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 Is it normal to have no feelings?
I feel as though you have no feelings for others like 75% of the time? I am feeling very lost and i dont know why.
Am i bi polar?
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and i dont have feelings for ...

 Should nurses put on gloves to take stiches out on a patient?

 Whats the best thing for a mosquito bite?
Having a few drinks in the garden last night and was bitten 3 times on the leg. I didn't feel it at the time but now leg swollen OUCH!! I've taken piriton but still driving me mad and its ...

 Are you a good eater?
do you eat right plz answer this question by saying never always sometimes maybe
thank you for you ...

 Really bad burn!!!?
I burned my hand today on a weld. and it's a Huge blister now how do i go about popping this thing what should I use?...

 Please help. Urgent response/s needed. What am I to do?
I am suspecting that my one-year-old son has diarrhea. He had been vomiting and having LBM (loose bowel movement), but I also noticed that his gums are swollen. Could it be the reson why he was sick? ...

 What's ICU?

 What romoves super glue from fingers?

 Have you ever stapled yourself?
And what happened and why did you do it?...

 My Mom Is Taking Me To The Doctor Tomorrow To Get Shots! 3!!! Help or Advice please?
Please give me some tips/advice or help! I can't calm down when I get them! It hurts soooooooo bad. I usually end up having about 3 nurses hold me down! x______x

Give me some tips to ...

Common Spices Can Stop Cancer
Ginger can kill ovarian cancer cells and hot peppers can shrink pancreatic tumors, researchers stated in a conference on Tuesday. The studies add some considerable evidence to the fact that some "popular spices" can slow down and even prevent the growth of cancer. The team of researchers from the University of Michigan dissolved ginger powder and applied it onto ovarian cancer cells in a laboratory. The spice caused apoptosis - "cell's suicide", and autophagy - "cells digesting or attacking themselves". Ginger has also been shown to prevent inflammation which otherwise would contribute to the development of ovarian cancer cells. "Most ovarian cancer patients develop recurrent disease that eventually becomes resistant to standard chemotherapy, which is associated with resistance to apoptosis. If ginger can cause autophagic cell death in addition to apoptosis, it may circumvent resistance to conventional chemotherapy," study author Dr. J. Rebecca Liu.According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer kills 16,000 women from 22,000 diagnosed annually in the U.S. Also, it was previously shown by a team of researchers from the University of Pittsburgh that capsaicin, the ingredient in peppers which makes them hot, caused apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. Pancreatic cancer is fatal, killing 31,000 from 32,000 individuals who will be diagnosed this year. Still, most of the experiments were conducted on mice, so experts warn that many compounds shown to stop cancer in the case of mice, are not nearly as effective in the case of human cancer patients.

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