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 Why cant you smoke in a hospital?
can you not smoke in a hospital because youll blow something up or just because they say you cant for the other patients?
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 Why do symptoms of the common cold seem to get worse at night?

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This question may go to vote because i have a lot of very good

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I have a soar throat?
I have had it for one week now...when should I seek medical help, if at all? I can't stop coughing all night, I wake up coughing at 3am and at 7am coughing and spluttering, when I finally manage to stop I cough every 5 seconds (litterally) I have given up on those stupid cough medicines, they DO NOT work so please don't advise them.

Please help!

Jean K
give your doc's office a call, especially since it's affecting your sleep. I'm sure they'll want to see you to rule out any pulmonary issues....

Drink a lot of water; your throat is irritated by the constant cough, which only make it worst. Use slightly lower room temperature water and while you are "drinking" feel the water cool down your throat. Usually cough medicines help phlegm get out, but does nothing to your irritated throat.

PD. if this is the problem, this will reduce the cough almost immediately.

Ken C
you sure know your stuff ms smart nurse!

Chihuahuas Rule!!!!!!!!
well as far as the coughing goes I don't know but for a soar throat you are supposed to not clear your throat but drink some water and while doing this put your head down kind of to your chin saw it in a magazine but i don't know if I'm explaining it right


try going to the doctor's.. or local pharmacists so that they know what to actually give you for medicine and they can make sure if you are doing/ taking the right medicine or not. :]

gargle with hydrogen peroxide, then drink hot tea with honey and lemon

if you really do feel that sick , i suggest going to a doctor. now! if you dont do anything, it could get even worse and turn into something evemore painful.

I don't know much about soar throats but I think you should go on a doctor's appointment, because doctors know more about soar throats and more.

Go see a doctor now. it may not be super serious but you might at least get a diagnosis and perscription. that way you can try to end it. what i find helps when i have a soar throat is drinking warm soup. it really sooths it...but thats only temporary so really see a doctor soon...good luck

Go to the doctors. You might have bronchitis. You might even have strep throat in which you are going to need antibiotics.

Typically, if your cough medicine does not stop it after a week then you clearly do not have a common cold. It would be in your best interest to check this out before it gets worse or you spread it.

try gargling with listerine or any other mouth wash..but make sure it goes all d way till ur throat..but make sure you dont swallow it..it helps..much better than gargling with salt water..at 1st, it'll burn, but it'll definitely feel better later..

go to the doc, u have an infection

I use this on my 10 month old and my husband and I. We rub vick's vapor rub on the bottom of our feet right before bedtime with socks of course and believe it or not, it really helps. I know lots of people who do it and it seems to work very well.
This is all for the cough, that is until you can get to the Doc.

I'd listen to the smart nurse if I were you :)

deborah m
your throat is probably sore from all the coughing to soothe the cough any OTC remedy should work or ask your pharmacist for an opinion. Gargle with some warm salt water for the throat. You may want to consider sleeping in a recliner type chair so you won't cough as much until you can get into to see your DR.

Most doctors recommend seeing a doctor if you are not getting better within 4-6 days.

In most places, if can get an appointment at a regular doctor's office during the day it is much cheaper and easier than ending up having to go to an after-hours clinic or acute care center. (I say this because most people don't think of it until the misery of trying to sleep hits.)

Good luck.

Brett K
I would say gargle with salt water first, before vodka...though it sounds like it's pretty bad, so you may want to make a trip to see the doctor.

try gargelling some vodka

Go for the honey! Take 2 tablespoons and you'll see how fast it works.

um gargle some warm salt water i think you should go to the doctor this weak and drink lots of water =]]

Having a sore throat for a week can't be a good sign.You should probably go see a doctor because it could be strep or something serious--especially if you've had a fever.

Hard candy works wonders. Just keep a piece of candy in your mouth letting it slowly desolve down your throat. Continue that all day. A pharmacist told me that, and it works for me. Doesn't even have to be a cough drop.
I hope it works for you.
Oh, another thing. If you smoke, you would be doing yourself a great favor if you quit.

