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 I have a cut directly on my knee for a week and 3 days now. Is it infected?
2 weeks and 3 days ago, I fell off a bike and got a cut. I went to the doctor's during the first week and he applied some kind of cream and covered it with a band-aid. During the first week, I ...

 My best friend has what I think is a spider Bite, can someone help please?
A couple days ago, a bump that looks just like a spider bite, showed up on his neck. But he diddnt even feel it happen. but now over the last two days the bump has gotten bigger and redder with a red ...

 got stung by a wasp sunday , still red & swollen?
i got stung sunday on my toe (the one next to my pinky toe) & its been red , swollen & itchy . its been 4 days . half my foot is also swollen & itchy & red . ive been putting ...

 Can someone tell me what kind of insect bite this may be?
i was laying on the floor and i felt something crawling on my back. as i was walking to the bathroom, i felt a stinging pain on my thighs, as i went to look i saw this bump was causing the pain. can ...

 Owww i just got stung by a yellow jacket help!?
What can i do to help the sting go away? i dont THINK im allergic to yellow jackets......i hope PPPPLLLLLLZZZZZZ help me!...

 need help identifying strange insect bite?
Three times now in a few days I've gotten the oddest insect bites--two on either side of my face, and one on my chest. My friend got one too on her neck. They all started out the same. Neither ...

 Euclyptus and other oils in eye?
I have this spray that contains Arnica oil, Rosemary Oil, Euclyptus oil that is made to relax/stop muscle pain. I was spraying it on the outside of my shoulder and i had my head turned to do this. L...

 Splinters vs. Neosporin?
I have heard that splinters will work their way out of your skin eventually if cleaned off and had neosporin put on them. 1. Is this true? 2. If you answered yes to number 1, how long will it take ...

 tick/spider bite what should i do?
I have this bite on my thigh that is 2.5 -3 inches in diameter. It is red, raised, bumpy, oozy and itchy. I have had it for three days now. It gets slightly worse each day. I don't have ...

 I got a bad sunburn on my legs and now my feet are swollen! help!?
I got a bad sunburn on my legs when I went to the beach. My feet are now swollen pretty bad, so bad I can hardly see a definition of my ankle bone. I have tried elevating my feet above heart level ...

 Poison Ivy, please help?
Is poison ivy a producer, consumer, or decomposer? Also, does it spread? How? Thanks <3...

 Band-Aid Anti-itch spray?
external analgesic cool relief on contact Din # 02244074 719491 56 ...

 how do you treat your arm when you throw it out?
I used to play baseball when i was younger and i pitched and never had a problem with my arm hurting me. I could throw it as hard as i could and it would still be okay. Now, which is about 6 years ...

 What is the best thing to put on a burn so that it can heal to it's fullest potential?
Hi I got burned by acid yesterday and it left the biggest, dark, purple mark on my skin. I am so sad and upset, what can I possibly put on it besides vitamin E and aloe to help it heal and go away? ...

 honeylocust tree thorn in knuckle?
Last night, while trimming a honeylocust tree, one of he thorns went into my knuckle, now it is swollen and very stiff and if I did not know better, I would think it was broken. Is there anything ...

 fee like something in my ear?
idk if theres somethin in my ear i feel like crawling but it always go then come back. and i been having sensations in my ear where it would feel like something is in my ear but now idk. it been 3 ...

 This guy had an ACCIDENT!!!!!!!!?
I know this is kinda gross, but I'm really interested. Last Sunday my friends and I came back from church and we saw this old man fall of his bike hitting his face on the concrete. We rushed to ...

 Piece of wood stuck in my hand for 10 years?
When I was in 3rd grade, I had a pretty big piece of wood stuck in the middle of my left hand ... The nurse tried to get it out but couldn't get all of it out, and I was, and still am, terrified ...

 My 2 year old son got a tick bite on the back of his neck. Should we go to the doctor?
There is a small bump that looks like a zit next to where the bite was. This was 2 weeks ago, approximately, and the tick wasn't attached for more than 2 hours. It may be until tomorrow that ...

 My finger kills!! please help!!?
ok so i was runnin when i bumped my toe nail on a piece of metal now its KILLING me i cant even sleep and ive got school tmrw? wht can i do? excuses for not going to shool? i can barely walk!!!...

have i got a trapped nerve in my feet/legs.... help please?
i been starting playing soccer these past 4 days and played non stop, and dont usaly play it. yesterday i keep getting shooting pain in my left foot/leg like every 10-15 mins or when i cough/sneeze or like move quick. now its moved to my right foot so its happening in both my feet and legs, also when i stand up, the bottom of my feet hurt badly. is this trapped nerves or more seriuos , btw im only 12 and scared. thanks

Don't be scared you are using muscles that you normally don't use and that is most likely where the pain Is coming from. Relax and the pain should dissipate In the next couple of days.

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