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 Anyone who has asthma?
i've never been diagnosed with asthma, but i think i may have developed it. if you have it, please tell me some of your symptoms so I can figure out if mine are similar. thanks!...

 Smoking Pot?
Hi im 16 and i had a bad experience about 3 years ago smoking pot. I freaked out and thought i was going to die when i was high for the firdst time. i havent smoked since. do you think i should try ...

 What does it mean when you use the bathroom and it burns when you pee and sometimes bleed?
burns and bleed when you ...

 Aside from smoking,what habit do u hate?

 How do you prevent getting colds and coughs?

 Homework help ! right answer eartn 10 pts !?
Sysmptoms of arrhythmia are

a - vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness

b - fatigue. dizziness, lightheadness, faiting

c - palpitation, accelerated, puse, vomiting

d ...

 Please don't die?

 Smoke Smell In Car?
I smoked in my car earlier this morning and I just found out that I have to take my mom somewhere tomorrow. What can I do to prevent her from finding out that I was smoking in my car? Will the smell ...

 How do I deal with sinus headaches?
Lately, I would wake up with sinus headaches and pressure around the eyes and cheeks in the morning. Then sometimes I'll sneeze a lot lately and get a funny feeling in my throat and I'll ...

 Help! My famiy has a cold or flu (IDK), and I can't catch it or else I'll have to go to the hospital. How do
you keep from catching someone elses cold?

I have asthma and everytime i catch a cold/flu, i end up staying in the hospital for 3-4 days.......

 I have a soar throat?
I have had it for one week now...when should I seek medical help, if at all? I can't stop coughing all night, I wake up coughing at 3am and at 7am coughing and spluttering, when I finally manage ...

 Smoking marijuana?
hey, about 2 weeks ago I have smoked as I do everyday and about 30 minutes later I had this terrible pain in my chest. I cudn't breath and it started to get worse. so i got outside to get some ...

 People smoke next door and it's affecting my breathing?
i live in an apartment complex that isn't non-smoking, but the person next door, i can smell the smoke in my kitchen, and this crap is bothering my breathing to the point where its affecting my ...

 Snorers, how do you put up with them?
I mean, how do you sleep or cope with them at night with those who sleep in the same room as you, snoring really badly..!!...

 14 hour car ride with to smokers!!?!?!?
i have major athsma and allergic to ...

 Cough question?
Okay so about a week ago I had the flu. runny nose, core thorat, the works. So now my nose is still stuffy and I seem to only cough like crazy at night. During th day i dont cough nearly as much but ...

 Why won't this cough go away?
had a cough for a while now and starting to get worried about it symptoms are i'm coughing up greeny/white phlegm in the morning,but during the day i am fine no coughing then at night it seems ...

 I have chronic asthma. My co-worker loves to wear perfume & scented lotions. How do I ask her to stop?
She knows this agravates my asthma & seems concerned when I have my attacks (which are getting progressively worse) but doesn't understand perfumed air fresheners are the same as perfumes. H...

 What r some ways to stop smoking?

 Waking up with dry/sore throat and stuffy nose?
so it really only seems to happen during the winter or cooler months.

but every morning i wake up with this dryish-sore throat, and my nose is stuffy, and it feels like i have something ...

I am 13 years old and i smoke. I know i need to quit! is nasty. but i dot know how to stop.i need help!?

throw away your cigarettes and keep away from any other people who smoke. Or use nicotine gum or whatever if you are that addicted.

Go to a Doctor and explain your situation and see if he/she will prescibe you Wellbutrin.. I know a lot of people who have been successfully able to quit smoking by using Wellbutrin,,,Good luck!!! and please quit now because it will be even harder when your older and have been smoking for 20-30 years... quit now while your young and never start again.. Good luck...
and to the idiot who said "it will take 40 years to get lung Cancer" 40 years will go by quicker then you realize....

bored as anything
ahh sweetie. dont smoke. i know you probably hear that alot.

1. just take it one day at a time, if you feel the erge to smoke try doing something fun, mini golf, bowling, all that good stuff.

2. tell yourself '' i wont smoke today and dont look at tommorow or 3 days from now just focus on today.

3. dont say okay i didnt smoke today so i can smoke tommorow. just remember for a reward dont pick up a cigarette have an extra slice of cake =]

and the rest read off this http://www.quitsmoking.com/tips.htm

It's Just Me.
uh wtf? how do you get the cigarettes? do any of your parents smoke? and u need to reserch. :]

try the gum or the patch.. oh and my teacher said the way she quit.. when she craved a cig.. she would think of the nastiest thing that can go in her mouth.. hers was when ppl chew tobacco and then the spit it in a bottle and it looks all brown and nasty.. (i used to go to a school with a lot of rednecks)

Matt H
i used to smoke so i know how hard it is to quit. There are two types of addictions - nicotine and oral. Nicotine is obviously the actual chemical addiction and oral is the act of having something to smoke. If nicotine is the problem i would suggest trying the gum or patch or maybe even cold turkey. nothing much else you can do. But if it's the oral addiction (which i had) try to use something else instead of a cigarette such as a lollipop or a toothpick instead. after a while you won't even need those anymore. Take it from a guy who's been there, it's not goin to be easy but you can do it if you really want.

Alex H
Is it me ? or are more women being stupid this century ?

See if you can go to the store and get some nicotine patches or you can quit cold turkey.

Go on Google and see images of diseased lungs from smoking. I'm sure you will get disgusted at looking at those and maybe you will quit immediately.

I wish you luck!

to help my cousin quit i sent her pictures of lungs that smoke and lungs that dont and she saw the difference then i sent her all the things that could happen to her and how much longer she might live without cigarettes. she quit a month after i showed her.


Ariel G.
wow easy
step.1 put the cigarette down

step 2 leave it

step 3 walk away!!!

step 4 do you want to have half of your face removed>?

when you feel you want to smoking why don't you chew something like chewing gum.....

ask your family or your guardian for help and they can help you get on a program fro quitting smoking. you could also try reducing the amount of cigarettes you smoke per week till you dont need it anymore. try nicotine gums with it as well while youre at it

Mr. ??????
stop smoking lil kid, not good for you
just get a treatment from your doctor

Joe E
you are very young it will be easyier for you to stop than an adult. quit cold turkey. i did it after 10 years of smoking you can do it too.

♥kRiStYnS goNnA ♥ bE @ FrE$hM@n♥
shame shame tisk tisk....
do ur parents know?
go to the doctor...
plz stop for you, and our kids future....
its called 2nd hand smoke...

wow just don't hang around those people who smoke

Just Wondering
YOu need to just have self control. THrow away your cigs and don't get more. It is much easier for you to quit now before you are old enough to buy them on your own. You are right it IS gross!! BLEH!

how tha fuks u gettin em???
howeva u getin um must b sum hastle 4 u so jus stop.

ummm dont hang around the people who do and throw all of the out and dont accept any

*S@R@* =]
just stay away from them

James A
Just remember how unattractive it is for girls to smoke:)

well first. you put down the cigarette. then, you dont pick it back up.

You still have time to quit because if you wait longer, the harder it will be and that will reduce your life expectancy.

Go to a counselor at school or tell your parents. Trust me, you don't want to keep your smoking a secret or you'll never stop. Tell somebody so they can help. It's easier that way. Good luck.

Ryan W
Dont do it

tricia w
what adult has been buying you cigarettes. they need to be put in jail.

pearl x)
OMG ur 13 and u smoke ahah sad...

You stop by getting MORE parental supervision!!!

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