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 I am having a panic attack what do i do?

 How can one improve your lung capacity when its at 17%?
My best friend's mom is really sick... according to the doctor she has 17% of her lung capacity left. Is there ANY way of improving this? She walks around with some oxygen...but I really wish ...

 Has Anyone been diagnosed with sleep apnea?

 What do you think about 'passive' smoking ?
I grew up in a small house with two smokers on 40 a day each. Everyone at school thought it was me that smoked because I smelled of it which was annoying. The house was totally impregnated with ...

 Sinus Infection. Please Read!?
Ok. I went to visit my mom for the weekend then I started to feel weird. My head would always feel light and I would feel tingly and ichy all over my head. My ears keep clogging up and every noise ...

 If left untreated does bronchitis turn into pnumonia?

 I have bronchitis?
I am 29 years old, i smoke socially (20 x per week) which I will never do again. My sister emailed me to say that people come down with bronchitis usually have other health problems. She is ...

 My friend has started smoking cigars?
my friend has started smoking cigars, where could he be getting them from he is way underage.. like 16.. and looks ...

 I have cough and no ins. what's the best method to get rid of this cough?
I can't sleep at night, I take Robitussium, Nyquill and they don't even work. It's been 1 month now....

 When I shout or laugh too hard, I always get some breathing problems afterwards. HELP!?
I always get the feeling that there is phlegm in my throat, at the windpipe area. Breathing becomes pretty difficult, cause I get the feeling that I can't fill up my lungs.

This ...

 Inhaled Food?
I was just eating some grapes and when I bit into one it sort of 'exploded' and the mushy inside slid back down my throat. For a second I couldn't breathe (I certainly didn't ...

ive just been the doctors and been diagnosed with asthma, he explained it all to me but i didnt catch it all (hes foreign) can anybody explain to me what astma is? and what causes it?...

 What's the best way to cure laryngitis?
I'm recovering from a terrible infection that caused me to totally lose my voice. I'm taking antibiotics and it's getting better, but I need my voice! I know that time is the best ...

 I feel sick when im in my house if i leave for a while i feel better, No one else in the house feels sick???
could it be mold or mildow
Additional Details
if so who do i call???...

 Can you get pulminary fibrosis by taking steroids for some forms of artritis?

 How to stop myself snoring? I snore sometimes and i'm not aware of it! Pls help!!?

 What is pcp?
My friends all want me to do it.
But im scared to.
i know that its bad. but is it really bad?
im really highhhhhhh right now

 Help my mother is toxicated?
ok well my mom was cleaning the bathroom and she used all these products not sure whitch but i know one is called ajax after she was done cleaning 3 hours later she began to felt dissy and hey eyes ...

 Eczema and asthma?
does anyone know what the best deodrant to buy for an 11year old child who suffers bad eczema and asthma....

 My girlfriend has a kidney infection?
Do you know a good remedy for her to use?...

PLEASE has anyone else had this kind of shortness of breath?
Just recently a problem. The best I can describe is it's worst when I'm sitting and now a bit bad when I'm laying down. Feels like there is some pressure from my belly area that's stopping my lungs from getting a full breath of air. I have to stand and gasp and yawn heavily several times before I catch my breath. It's been a little scary lately where I'll get that thick head dizzy feeling like I might pass out or something. Kind of like when you hold your breath for too long.

I have had a bad history of chronic congestion (mostly middle ear), but this breathing problem is new. Please if you have had something similar, let me know what I might try for relief. *PLEASE don't just tell me to go to the Doctor or cut/paste the Internet * I've already been to the Doctor several times and will be going again. However, I need some real advice here. This problem is also intermittent and I usually don't have it during the day.

Zoe Rose
that's bad... no that hasn't happened, but isn't it weird when you think about it, you start concintrating on breathing? lol good luck.

oh ya an inhailer will probably work. the next time you go to the doctor, maybe ask what type of inhaler you can use.

Sounds to me like possible congestive heart failure. Maybe phnemonia. also sounds like you need to see a different doctor if you're having trouble breathing and the Doc is'nt getting what's up. How old are you?? Good luck.

i have the same problem. i have to yawn sometimes to catch my breath. i had a lab test done and everything came out fine. it started like two months ago and its just starting to go away, but i stopped drinking too much coke and eating real late at night cause i thought it was acid reflux. and the more i would think about it the harder it would be to catch my breath so i looked for a hobby to distract myself. try to relax and not think about it too much..think positive and everything will be fine. i know exactly how you feel!

Hmm. It sounds like maybe you have some type of infection. Maybe its related to your congestion. Possibly a pneumonia. I had the flu and bronchitis in February, and I had chest pain then. When you go back to your doctor, see if he/she can send you in for a chest x-ray. In the meantime, keep a log of your symptoms for when you see your doctor next.

Best of luck.

I had a similar breathing problem that lasted for a couple of years. I did not however feel any pressure but the rest of your symptoms are right on.
The problem began after I took a popular diet drug phen-phen. I quite taking the drub but it took a couple of years for me to get back to normal. I believe I had a mitral valve problem.

This sounds very much like GERD or gastric reflux. What might be happening is that gas/acid is backing up into the esophagus and causing pain that can and usually does feel very much like upper abdominal pressure. The body in an effort to save space has the esoophagus and the trachea sharing a common wall so that when the esophagus is irritated so is the trachea and therefore the thrachea and the bronchials spasm as a result. When the brochials spasm the also constrict inward limiting air flow which will make you short of breath. When you lay down it is much easier for the stomach contents to back flow up the esophagus and cause the problems. Standing makes it harder for the gastric juices to climb up the esophagus. To start with if you must lay down try putting a wedge between the mattress and the box spring so that the head of th ebed is elelvated. This will make it easier to breath and harder for the GERD to irritate the esophagus. Be careful of what you eat. Avoid foods that are high in acid like orange juice or tomato's, greasy fried foods and things that are very spicy. If you are over weight start a low impact exercise program like walking. Above all keep a diary of what you were eating and doing when the symptoms occur and take it with you to the doctor. It's absolutely invaluble information. Good luck.

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