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 What r the prevension to avoid aids?

Where does it come from?...

 I think I have a cold?
I just got rid of a sore throat, but now my nose is stuffed up really bad. Any way to get rid of a stuffy nose? It's mostly my right nostril that's the most stuffiest; my left one's ...

 3 ways to prevent food poisoning?
what are 3 effective ways you would do ...

 How can I prevent the stomach flu? I'm really worried I'm going to catch it and get sick at school!?

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Serious, helpful answers are greatly appreciated
As always thanks for all your help!...

 Hi all i see my vigina is red & its itching since last 2 days?
i have a uncomfortable feeling in vigina.i dont know why.we r trying for baby.i am in middle of my month.i dont know what its .i have frequent urination.i had a urine/bladder infection a month back ....

 Is one who is infected with hepatitis-c required by law to disclose this information to their employer?

 What happens if i put salt on a mouth ulcer?

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[UPDATE] Well, it isn't that i don't know it hurts i just want to find out if its a good thing cause i ...

Anybody got the sickness bug? Luckily I haven't. Can you catch it by going on YA?...

 How can I heal/soothe a sore throat?
I had really bad strep throat earlier this week. I went to the doctor and have been on antibiotics since Monday. My throat is getting better. The swelling and intense pain is gone. However, I ...

High Amount of Coffee Does Not Harm the Heart
A new study found that, after all, drinking coffee for a long time does not increase the risk of heart disease. The study looked at 128,000 subjects, men and women, for as long as 20 years, and found no link between heart disease and a daily intake of 6 or more cups of coffee. Volunteers were asked to fill out questionnaires about their diet, exercise, other health habits, and to undergo regular physical exams. It was shown that heavy coffee drinkers tend to smoke and drink alcohol more than usually, things which do raise this risk. 30% of men, who drank 6 or more cups of coffee a day, were more likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and use aspirin, and were less likely to drink tea, exercise or take vitamin supplements. "We can't exclude the association between coffee consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease in small groups of people," said Rob van Dam, a research scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health and co-author of the study. The study does not show that coffee is safe for everyone. In March, a study showed that people with slow metabolism, if they drink more coffee, have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease that those with a fast one. "If you perceive unpleasant symptoms, such as difficulty falling to sleep when consuming caffeinated coffee, that means you drink too much," van Dam said. He also warned pregnant women to limit themselves to 3 cups of coffee a day, because "the child is very sensitive to caffeine."

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