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 Why do symptoms of the common cold seem to get worse at night?

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stephanie b
Snorers, how do you put up with them?
I mean, how do you sleep or cope with them at night with those who sleep in the same room as you, snoring really badly..!!

ear plugs

My ex snored really badly, even earplugs didn't work so I told him if he didn't do something about it I was moving into the spare room. Of course he denied he snored and was convinced I wouldn't sleep in another room. I did move into another room, he got the right hump and eventually did something about the snoring. Unfortunately for him I liked having a huge bed all to myself and stayed there.(only to sleep of course)

jeanette b
lol, i know wot you mean, my partner snores really bad if its the same with you you can buy ear plugs or go to the GP, there is loads of things that can help. x

There is nothing wrong with sleeping in different rooms. Sometimes is probably better than all the time, but it depend s on how much you value your marriage.

I've known of people who have nearly been driven to divorce because of lack of sleep due to snoring.

Mary G
seperate bedrooms. It's the only thing that works for me.

Terraplane Blues
I don't. I sleep in the spare room!

you start snoring too

My fella use those nose strips and they do work alittle, he doesn't snore half as bad as he did. Another trick is to drink a bottle wine before bed then I don't hear him !!

ear plugs

There is a mouth shield you can get fitted at the dentist. What it does is it pushes the bottom jaw slightly forward opening your airway and it works, they still breathe heavy but no snoring,,it cost around £100, ask about it with your dentist.... They had a write up about it in the paper not long ago. It's worth it for a good nights sleep

kaye t
I punch him in the arm, then pretend to be asleep really fast!!

Or I try getting to sleep before he does.

I hate that, its the most annoying thing in the world! I always try to get 2 sleep first, if this fails give ur partner sharp nudges 2 the stomach/groin area this should shut him up!!
If that fails hold his nose 4 a couple of seconds, the lack of air will cause him 2 wake up slightly and he will stop snoring..............................for a while that is! Hope this helps

Swm 39 4 Younger Swf Forever

My husband and I both snore really really badly. Try breath rite strips. We wake each other up and everything with our snoring. These help my husband but not me so they don't work for everyone.

yah well i can't rele say that i know....but i would definitly buy some kind of ear plugs, medicine to help you sleep, or anything else you can think of to help you get through the nite. hope it helped a bit!

I couldn't put up with that as I am a really light sleeper. They would have to sleep in another room really far away.

His snoring wasnt an issue it was his lazy fat ways the woe is me's the bulling everyone i couldnt cope with.So i dont anymore peaceful nights is just the added bonus lol

She knees me in the groin and then pretends to be asleep.

Laughing Out Loud

I always make sure I fall asleep first before my husband - then it only bothers me if I wake up in the middle of the night! A quick dig in the ribs makes him wake up then I can go back to sleep!

Patricia S
Snoring is one of the major symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. He needs to see a doctor and get a sleep test (polysomnogram) to see if he needs a CPAP machine to sleep with at night. A CPAP machine is a small quiet machine that sits by the side of the bed and emits air at a pressure (while he wears a mask) designed to keep his air ways open and his oxygen levels up. His snoring is actually a serious health concern and should be looked into right away. Sleep apnea is a major contributor to heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and myriad other health related issues.

bratty brat
My spouse snores terribly. I found that the cheap earplugs from Walmart/walgreens etc.. work alright. I wasn't able to get a good nites rest unless I fell asleep first. So went to the store and got the soft sponge like earplugs and now that helps to lessen to snoring noises some. Its not a cure all but it helps some.

I shake him awake and tell him to turn to his side. He is AWFUL when he sleeps on his back!

The first thing you do is get them to the doctor to rule out a medical cause for snoring. Many times it is a medical problem that can be helped. Why are people so hestitant to go get snoring checked out at the docs office? Anyway if the doc rules out any medical cause for the snoring he will be able to tell the person how to treat it.

Jeez it drives me mad - he wakes me up constantly with his snoring. I give him a good dig in the ribs or pinch his nostrils together. I have tried all the so called remedies from the shelf please someone find a cure!!

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