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 Good herbal sleeping pill...?
Ashley Korn here, 19. Does anyone know of a good herbal sleeping pill? Does one even exist?...

 What vitamins and/or herbs are best to treat depression & fatigue?

 I am eating cereal, what should ido?

 Is there a way for a white man to be transformed into a black woman?

 What can I do to make myself feel better?
I have got a horrible cold..... fever, chills, stuffy runny nose, VERY sore throat, and body aches!!! What over the counter meds should I take besides NyQuil at night, and chicken noodle soup! I am ...

 Can Atheists do yoga successfully?
What I learnt from the yoga guru is that without praying to God yoga is impossible.
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Without God and without ...

 Anyone know any natural/wholistic antidotes for depression?
I think I'd like to get off antidepressants. Thanks for any suggestions....

 Where can you buy rolling papers?

 Does Dr Bachs Rescue Remedy work?

 How can i ger rid of my hickups?

U.S. Prepares for Bird Flu Pandemic
U.S. President George W. Bush will approve in a few weeks the national pandemic influenza response plan, possibly permitting other countries to print U.S. currency during an eventual pandemic. The document is the first to depict the government's response to the crisis and the way it will function through the 18-month situation during which bird flu could kill up to 1.9 million Americans. According to the report, the U.S. Treasury Department will sign agreements with other nations to produce currency in case the U.S. cannot; also, the Pentagon is considering stockpiling millions of latex gloves. The 240-page documents which describes the plan of action draws 300 specific tasks for federal agencies, determining workers who should be vaccinated first and providing better Internet services for people who might need to work from their home. Bush found out about the plan on March 17 and is expected to approve it within a week, while it continues to evolve. After heavy criticism on the way it reacted to Hurricane Katrina, the White House will show how it can manage the medical, security and economic fallout. Also, among the ideas in the plan, the U.S. will have to keep the 1.8 million federal workers healthy and productive through a pandemic, cancel large gatherings, make use of its stash of medications, encourage schools to close and shift air traffic controllers to the busier hubs. U.S. officials intend to announce several vaccine manufacturing contracts to jump-start an industry that has declined in recent decades.

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