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 If left untreated does bronchitis turn into pnumonia?

 I have bronchitis?
I am 29 years old, i smoke socially (20 x per week) which I will never do again. My sister emailed me to say that people come down with bronchitis usually have other health problems. She is ...

 My friend has started smoking cigars?
my friend has started smoking cigars, where could he be getting them from he is way underage.. like 16.. and looks ...

 I have cough and no ins. what's the best method to get rid of this cough?
I can't sleep at night, I take Robitussium, Nyquill and they don't even work. It's been 1 month now....

 When I shout or laugh too hard, I always get some breathing problems afterwards. HELP!?
I always get the feeling that there is phlegm in my throat, at the windpipe area. Breathing becomes pretty difficult, cause I get the feeling that I can't fill up my lungs.

This ...

 Inhaled Food?
I was just eating some grapes and when I bit into one it sort of 'exploded' and the mushy inside slid back down my throat. For a second I couldn't breathe (I certainly didn't ...

ive just been the doctors and been diagnosed with asthma, he explained it all to me but i didnt catch it all (hes foreign) can anybody explain to me what astma is? and what causes it?...

 What's the best way to cure laryngitis?
I'm recovering from a terrible infection that caused me to totally lose my voice. I'm taking antibiotics and it's getting better, but I need my voice! I know that time is the best ...

 I feel sick when im in my house if i leave for a while i feel better, No one else in the house feels sick???
could it be mold or mildow
Additional Details
if so who do i call???...

 Can you get pulminary fibrosis by taking steroids for some forms of artritis?

 How to stop myself snoring? I snore sometimes and i'm not aware of it! Pls help!!?

 What is pcp?
My friends all want me to do it.
But im scared to.
i know that its bad. but is it really bad?
im really highhhhhhh right now

 Help my mother is toxicated?
ok well my mom was cleaning the bathroom and she used all these products not sure whitch but i know one is called ajax after she was done cleaning 3 hours later she began to felt dissy and hey eyes ...

 Eczema and asthma?
does anyone know what the best deodrant to buy for an 11year old child who suffers bad eczema and asthma....

 My girlfriend has a kidney infection?
Do you know a good remedy for her to use?...

 Best Medicine For Cold?
I am starting to come down with a cold I am in high school and can't afford to be slowed down evrything on my head (ears nose throat eyes) burn and it wakes me up in the middle night and gives ...

 What is the best antibiotic for a sinus infection?
I have had a sinus infection for about 2 months now.. I went to the Dr. over 2 weeks ago and was given an antibiotic and antihistime..a week later i was back cause there was no progress.. they ...

 Worse places to live with asthma?
i live in st. louis. what states in america are the best and worse places to live with having chronic asthma?...

 What are the effects of Nicotine, Carbon Monoxide and Tar if you start smoking?

 Can quitting smoking have the short term effect of tightening ur throat so u cant control ur singing voice?
i have to sing at a wedding on sunday, so i've greatly reduced my smoking the last couple of days. problem is, i feel as if my throat is now even MORE constrained and i have less control of my ...

What is a doctor who specializes in treating cystic fibrosis???

Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease of the exocrine glands affecting primarily the GI and respiratory systems. It leads to COPD, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and abnormally high sweat electrolytes. Diagnosis is by sweat test or identification of 2 cystic fibrosis mutations in patients with characteristic symptoms. Treatment is supportive through aggressive interdisciplinary care.
The following organizations are good resources for information on cystic fibrosis:
* Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
* Cystic Fibrosis Research, Inc. (CFRI).
A physician (Chest diseases) will attend such cases.
Please see the web pages for more details on Cystic fibrosis.

A neurologist or pulmonary specialist. The disease affects the lungs, but also affects your nervous system.


Big Deall
I don't remember the type of specialist they are called but I would guess the doctor would be a lung specialist. Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease and deadly after a certain age but doctors have come a long way with the treatment, and now a days they can do a lung transplant along with the old treatment with the inhaler and clapping the back to remove the mucus

Typically CF is treated at an accredited CF Center by a team including pulmonologists (both pediatric and adult) , GI docs, specialized nurses, dieticians and social workers and sometimes others such a fertility docs. CF is a complex disease affecting the exocrine organs with more then 1000 different CF alleles (or forms of the gene) now known. Each CF patient has their own individual form of the disease and that is why it is important to be treated by an experienced CF team. Gangadharan_n's sources are good. BTW there are several people in the US with CF that are over 70 years old!

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