep felling these home test. i been taking them up at the recruiters office too. i need to flush it ...

 Sometimes, I'm at work and all the sudden, I can't see, focus or talk right followed by headache. what is this?
It is starting to scare me a little because it comes on so rapidly and I feel like I lose control. It is scary and I feel paniced and numb and I literally can't see even right in front of me! It ...

 Is a humidifier necessary for me?
I live in an area where the humidity level reaches below 10 percent in summer times. Do you think i should buy a humidifier?...

 I have pain under my left breast!?
I have been having pain under my left breast area for over 2 days now! It is not a constant pain. Seems to come and go! For instance when I go to bed at night and lay down it doesnt bother me.It ...

 Been feeling really sick..help?
well i havent been to school from tuesday-friday because i have been feeling really weak, at times. Not every minute. And then at 5:30 am today (may2nd) i had really bad chest pains and stomach pains,...

 Please answer with either a or b?
So I often get bad allergies once and month so i'm used to it. but yesterday i started developing a sore back of mouth(not throat though it hurted just as bad) it hurt all night long and i knew ...

 is it good to shower in warm or cold water when your sick?

 I have a sore throat, and I don't have tonsils?
I had them removed when I was younger. My throat has been EXTREMELY painful, I've never suffered from a sore throat so bad, and its been going on about 3 days now. It's been really sore, ...

 Should i sue the driver who hit us?
I was involved in a car accident yesterday. I think i have whiplash. I was wondering if i should sue the driver or not? He did get out of his car and offer to take me to A+E but im in a lot of pain ...

 Why do people stress eat?
I stress eat all of the time and I don't know why. I wanna know what some people think the psychological reason is for stress-...

 Am I just lazy or could it be something more serious?
Im wondering if Im just extremely lazy or could it be that I have depression or something else I havent even heard of. I cant get myself to finish chores. Im a grown woman, im 30 and have two young ...

 Are viruses and natural disasters natures way of population control?

 how long can we stay awake?
-just Curious......

Why do i get tendon and/or ligament pain after exercise?
im not sure if its my tendon or ligament that is sore but is 100% not my muscle. even after light exercise the pain the next day is debilitating but goes away after 4 -7 days. it feels like a deep pinching pain when contracting the area and i 100% not an injury, as it occurs on any bodypart that has been worked the day before. any help would be much appreciated. cheers

Sounds like you may have tendonitis, or a ligament injury (grade 1-3) possibly. I would read up on these two things just to educate yourself about what could be happening. I know that if you go to the mayo clininc online or orthopedic websites, you should easily find literature. Also, WebMd could help.

That is weird. I will guess fibromyalgia. Also I heard artificial sweeteners are murder on your tendons by making them soft. I read it on the internet but i have no idea how much truth there is to that. Many people claim it.

liverpool lou
can you not take some sort of pain killer before excercise , but only for the one day to see if it helps, most people get some kind od reaction, after excercise, you may be over working the joints, try doing less , and build up gradualy, do you have mild arthritis, ? just do less . then next day rest and so on

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