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Ayy A
Help My Voice,10 points?
hello people

my voice is coming to low and hard to be heared why is that?

yes it couled be something really serious or not but just for safty
s see your GP asap

Hmm....larynxgitis? it's a state of being where your voice box weakens, i've had it a couple times...i suggest you see a doctor...

go to the doctor ; it could a serious problem.

jd ma
Try this: resources.alibaba.com/topic/42901/Help_I...

maybe you talk too much or you are whispering

Probably laryngitis, which is usually caused by a respiratory virus.
The most you can do is rest your voice and drink warm, soothing liquids like tea and broth. I find adding some acids like lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the drink helps get rid of whatever's coating my throat, too.

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