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 How does smoking affect the enviroment?
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 I was wondering why I felt this feeling of having trouble breathing...?
I was wondering what this feeling is called. This entire week I've been feeling like I can't breathe. I have to take huge gasps of air to breathe all the time. My chest also feels tight ...

 Can you take two different antibiotics at the same time?
I have been taking amoxicillin 500 mg for several days. This morning I took two trying to avoid the doctors office. I went to the doctor today and was diagnosed with Bronchitis and was prescribed C...

 I seem to have chronic bad breath - comes from my chest/stomach area i think-suggestions?

 My son 7 complain of chest pain, is this possible?
could it be something serious or just heartburn..he said it in the middle of his chest....

 I have white chunks at the back of my throat.?
My doctor told me I am prone to tonsillitis a few years ago, and they are always swollen. Lately there have been white chunks growing inside them. It's like hard, and smells absolutely terrible. ...

 What is the health risk of mold from water leaks in a house?

 What does passive smoking mean?
What does passive smoking mean?
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Im getting different answers... which one is right?!?!...

 Why does he kept on looking at my chest?

 Is there any one who could tell me where in China a heat transplant is carried out?
i would aprreciate it , if you know an address of e-mail or website ....

 Please help!! Sore throat :(?
I woke up this morning with an awful sore throat! :(
I have plans for the whole weekend & I don't want to be feeling like this! Does anyone know anything that will help me quickly?!

 Gerd what can i do?

 Does anyone use Nyquil Medicine to just sleep?
Does anyone know anyone who uses Nyquil Medicine to just sleep? And if they do, is it harmful? and also, if its ok to just use it to use it to sleep for just 5 hrs?...

 Will moving to the seaside sort out my constant mucus hacking?
I don't smoke, eat healthily, not much dairy, exercise regularly, etc. But over the last few years I have to hack up mucus every few hours. The mornings are worst and I find my self wretching ...

 A bit of red or blood phlegm in throat cough, itzit normal?
i been coughing very badly for the past few days.. itzit cancer??...

 How does a asthma attack happen?
reason im asking is im doing a play for school to raise awarness of childrens diseases and to educate people on how to handle them and my character has a asthma attack and i dont have asthma so i ...

 Anyone around who knows about asthma???
hi guys.....

doctors always prescribing me salbutomol inhalers were u have to press done to get the mist however when im in a coughing fit its quite hard to get relief.....has any asthma ...

 How can we cure asthma? if it happens to kids. What is immediate releif for it is allopathay is best for it.?

 What are the symptoms of pneumonia?
my 10 yr old complains of tight chest and was sleeping all day yesterday threw up yesterday 3 times and is having trouble at times moving around
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he had a lowgrade ...

 What is pleurisy?

My nose is so stuffed up! what can I do?

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dammit. I just used my last tissue.

it probably isnt *snot* thats clogging your nose up itll be the vessels in side of it that are swolen due to a cold, allergy etc.. you can buy cheap de-congstion medication which work, olbas oil works well aswell.. thats what i use in heyfever season and a works for me.. hope this helps

Adam C
Go to your local drug store and purchase nasal spray! Works like a charm!

4rth answer has pretty much everything to do except, buy airborne to get rid of the cold sooner, buy some of those tablets you put in the shower that emit vapor to unclog your nose if you can, and if you can't take a shower *ahem ahem* drink lots of tea, cocoa, and soup

breathe-right strips

vicks humidifiers work real good. sleep with it through the nite and when you wake up the next morning you wont be congested no more

amazingly intelligent
Don't overdose on antihistamines and decongestants. If you take them more frequently than recommended you get what is called a "rebound effect." In short, more stuffiness!

You run some water until it is really hot and then plug up the face basin in your bathroom. Put a bath towel over your head and lean over the basin. Don't get so close you burn yourself. Breathe normally. The steam will give you some relief. You can repeat as often as you wish. The steam will also cleanse your pores in your face, so that's an added benefit.
You can also use some saline spray. Avoid humidifiers as no one can keep them clean enough to not breed bacteria.
If you are brave enough you can get a Netti Pot from most drug stores. They have directions on how to mix and pour a saline solution from the pot up one nostril and out the other to clean the sinuses. You couldn't give me a million dollars to do it, but my allergist claims it works.
Hope you feel better. Try the steam.

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