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 Ok Tobacco help!!!!?
So i am not of age to smoke tobacco, but I smoke out of a tobacco pipe, I also play soccer (and soccer is a rough sport on your respiratory system) I perform strenuous exercise daily and I mean ...

 I Have Not Smoke In 62 Days Ain't Life Grand?
I am so proud of myself for not smoking after 25 years, and just wanted to share it with some people I know. I hope I have others out there who has given up smoking, and feeling good about it. T...

 Lung Problems?
Hello. My sister in Tennessee called me today to tell me about my dad ( I live in Florida ) She said he doesnt look or sound good and that he seems to be hiding something from her and that he asked ...

 Any body know a quick relief for a Urinary Tract Infection?
My doctor's appointment isnt until tomorrow afternoon, and I really need realief, anybody know of anything??...

 I have a dry cough?
what is the better medicine for it? ambroxol hydrochloride or salbutamol + guaifenesin? ...

 I had an asthma attack. Dr. gave me steroid shot and prescibed prednisone pills for 10 days. Is this okay?
Never had an asthma attack before. Already taking Claritin D and Nasarel. Dr. said this is okay. I have been sick with terrible nasal congestion for one month and coughing for two weeks and ...

 I have asthma.How can i do different activities without always taking my inhaler every minute?

Jessica G
Help with a question about Smoking.?
I would like to know what a "Jay" is, my friend told me he got kicked out of school for smoking a Jay so..
What is it..??

Bad stuff, stay away from J!!!!

J. Luke
A joint. He smoked marijuana.

"J" for "joint", he was smoking marijuana

J is Pot or Marijuana.

Its short for "Joint"

Hat Trick - Agnostic Missionary
aka budda, buds, pot, weed, mary jane, sensamilia, herb, marijuana.

"jay" is also known as a "mary Jane" it's marijuana

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