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 My teen girl 15 y/o has thrombosis Help?
She is on the High school swim team. The area is just below her left knee and extends about 6-8 inches down the inside front of her leg.It is not red,infected or very swollen. How serious is this? T...

 Have i broken my ankle?
I sprained my ankle on friday night, i went to the hospital on the same night and they told me it was just a bad sprain. They have read the x-rays wrong for me before, and i cannot stand on my tip ...

 Please help me with my finger problem?
ok i fell on the ground and hit my finger and after 2 weeks it still hurts its not infected but i have to play with my band in a week and i play bass so i need to know how to heal my finger fast ...

 what bone did you break recently?
leg, arm, toe, fingers? what's the worst part about dealing with it? "wrist, the worst part was i had to learn to write and do alot of other things with my opposite hand" lol, like ...

 I've had this pain in my knuckle and it's super annoying?
I've had it for 3 days know. It's not swollen or discolored, but it is kind of tender. It's the first finger knuckle on my right hand. It hurts when I move my finger or grab something. ...

 I Broke my bone, Safe for Six FLAGS?
So i broke my elbow bone about 4-5 weeks ago i had surgery in it, its still in a splint and when im out i have to wear a sling, im wondering if there are any rides for me to go on OR if its safer for ...

 My daughter is 10 and 2 weeks ago fell onto some wood only grazing her shin?
But it's still very swollen I'm sure the swelling should have gone down by now is this normal? Thank you for all your answers, she only has a surface wound and that is very clean the ...

 ive had a sharp pain in my tailbone for 5 years now, and i cant figure out what is causing it.?
Ive gone to the doctors several times, gotten several x-rays and was told nothing was wrong that they could see, and to get an MRI if i wanted to, just in case it was something really small. (i never ...

 i slammed my pinky about a month ago and now the bottom of my nail is peeling? is my nail going to fall off?
and will it grow back weird looking? please help!!! ]:...

 Should I go to school with a sprained ankle?
I sprained my ankle walking down the stairs. I walk really awkwardly now. I also have two major tests tommorow but I missed the tutorials at school today bc of my ankle. And so I really don't ...

 When I wake up in the morning and stretch in bed my calf hurts.?
When I wake up I stretch out (as do many people), but it seams when i stretch out my calf muscle (I extend my legs) my calf seems to pop out of place, becomes unbelievably rigid and hard, and the ...

 Pulled muscle in back what do i do?

 i fell down and went boom?
today on my dads (700 v twin) I did a little wheelie and trying not to hurt the bike I pushed my self off of it landing on my back.. it hurts very bad.. I dont know what to do.. it hurts on my ...

 i was licking a rock and my tounge fell off what should i do?

 Would wheelchair bound people say that they are going on a walk when they go on a "walk"?

 I Hit My Head Really Hard, What Should I Do?
Okay So A Couple Days Ago I Was At A Show, & This Hardcore Dancer Kicked Me From The Side Of My Face To The Back Of My Head So Hard The People Around Me Could Hear It, While The Band Was Playing. ...

 I have stitches in my lip. Is it still alright if i smoke?

 whats the main point of a hickie?
like how do you get them and whats the main point of them?...

 I Think I Broke My Big Toe!! Help!!?
Yesterday, I was moving the couch in the living room and i dropped it on my big toe. It was extremal painful and bloody. Today it is swollen and bruised. I can walk on it but, i have to use the side ...

 Please help me get rid of my Canker sores!?
Ok so my problem is i don't just have one canker sore. They are all on my gums, in side my cheeks, on my tongue, on the front and back of my gums upper and bottom row of teeth, on the roof of my ...

Do I have a Concussion?
well, i was snowboarding today and i got cut off while i was going pretty fast. I had to swerve to miss the guy and while doing so i got basically bucked off a little ledge and hit the back of my head on the ground pretty hard, hard enough to knock my beanie and my googles completely off. Right after i hit my head my entire body like froze for a little, my eyesight blacked out for a few seconds, i forgot what had happen earlier in the day, all my thoughts where kinda mushed, i couldn't think strait, i kept forgetting what i had just thought or done, and i felt like i was in a dream for about and 1 after. right know my head just feels right sore and tight(kinda like swollen) could it be a concussion? and info would be great thanks

You must go to hospital see a doctor. Concussion can be serious! Do not take any pain killers such as aspirin, they could cause bleeding or swelling inside your brain! I am serious your condition could deteriate and you could become drowsy and loose conciousness! Do not go to sleep. Also make sure you are not alone and a freind or someone can watch over you.

its classic concussion symptoms should see a doctor for x-ray just in case and yo dude i ve been skiing for 25 yrs even in SKI patrol and i think these new helmets are great and unless you want to start talking like rocky balboa in a few years I would sincerely suggest you wear one you have no idea how many cracked open noggins I have seen in my five years of ski patrol on the east coast and i'm talking exposed grey matter bra. GET A HELMET PLEEEEEASE

It sounds a lot like a concussion. Any time that you have had a blow to the head is a time when you should be checked by a qualified physician. It sounds like there was something going on if you had lost consciousness during this time.

Jamie Z
all i gotz to say iz that your fawked XD

Uhh, you should probably go to the hospital to find this out. Concussions can be serious business.

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