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Heal and Prevent Migraine Headaches

A headache is pain experienced around the head, outside of the cranium. Most headaches involve pulsating pains or throbbing. Migraines involve not just head pain, but also nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and occasional dizziness.

  1. A major cause of migraines and other headaches is toxemia. When the level of toxins in the body becomes excessively high, the nerves and blood vessels in the head and neck region become irritated. Such irritation can trigger headache pain. The solution is to reduce the level of toxins by changing your lifestyle, resting, eating foods cooked as little as possible, preferably raw and meditating.
  2. Lie down and rest with your eyes closed.
  3. You must keep your attention focused on the pain in your head. It may feel extremely intense at first. It may seem almost unbearable. You may want to turn your attention away from it. Don't try to fight the pain. This will make it worse. If you accept the pain, it will be easier to endure. As you focus on it, it will begin to ease up. Your body will not give you more pain than you can endure.

  • This is a process. It may take days, weeks, or months. You must be patient and keep at it. Engage in this process every moment that you can. The more time you can devote to resting, the quicker you will heal. Every day you will get better and better. This is because you are confronting the problem and allowing the body to repair and heal itself.
  • The pain is your body's way of telling you it wants to rest. If you are experiencing headaches, your body wants you to rest your head. There is a build up of toxins in the head and the body wants to detoxify.
  • Once you have successfully completed this process, you must make changes in your life to prevent the toxins from building again and the pain returning. You must exercise regularly, eat foods cooked as little as possible, preferably raw, rest, and meditate. If you follow a routine like this, you will keep your body clean and your mind and head clear.
  • Another way to prevent migraine headaches is to avoid certain foods: pork, caffiene in any form (coffee, chocolate, pop, etc.), strawberries, spinach, peanuts, nitrates, MSG, artificial sweetners, shellfish, broccoli, alcohol (especially red wines) and hard, aged cheese. These foods open the blood vessels in your head quickly, causing migraine headaches. It sounds strange, but not eating these foods works to help keep you migraine free!
  • Changes in the barometric pressure can also trigger a migraine.
    1. If you're prone to vomiting during migraines, keep a can of Campbell's Chicken Broth upside down in your refrigerator. Really. After you're finished in the bathroom, take out the can, turn it right-side up, open, pour out the broth (leave the fat stuck to the top), and drink it once you're able. Replaces needed electrolytes, etc., helps relieve the weakness and general malaise. Don't know why Campbell's works better than any other brand, but it does.

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