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 PLease answer if u r Dr or Nurse- Can I heal myself from this?
They told me 1 months ago I needed blood transfusions- my Personal reasons don't allow it. It was 5.9 hemoglobin.I refused to go to hospital. I changed my diet and took Iron faithfully- could I ...

 should someone who is paralyzed smoke?
should a person with major nerve damage from spinal chord injury smoke cigarettes i am paralyzed and my nerves are real bad i take alot of meds for it can smoking make the nervous system go hay ...

 i suddenly puke in the morning.. am i having some sort of eating disorder?
Well, it started when i was around 14. Every time i brushed my teeth i puked after or sometimes while I'm brushing my teeth. Also, around this time, i starved myself since my allowance was not ...

 why some time i am shivering specialy my left leg,some area of stomach and left shoulder?
that is not from any fear and i am not having any pain ? what is that how to over come ...

 ssdi cdr coming up and sinced i moved i havent been to a doctor?
i am 25 yr old on ssdi because i spent ten years in a mental institution and cannot handle being in public. I moved to a differnt state and over a year ago and have not been able to get help. its a ...

 My sisters Eyes are burning?
My little sister was in the car and she started saying her eyes were burning when the lights were open she kept touching her eyes and we figured out the glowstick my cousin gave her was ripped and ...

 is meth and methadone the same thing?

 Small Hard lymph node under jaw?
I realized I had a bump under my jaw near my ear. Its hard and I can't move it around and its painless. I was thinking its due to my body fighting something. After thinking about if I haven�...

 Sudden partial blurred vision - why?
I was reading and suddenly I had blurred vision in part of my vision field. It moved with my eyes like as if i had stared at a light (I hadn't, and it wasn't the same). It was almost like ...

 Could I have Fatal Familial Insomnia OR Sporadic Fatal Insomnia?
I'm a 17 year old male and have been suffering from sudden onset insomnia for about a month now....

 what's that disease where somebody can't stop eating metal?

 a disease that affects the forming of the skull on an unborn baby?
Im pretty sure its anna something but my nephews baby just died at birth and was diagnosed with this into the 4th month of pregnancy they said the baby had no skull from about the top of her head to ...

 How long does it take for milk of magnesia to work (mom)?
How long does it take for milk of magnesia to start taking affect & working? It's been 8 hours& nothing so far. I HAD to take MOM because my stool was too hard to come out. I have the ...

 What is this lump on the back of my head?
Hi, ive just found a lump on the back of my head and i have just been thinking about it and i remember that just recently i have been getting quite a few headaches :( Could this be anything bad do ...

 how to cure Hemorrhoid?
im a 15 year old male and i dont want to tell my parents. if i tell my mom she would just let the whole world know.my cousins dog had hemorrhoid but it was gay. but im not and never ben . so it there ...

 What Medicatications are Good for Chronic Fatigue?
Hi, does anyone know of a medication that helps Chronic Fatigue? My friend battles with great fatigue on a daily basis and has tried herbs, but is now looking for a medication. Does anyone have C...

 Scoliosis treatment question?
I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 10 yrs old and I had about a 15 degree curve at the time. We only knew I had it because that was the first time I had an x-ray, so technically I probably had ...

 How do you get laryngitis (what causes it)?
okay im not trying on purpose to get it i hve to do a report on it and i have to include how to catch ...

 Can anxiety or nervousness cause frequent urination?
I am a 44 year old male. I am in excellent health but due at times have frequent urination issues. I used to swim but had to discontinue because this activity stimulated it. It does not hurt or sting ...

 I'm on 25 Mg's of Zoloft but it was not helping i increased to 50 and it helped for a few days?
I have been on 25 mg's for about 2 months not and for a month I felt better, I have now upped my dosage to 50 mg's and for the first 3 days it was the best I have felt in years. after ...

Katie Mitchell
Sleepy time for us all?
what do you think is a good time to go to bed when you have to get up at 6am? foes the whole he's thing work to keep you awake or does more sleep help?

i find it the best to go to bed at 10:30 because im not too tired but im not extremely awake. This means tons of energy for the next day :D

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