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 What Medical problem has the following symptom...?
Dropping everything. Holding something and all of a sudden loosing grip! Like , you fingers just let go all of a sudden without warning ... please please please, help me ,someone in my ...

 Why do I feel sick after eating anything?
I had been on a horrible diet for a number of years, with good meals only infrequently, and sometimes having nothing to eat. Now I find I can't eat a full sized meal without feeling lightly ...

 Why does anesthesia do this?
Why does it make people act loopy? P.S. Watch the whole video, it's me after getting my wisdom teeth out and it's hilarious!! http://www.youtube.com/w...

 Making a doctor appointment about anxiety is giving me anxiety.. help!! ?
After strong encouragement from my husband, I've decided to make an appointment with my doctor about my stress levels. This has been a problem for years though. Irritability and excessive ...

 Salty food make me cough?
Say for instance, me and a friend are at Wendy's and we're sharing some French fries. She will try one and complain about there not being enough salt on them while I'm coughing because ...

 If you were forced to give up Hearing, Sight, or Touch, which would it be?
I think I would give up touch. Wow you all have completely different, but great answers! This will be a hard choice....

 Why did I get a sore throat?
I woke up with a sore throat, so I had some tea and now I just have that horrible, sore and gunky feeling in my throat. I always brush and floss, use mouthwash sometimes, my pillow case is clean, I...

 Ce-noise Condition Can I Still Get Piercings?
OK I Have Ce-noise It's A Blood Condition That Makes Your Cuts Heal On The Outside I Think i Spelt It Write Thats How Much I Know About It So Far..I Would Like To Know More About It Also I W...

 at my local gym there are many classes for you to take what would be good for a 13-14 year old?
and there are many differnt classes such as zumba, mat pilaties, intense cardio etc. i really want to do one of the classes (there are more then the above) and i am 13 almost 14 but i think it ...

 Do Potassium Iodide Tablets help prevent some radiation from X-rays?
Do Potassium Iodide Tablets help prevent some radiation from X-rays? Thanks in advance....

 smoked weed 4 days ago, need to pass a drug test 2maro?
I smoked last monday and then wednesday and christmas eve. It wasnt that much pot. I need to pass a drug test tommorow what do i need to do. obviously didnt know i had a drug test coming up..... come ...

 why arent bulimics really skinny?
i read everywhere that bulimics have a normal sized body/slightly overweight whereas anorexics are extremely thin. so bulimics arent very very skinny because they never manage to get rid of the ...

 Does She Have a Concusion?
A few days ago my best friend got hit buy a volleyball during gym. She went to the doctor and he said that it was nothing serious just a small bruse on the scalp. She's been getting really bad ...

 I have hursitism and its ruining my life?
i think i have hursutism and its ruining my life. I have hair " everywhere" (too long to list all the places) Are there any treatments, long long do i use it and what will the results be? I...

 What are some key ways to reach your potential height?
Is there anyway to speed up your height growth? I'm so sick and tired of bein shorter than most of my friends! Im 16 about 5'7 my mom is like 5'6 and my dad was 6'1 both of my ...

 Can extreme concentration or extreme exhaustion cause nosebleed?

 Why is my stomach so hard?!?
I've never slept with anyone and I'm only 13 so it's not bcos I'm preggo also I haven't worked out for 4wks and you can feel a large lump in my stomach (I'm not fat) it ...

 What would a 1/4 of a gram of MD be like?
going to a rave and been told to take some, just wondering what its like and stuff : ) dont know might be, think its MDMA ??...

 Do you think this person does cocaine?
i know this person when they wake up THEY ARE NOT MORNING PEOPLE so let me tell you what recently i hear and see for example this morning, in their room i hear choking.. as if somethings caught ...

 I sleep all day and stay up all night how can I reverse this?
I'm 15 and in school and when I have a regular 'school for 5 days then the weekend' type of schedule, I can get to sleep around 10 and wake up at 6 no problem. But once I have any ...

Stomach cramps really bad on and off?
I have been getting sharp stomach cramps and they have been on and off, and we are out of bananas what else do i do to get rid of them?

Probably IBS goggle it x

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