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 Will it kill me?
I've taken a packet of paracetamol and two packets of ibuprofen. Is that enough to kill me? And how long will it take?
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 Smelly feet?
my feet smell bad only when i wear my Keds. Its gross! The socks dont help either. After i wear them, i wash my feet with soap, but the smell still lingers faintly. help? thanks! i dont want to ask ...

 What is it called when you pass out and your body goes crazy?
yesterday i got my wisdom teeth removed and i accident touched the spot with my finger and i passed out. and my mom said that i was slapping her leg and my legs were streching and kind of kicking. ...

 Omg... I CANT get sick...any tips on staying healthy?
So heres the thing, on friday, we get out for spring break, and i am going skiing (FOR THE FIRST TIME) from friday until thursday, and right now my mom ( who isnt goign) has a HORRIBLE stomach bug ...

 Can't stop the bleeding?
My brother's tooth just fell out. He's about twelve and he says that he just BARELY tapped at his tooth and it just fell out. Now it's about an hour later and it's STILL bleeding.....

 What's the best way to relax after a stressful day?
What do you find yourself doing to relax after the stresses of the day have worn you out? I find that reading a book really relaxes me. Or watching a good movie....

 Why do bellybuttons always smell bad?

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PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME STUPID ANSWERS LIKE: "Ew, you should go bathe!" "Go get a hobby and bathe ...

 HELP!What is the best way to prevent getting CAR SICK?
I am 18 years old,and this has never happened to me before.I have thrown up at least 4 different times in a car.I feel okay in the begining of a car ride, but then my stomach starts to hurt and I ...

 Why am I peeing in my sleep?
I peed in my sleep last night, this is the fifth time this year. I've never wet the bed while growing up, what could be wrong with me? (I haven't been drinking much alcohol, and a test for ...

 Does a blood test hurt? plz tell me, its my first blood test, nd m freaked out!! also, r der ne side effects?
i mean, wt r da things dat commonly go wrong in a blood test, lyk if da nedle gets stuck inside?!, for ...

Drugs Used to Treat HIV May Also Prevent it
For some time, scientists believed that the best method against AIDS is a vaccine, but, so far, all attempts to create one have failed. It seems that they have found something that was already on the pharmacies' shelves. Their hopes rely on a combination of two drugs which has shown promising results on monkeys, officials expanding tests on humans worldwide. 6 macaques received the drugs and then were infected with the virus. After 14 weeks, none of the monkeys became infected. "Seeing complete protection is very promising and something never before achieved in HIV prevention experiments," said Walid Heneine, a scientist working on the study. "This is the first thing I've seen at this point that I think really could have a prevention impact. If it works, it could be distributed quickly and could blunt the epidemic," said Thomas Folks, a scientist investigating the disease since it first appeared. 5 million people every year get infected, despite the condoms and counseling. The two drugs are Viread and Emtriva, sold in combination as Truvada by Gilead Sciences Inc., a Californian company also known for coming up with Tamiflu. The drugs simply keep the AIDS virus from reproducing, as opposed to the vaccines, which work through the immune system destroyed by HIV. Taking Truvada daily or weekly before being exposed to the virus can prevent the virus from taking over, just as malaria drugs taken in advanced fight off the disease when a person is bitten by an infected mosquito.

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