You may need to get a cough syrup from the doc that has a little codeine in it to suppress the cough and allow you to rest. My husband had to do that last year and it helped tremendously....just make sure you can sleep a couple extra hours to allow some extra time for the codeine to wear off....makes you sleepy....I think my husband liked it too much...LOL!!!

when i have soar throat i use vikcs, do steam,and there is a local tablet known as sualin its very good. keep urself warm

get well soon

Michael L
After a week of being sick and not improving, you should see a doctor. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Gargle with salt water. gargling with salt water has a cleansing action. If you are suffering from postnasal drainage due to a bacterial sinus infection or allergies, the mucus which drains from your nasal cavity is full of chemicals that tend to promote an inflammatory response. As this stuff drains down the back of your throat, it leaves a trail of inflamed tissues in its wake. Frequent gargling with salt water will help minimize this problem.

pamela d
take some cough medicine then

Smart Nurse
Long but well worth the reading.

Make the connection!

I am a nurse with over 25 years experience in this area and I have seen a lot of people with various illnesses caused from chemicals and fragranced products as well as VOC’s in their homes, schools and workplace. This problem is growing as more and more chemicals are being introduced into the market and used on a daily basis.

We are now seeing more and more children and adults with Chronic Headaches, Migraines, Asthma, Allergies, Hives, Eczema, sinus / respiratory illnesses and Hormone related disorders. I can not emphasize how important it is to educate yourself about MCS (do a websearch for MCS) and the harm you may be doing to your health by using chemicals and fragranced products.

If you or a loved one suffers from Asthma, Allergies, Autism, chronic headaches, reproductive problems, Migraines, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus or Fibromyalgia, you need to read further and learn about the signs and symptoms of MCS - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

Most doctors will not inform you about this because patients as a whole like to walk out of a doctors office with a prescription for some magical medicine and they do not want to be told that their expensive new perfume or newly installed carpet may be the culprit. So, the doctor will give you medications and many of these meds either do not work or cause other health problems.

Chemicals and fragranced products are often the root of all evil when it comes to your health. Many of the below mentioned items are common triggers to sinus, asthma, itching, headaches, Migraines and allergy problems amongst other health issues. Get rid of them and your lungs will thank you and you will breathe easier.

And, it is not only personal body or cleaning products causing havoc on your health….many people become ill after wearing brand new clothing, dry-cleaned clothes, installing new carpet, painting, buying a new mattress or after home renovations because of the Flame Retardants, Benzenes, Formaldehydes, etc. used in these products. So the answer is NO, you are not imagining that 2 weeks after your home, office or classroom got renovated you started to become ill, get dizzy or have headaches. This is happening more and more these days and adults as well as children are becoming sicker and sicker.

Unfortunately, too many doctors compound the problem by prescribing chemical medications to try to alleviate the symptoms of an already chemical overloaded body and they rarely tell the patient to eliminate the chemical offenders. How many times have I seen people in the grocery store with Bounce, Glade Plug-Ins and Febreeze in their shopping cart along with a bottle of Benadryl , Migraine Excedrin and a box of Allergy Tablets ? Why don’t they make the connection?

Keep in mind that your skin is the largest organ of your body and what you put on your skin gets absorbed into your body. Then ... well... then it has to be filtered by your organs which are already working real hard.

BIG NO-NO’s ---- I would SERIOUSLY recommend removing all of the below from your living / working area.

No Bounce or dryer sheets - these are VERY toxic
No Febreeze - your pets will even thank you for this
No Glade Plug-ins - VERY toxic
No Scented candles
No Scented Dish Detergents
No Fragranced Products on Body, Hair or Clothing
No Smoke
No Newspapers and Magazines - The ink is a huge irritant.
No Dander
No Sprays
No Sharpies (marker pens)
New Cartpeting, mattresses, paint, contain toxins that can trigger severe respiratory disorders as well as headaches and Asthma flare-ups.

And remember, it is NOT the smell it is the Chemicals that make up the smell. So, even if something is "Fragrance Free" these products often mask the smell with another chemical ! There are plenty of safe healthy products out there that work well and do not have added chemical fragrances. Look on MCS sites if you need help finding them.

More and more workplaces & schools are creating “Fragrance Free Zones�… why do you think this is? Make the connection, your lungs , immune system and your general health will thank you.

Click the link in the resource box below for more information about how fragrances make us sick.

1) Gargle. Use mouthwash or salty water or diet coke or coffee; just gargle.

2) Use a cheap and simple antihistimine. You don't need a remedy that includes headache, fever, sleep, etc.

3) When your body produces less mucous, you won't need to cough to move the mucous out of the wind pipe into your stomach.

If you produce mucous, you MUST COUGH or your lungs won't get air.

4) You can use a menthol throat spray for the pain but keeping the throat moistened by gargling will make a huge difference.

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