What is the best and cheapest way to treat a muscle aches in my thighs?

i started my first day of soccer conditioning.It'd been 2 days and my thighs hurt so bad it is hard to walk. i can walk but it hurts....

i started my first day of soccer conditioning.It'd been 2 days and my thighs hurt so bad it is hard to walk. i can walk but it hurts.

just me
try using mineral ice its like icy hot you can buy it from CVS

llama boy
tell ur boyfriend or husband to massage it

United We Stand
Try an epsom salt bath and take a multi-vitamin each day, like Centrum.

Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate) is a well known product used in bath salts for softening the skin and relaxing sore muscles. However, Epsom Salt also has a myriad of other cosmetic and medicinal uses. The Epsom Salt sold by Mountain Rose Herbs is of the highest therapeutic quality, and their coarse texture makes them easy to incorporate into baths and soaks.

Epsom Salt is mainly made up of magnesium and sulfates. Many modern diets are deficient in magnesium and sulfates, but they are important minerals. Increasing levels of magnesium may help to improve heart and circulatory health, flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, improve nerve function by regulating electrolytes, improve the body's ability to use insulin, raise the body's levels of serotonin which reduces stress and elevates the mood, improve sleep and concentration, regulate the body's enzymes, improve oxygen use, lower blood pressure, reduce muscle pain and inflammation, and help muscles and nerves to function properly. Sulfates are also necessary for good health. Sulfates are used by the body to flush out toxins, improve the absorption of nutrients, form joint proteins, brain tissue, and mucin protein, and to help prevent and ease migraine headaches.

The best news is that magnesium and sulfates are readily absorbed by the body externally. This means that soaking in a bath with Epsom Salt is not only enjoyable, but is also good for you!

Epsom Salt softens the skin, soothes aches, reduces swelling, inflammations, exfoliates the skin, removes odors, draws toxins from the body, sedates the nervous system, relaxes the muscles, provides relief from joint soreness and arthritic pain, and is a natural emollient. Unlike other salts, it does not leave the skin feeling dry. On the contrary, Epsom Salt leaves the skin with a soft and silky texture.

Add 2 cups of Epsom Salt to warm bathwater for a luxurious, relaxing, and soothing experience for the mind and body. While soaking, try massaging some of the salts over your skin, this will help to exfoliate and cleanse the skin. For sore feet, add ½ cup of Epsom Salt to a large pot of water. Essential oils, such as Lavender or Rosemary, may be added to enhance relaxation and medicinal effects. Epsom Salt can also be used in compresses to sooth bruises, sprains, insect bites, draw out splinters, and to alleviate muscle soreness. To make a compress, dissolve 2 cups of Epsom Salt in hot water, and use this mixture for your compress.

Do not use Epsom Salt internally, this product is intended for external use only.

Do not use in case of skin infection or external wounds.

Consult with a doctor before using if you have any medical conditions, are on medication, or are pregnant.

** Most drug stores sell it in convenient, consumer-sized packages. Look for it where you find aspirin, Tylenol or Ace bandages (because it's used as a treatment for muscle aches) or in the laxative section (magnesium sulfate is an effective, naturally occurring laxative).

** You could ask your doctor where to find it also.

* Icy Hot works too :)

Good luck.

As a former gymnast, I know your pain! The second & third days are always the worst!
Alternating between cold & heat compresses are your best bet. While you're probably going to want to take a break from exercising, don't. Working through it - perhaps not as hard - will help keep the muscles loose and alleviate the pain in the long run.
As time goes on, you won't be in that type of pain.

Treadmill, 30 min. a day.

"your soreness is your body repairing itsef. EAt good quaity nutrutious food and seep good. It wil hael

Sit in a Nice Hot bath, let the muscle's have time to relax !

Epsom Salt baths. You can buy it at the dollar store for a dollar a box.
I add 1 cup of salt to my hot bath as the water is running, soak until water has cool down. You can use this every day if necessary.

Soak in the bath tub with hot water and epsom salts. You can also make a compress wit hot water & epsom salts if you make apaste with it, put it on a towel and hold it where it hurts.

Karen M
ice them

Lora H
I would try streching out your thighs and soaking in a hot bath.

stephanie k
tiger balm

Ask your coach.

Stretches and a warm bath

Ice 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off

I know how u feel.What you should do is get some bengay.I sooths your muscles.I that doesn't work ,get your mom or dad or whoever to take some baby oil and massage your thighs.

Well Isuggest icepack or icey hot extra strenght an balm for sore
muscles in thighs from sport activties

Clockwork Grape
That's not a muscle "ache" - you're using muscles you don't usually use, which is causing them to release lactic acid, which builds up on muscles that aren't used very often - the first and second days are the worst, but if you need some a releif a warm bath and some tylenol. Make sure you warm up carefully before the next practice.

mick t
soak in a hot bath and then have your bf massage them

you can take a hot bath and massage some lotion in them to loosen up the muscles

Use a frozen blue ice pack, wrapped in a washcloth. Dampen the side you will put against your skin. This will stop the bleeding and numb the area for a while. You should only use this for 20 minutes at a time. You will be able to sleep through the night.

One thing you can do is take a hot bath.Make the water as hot as you can stand it.One more way you can soothe your aching muscles is when you put lotion on heat it in the microwave then put on your muscles. The reason why your muscles is because of a chemical in your body called lactic acid. It sits on your muscles after working out or whatever and it makes your muscles ache. Make sure you stretch before and after you work out ALWAYS!

Pauleen M
Ibuprofen. Generic brands are cheap at walmart.

Have your honey massage them for you.

HUSTLiN' Babii
iec it. then rest. it should go away within a day or so.

Stretch, soak in a hot tub or bath and keep working them... it'll pass.

M Double
get someone to give u a massage.

Do lots of stretching. Your aches are probably from using your muscles more than from getting hit or banged around in practice. Ice is good for physical injuries like that. But aches from working your muscles need to be stretched out. If its the upper part of your leg that hurts right now then work most on stretching that part out. Try standing and while keeping your legs straight reach down to touch your toes. Do this for 30-60sec then relax. Then stretch one leg at a time by pulling it up behind you so that your knee is bent and your foot touches your butt. That should work out your pain.

ah you need to sleep more, and drink lots of fluids

lie on the bed with feet facing the wall, then put your feet straight, and put them so they are going up the wall and angled at about 45 degrees, then rub the inflamed area downwards to help speed the removal of lactic acid

warm up a lot before activity

Eric H
try sitting in a hot-tub or take a nice, long, hot bath.

Harley Moma
Hot bath with epsoms salts. That should help you feel better.